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Everything posted by hutchids

  1. How about that pack? NC State, who lost to Mississippi state earlier in the year, just beat clemson in OT. That should knock clemson out of any playoff talk. You all think NC State has a shot in a wide open ACC this year or was this a fluke? https://www.google.com/search?q=clemson+football&rlz=1C1ONGR_enUS929US929&sxsrf=AOaemvKJNX1PZ1b3NoXz_5AFcn8ga6OCCQ%3A1632612983596&ei=d7JPYZTkI9WqwbkP1fG84AM&oq=clemson+football&gs_lcp=Cgdnd3Mtd2l6EAMyBAgjECcyCwgAEIAEELEDEIMBMgsIABCABBCxAxCDATIICAAQgAQQsQMyBAgAEEMyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyCwgAEIAEELEDEIMBMggIABCABBCxAzoKCC4QsAMQJxCTAjoHCAAQRxCwAzoKCC4QyAMQsAMQQzoGCAAQBxAeSgUIOBIBMUoECEEYAFDN6AFY3e8BYP7xAWgCcAJ4AIABgAGIAc8GkgEDNC40mAEAoAEByAEPwAEB&sclient=gws-wiz&ved=0ahUKEwjU-8SnpZvzAhVVVTABHdU4DzwQ4dUDCA8&uact=5#sie=m;/g/11rfd7byy2;6;/m/012hfxch;dt;fp;1;;
  2. Hopefully TJ gets some time next week in a legit QB battle. Nix is just too inconsistent, especially on the road.
  3. Improvement over Gus's it's ok to lose philosophy. Hopefully it pays off for the team.
  4. Norvell doesn't survive this season. FSU shouldn't have back to back losing seasons or losses to jsu. Just on recruiting advantage alone they should have 6 or 7 wins minimum. That said, Willie Taggart was a bad coach for two years before Norvell, so he didn't exactly have a full stable to start with
  5. Why doesn't it surprise me Gus did this?
  6. Speaking of Notre Dame, how bad potentially are they. ND barely survived FSU and Toledo.
  7. Here's the link: RIP fsu's program
  8. Auburn has to play much cleaner and execute better in the first quarter next week. Penalties, drops, and a blown coverage against PSU will lead to a trailing quarter.
  9. The long drive I get. The pandemic, not so much. Pandemic ended like a couple months ago.
  10. Dominant from start to finish. This wasn't something Gus's teams were doing at the end, even against inferior opponents. I love it
  11. Any win at Wisconsin is good. PSU will be a tough out for Auburn. To win, the tigers will need to avoid making stupid mistakes like the ones Wisky did today.
  12. First win in over a dozen games for Jayhawks. My question is, is rushing the field after beating a FCS tram more embarrassing than losing to them?
  13. didn't they still have 7 years left on his contract at 7.5 a year? No need to extend it. He wasn't going anywhere, and no one could beat what they were paying him to steal jimbo
  14. He may make millions in the NFL some day. It's a bad move for these big dollar athletes to get married. Have they not seen what baby mamas and wives filing divorce papers have done to athletes of the past? Just keep her as a girlfriend or get a new girlfriend if she isn't happy with the relationship. They'll be hot 20 something women around when you are done with the game.
  15. Gotta love Lane. What a legend! Dude must have co-eds all around the south. Only mistake he made with the ladies was getting married. It has to hurt writing those checks each month.
  16. surprised the offense passed 5 of 16 categories. This team may not be fun to watch against USM.
  17. We need a passing game. We are way to one dimensional. And it's not just the players, it's the play calling. It would be nice to see some short passes over the middle.
  18. ESPN is loving us now that we have Stidham, http://www.espn.com/blog/sec/post/_/id/124887/jarrett-stidham-turns-auburn-into-a-playoff-contender-for-2017. This can only help how the country views Auburn. Good stuff.
  19. defense will need to be lights out, no turnovers, and one non-offensive score to have a chance to win. Some offense will need to be there too. Unless Franklin or Stove break long runs, which is doubtful, we'll need Pettway to get something out of the offense. Passing and KJ I don't have faith in to do it.
  20. freakin pathetic offense. Thought they were 0/15. Could have been if you counted the pick 6 as -1 point. Net 0 points scored, under 2 yards an attempt. Can't beat anyone like that. Team needs pettway for bama!
  21. I thoughtthe special teams would have gotten a bonus point for monty blocking the PAT. Still good all aroung performance. Glad to see thd d play hard even though it wasnt going well for them.
  22. In the company of a former number 2 and bo jackson running the ball, not too bad thanks for sharing man
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