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Everything posted by icanthearyou

  1. Those "dreams and hopes" still had a fence around them. Why are we determined to make this a one sided narrative? There is an extreme lack of humanity on both sides.
  2. I suppose the previous successes when the U.S. promoted peace in the region with a neutral position,,, are just a mirage. Unfortunately, too many in our country see dropping more weapons into the region is our "best" course of action.
  3. America needs to exhibit the principles of Jesus,,, love, grace, mercy, charity, forgiveness. However, our true religion is capitalism. Our true god is wealth/power.
  4. Role Tied! Them poor, powerless, colored peoples done took everthing. Aint no room for no white christian man hear no more. They done took my church two. Thank god theys a wall with a gate in heaven. St. Peter aint lettin none of these brown foreign criminals in. You done lost me with your support of Isreal. Them jews will not replace us ether.
  5. No, not really. The goals of the powerful in this country have little to do with preserving anything other than their own capital. If value is established by markets,,, then market power controls value. Market power in consolidated markets is immense. We want to believe that supply/demand curves are some free floating, always fair mechanism. We failed to grasp the concept of market power in the two semesters of econ coursework. The problem is not, too many "uneducated peasants". The problem is no meaningful wage growth for over half a century.
  6. These people lived together in peace before WWI. Peace is attainable if/when,,, the U.S. promotes peace.
  7. Had they ever been sincere,,, they would have fought for maternity care, child care, health care, living wage. This issue must be solved economically, not by government mandate. Trillions wasted on stupid wars and, the MIC tells you,,, who we really are.
  8. Perhaps you aren't very good at stating your opinion? However, I think you did a fine job.
  9. I think you are correct. However, I can also see Argo's point. We played poorly down the stretch. And,,, we did give up too many second chance points because we didn't rebound. We should not have lost this game.
  10. Wrong about what? "World of hurt"??? Are you threatening me?
  11. You contradict yourself. Perhaps what you know is religion? Perhaps knowing Jesus is actually the goal?
  12. I still contend that Salty is to blame. He earned them. He deserves them. They were righteous facepalms,,, everyone.
  13. I would like to see our coaches do a better job with match ups. The past two seasons, we haven't been willing to make changes when things weren't working.
  14. It is not my fault. You have to blame the creator of the facepalm.
  15. God gave humanity a chance. Some can see the character of God. Some cannot/will not. For those who see the character of God,,, I would think they appreciate the opportunity. Still, I can understand your,,, "I want my money back" attitude. I simply disagree in the context of Jesus. In the context of "christianity", I could not agree more. But, God and religion are vastly different concepts.
  16. Our offense is competent against a defense with average, to below average, defensive front seven. We aren't ready for truly good defenses,,,yet.
  17. No. You have made your position quite clear. You do not feel you should pay taxes. You feel as though the wealthy are paying enough. You wish to tax those with the least,,, more. You are obviously an idiot or, inhumane. You refuse to acknolwledge the taxes that the less fortunate do pay and,,, the regressive nature of those taxes. You refuse to acknowledge how wages at the bottom have stagnated since the 1970s, despite economic growth and, growth in productivity. You refuse to acknowledge new highs (and accelerating) inequality. You refuse to acknowledge the increased share of GDP going to the financial sector. Or, even attempt to understand how the transition from a production, to financial economy affects those without assets. You are too typical of those who have no intellect or, humanity. You blame the poor and powerless. You are truly one of the lousiest humans here. You truly are horrible. We do not tax people. We tax income and transactions (except financial ones?) If a relative few are going to take the vast share,,, they have to be taxed.
  18. It is unfortunate that,,, you either cannot understand or, you simply aren't trying to understand.
  19. I understand but,,, you are conflating god with,,, man's idea of god/religions' idea of god. Surely you can see that most "christians" do not accept Jesus on Jesus' terms. They prefer their god to be more of a vengful, war king. You are blaming God for a fault of man.
  20. Hard to believe you are this stupid. Or,,,are you simply this unaware and inhumane?
  21. The utter stupidity of these three sentences should be obvious and,,, should tell you why you are wrong.
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