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Everything posted by arein0

  1. It's not. He's already proven it in the past he doesn't fully understand what virtue signaling is. He just knows it's a buzz word and is desperate to use it.
  2. Not all Palestinians chant that, just like not all Democrats want to defund the police, just like not all Republicans believe COVID was a scam. I would also hope we have a strong enough culture that we could handle adding an extra <0.5% of the population for refugees.
  3. I've never been one to care what other people are / aren't doing when it relates to doing the right thing.
  4. Just like MAGA is a subset of Republicans is a subset of Americans, HAMAS is only a subset of Palestinians. To refuse refugees who want no part in the war that they had no control over is inhumane.
  5. The Linsanity issue doesn't happen without a sole proprietorship
  6. The real culprit is fanatics. Everything they touch the quality drops because they try to make them as cheaply as possible
  7. I don't expect reciprocity when I buy a friend's meal or take them to an event
  8. A Constitutional Republic is a form of a Liberal Democracy
  9. And since it's a private school they are able to declare that?
  10. Sorry if its been mentioned before, but did we ever hear what caused the police offers to start arresting protesters at Emory?
  11. Can you imagine the uproar if they allow teachers to lead prayer and a teacher leads a non Christian prayer?
  12. https://www2.ed.gov/policy/gen/guid/religionandschools/prayer_guidance.html For example, "nothing in the Constitution . . . prohibits any public school student from voluntarily praying at any time before, during, or after the schoolday," and therefore students may pray with fellow students during the school day on the same terms and conditions that they may engage in other comparable conversations or activities. Students may also speak to, and attempt to persuade, their peers about religious matters just as they may do with regard to, for example, political matters.
  13. I didn't realize students couldn't pray at school? It's understandable that the public teachers/schools can't lead class/school wide prayers, but nothing is preventing the student from praying alone or with a group of friends.
  14. If he's not expected to be drafted or a late 2nd round pick, it would be a huge benefit to come back. Get another year of NIL and free education.
  15. I think he can still come back if he doesnt like his projection. In basketball, you can declare for the draft and keep eligibility. A lot of times it's more to see what you need to work on for the upcoming season
  16. Only 10% of Jokics makes are from 3 and less than 5% for Giannis. These guys make a living from inside and only shoot to keep defenders from collapsing the lane
  17. Yes they shot more, but uconns 3s were for the most part open 3s after getting the ball inside. Bamas were no pass or 1 pass shot. Also Bama's defensive strategy this year was to bait teams into shooting 3s so they could get the long rebound and out in transition.
  18. Both Denver and Milwaukee have their best players as big men that can create their own shot inside. The reason they surround them with so many shooters is to remove defenders from the paint and to make them pay for doubling inside.
  19. It's likely the same reason why the right refuses to have a system where they are required to register their guns
  20. Not sure how you jumped to that conclusion but okay
  21. Calling someone else petty while your reasoning is petty is hilarious.
  22. Not at that price. It is still drastically overvalued. They have little revenue, nothing that gives them a competitive edge, and competitors that are trying to innovate the space. This is just a cheap knock off trying to take advantage of their political base.
  23. Here is the easy way where you don't have to do any research: https://www.bogleheads.org/wiki/Two-fund_portfolio
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