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Everything posted by icanthearyou

  1. Perhaps you should give some thought to why you would prefer the "biblical" influences over the words of Jesus. Can you reconcile the God of the Old Testament to Jesus? Did God change or, does the human understanding of God continually change as we understand ourselves.
  2. Some people cannot separate god from religion. They cannot separate following Jesus from, being "christian". Religions are man made. Religions have their own agendas. Christianity has deviated from the message of Jesus.
  3. The second half play calling was absolute garbage.
  4. I never said they were without any blame. That would be foolish. I think you are ignoring our acts of hostility and "terrorism" against them. You promote peace through diplomacy and, by toning down the arrogant, aggressive rhetoric.
  5. Okay. The news will take decades to produce. BREAKING NEWS,,, war breaks out in the Gulf of Tonkin. The research has now been done,,, the facts just came in. WE need to be more skeptical. WE need to discern,,, basic information, bias, propaganda. It is not that difficult if,,, you are not committed to believing what you want to believe. WE need to ground what we believe in current information, history, practical logic, principles,,, not emotion, bias, conditioning.
  6. I generally agree. However, this plays into the hands of the powerful. The "costs"/consequences are vastly different between disagreement with the powerless versus, disagreement with the powerful. In a highly unequal society,,, the sentiment is almost meaningless. Freedom without relative equality is nothing but an illusion.
  7. Israel has been trying to get us into a war with Iran for over a decade. If we allow that to happen, we are fools. We should stop playing into the rhetoric of war and, promote peace.
  8. In a "cut throat", all about me, all about now, all about wealth and power, society,,, sociopaths and useful idiots will flourish. As a society, we lack a sense of humanity. We lack basic principles. It starts at the top.
  9. That is an incorrect assumption. It's much bigger than hypocrisy. It's more about losing god in your "religion".
  10. Correct. Being a "christian" and, being a follower of Jesus are often two different things. Just want you to be aware of the distinction.
  11. In the end though, at least for the politicians, it's more about money. Everyone is free to buy our politicians, even foreign governments.
  12. I doubt it would take giving in on every grievance. There are two sides. Therefore, there must be give and take.
  13. So all we really need is a highly mobile, Heisman trophy level QB (Cam Newtons are easy to find). You and Gus are correct. the OL doesn't matter. It's all about the skill players.
  14. I agree. I also believe you have to acknowledge the fact that for 20 years Israel has blocked the "two state solution" and expanded it's settlements. So now you denigrate Iran for praying to another god? This is my real fear. Israel has been trying to draw us into conflict with Iran for over a decade. I believe that is unnecessary and, the human costs would be unacceptable. Most of what you have criticized Iran for is strictly propaganda. Iran helped defeat ISIS. That alone says that peace is possible. Your final statement is built on propaganda, irrational fear, prejudice. The people of Iran have bad government. Then again,,, so do we. Outside of the U.S., Canada, UK, and Israel, we are considered a threat to world peace. It's very easy, very convenient to ignore your own sins in the effort to demonize others. Then again, that i what propaganda is all about. I agree. We strongly disagree.
  15. Quarterbacks who do not feel any sense of security often make bad throws. And,,, when nothing else works, QBs often try to make plays (throws) that they should not. So,,, logically, I can. The OL problem has been glaring now for eight seasons. It has to get fixed. You MUST have some control over the line of scrimmage.
  16. The Republicans cannot "govern" themselves. They are experts at governing the country. Therefore,,, for the good of the country,,, Democrats should vote for a Republican. Now let's all get behind Jordan and Trump,,, for the country. USA, USA, USA. I guess the house Democrats just aren't very patriotic.
  17. Do some members of our society, our government praise the demise of our "enemies". Do we conduct and/or support any terrorist activities? Do all Iranians believe Israel should not exist? Have we ever toppled governments that we felt "had no right to exist". Rhetoric is rhetoric. Propaganda is propaganda. Reality is what matters. The attempt at moral high ground ignores the reality of facing the legitimate reasons for conflict. As for your somewhat dated articles,,, the political trajectory in Iran is liberalization. What is the trajectory of government in Israel? Do you honestly wish to dismiss the wrongs done to Iran and, serve up "morality" (much of which is pure propaganda) as your justification? There is no peace in such a stance. Is it logical to ask someone to treat you better than you are willing to treat them?
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