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Everything posted by AU9377

  1. Because legally it should have. He had done nothing wrong. Therefore, he should have been fine opening the door.
  2. I don't disagree, but that isn't the question. Watching the video is absolutely damning in this situation. The officer is the only party that escalated without any reason whatsoever. The officer has no legal right to discharge his weapon in this scenario. None.
  3. You obviously didn't watch the body cam video. There is no way to justify that shooting. The only things that will matter are clear on that video. The officer had no reason to fear for his life. There was no disturbance taking place when he approached the door. He had no warrant and no other reason to be there. The woman, we can just identify her as Karen for conversation purposes, tells him that she heard someone arguing there 2 weeks ago. He bangs on the door and then steps away from view, which prevented the occupant from seeing who was at the door. He begins firing immediately without any demand being made when the door is opened. The complex is a high end apartment complex, not some crime ridden, crime infested, corner of the world. This is Ft Walton Beach, for crying out loud. If he felt threatened, he is a coward. He should have never been given a badge. You don't shoot first and ask questions later as a police officer. As a public servant, he is absolutely subject to being questioned by the public he serves.
  4. Nobody, nowhere, is trained to shoot to kill when someone opens a door holding a weapon pointed at the floor. He shot the man 6 times for no reason other than him opening the door. The rules have to apply to everyone. If a 70 year old white man had opened the door holding a shotgun pointed at the floor, should he immediately be gunned down? Of course not. This officer should NEVER have a badge and is a murderer. He will be spending the majority of the rest of his life in prison, where he belongs. Just watch the body cam footage. There is no justification for that. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/05/10/roger-fortson-shooting-police-video-released/73636102007/
  5. The officer has limits like anyone else. His cause for the use of force has to be reasonable. The standard isn't just what he thinks is reasonable at the time, but what others, given the same set of facts, would consider reasonable. If he/she can't handle that, they don't need to be in that position.
  6. The problem is showing a reasonable fear of imminent harm of some kind. If having a weapon alone was enough to justify any shooting, anyone legally carrying could be shot and killed with no consequences. The added problem here is that this guy was in his home and doing nothing to suggest that the officer was in danger of being harmed.
  7. Without regard to where someone is, there is a framework they have to stay within. The officer is only allowed to use deadly force to protect his life or the life of another. In a situation where there is a pursuit, deadly force can be used to prevent the suspect from fleeing when that individual is suspected of committing a violent crime or is threatening the officer with violence. Even though that sounds pretty clear, it is still easy to lost in the weeds. From what I have seen so far, this situation is puzzling. The officer was responding to a domestic disturbance call. There was obviously no ongoing disturbance when he arrived. He was then taken to the wrong apartment. We then have a situation where the officer never has a weapon pointed at him, yet shoots the resident and then yells at him to "drop the gun." But for the cam footage, most would assume that the gun had been pointed at the officer, but from the tape we can see that is was pointed down. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/news/us/body-camera-video-shows-fatal-shooting-of-black-airman-by-florida-deputy-in-apartment-doorway/ar-BB1m71rh
  8. Ben Crump is easy to make fun of, but this is a tragedy nonetheless. Of course, Crump is laughing all the way to the bank. He has made tens, if not hundreds of millions over the past 10-15 years alone flying from place to place and getting his face in front of the cameras.
  9. It wasn't that long ago that most pastors refused to allow their congregations to wade into political discussion. They realized the danger that posed. Today, that view is being shouted down by the loud voices.
  10. If Biden had insulated himself, like Trump has stated he will do, you all would have gone nuts over it. You don't hold them to any measure of the same standard.
  11. That depends. It will certainly survive if the Fulton County DA's office is not removed. If the Ga Supreme Ct (that is where this will end up) removes Willis and sends it to the newly established Prosecutorial Committee to be assigned to another DA, the case will just sit there and die. That is what is happening with the current Georgia Lt Governor's indictment for the same charges. That committee is chaired by Pete Skandalakis. I know Pete and I have no doubt that he will find a way to be a good soldier and make most Republicans happy. The only thing in his way may be the governor and a challenge to the constitutionality of the committee itself. If Trump wins and Willis is not removed, I believe that she will try the other defendants and get verdicts in those cases, while waiting to put Trump on trial after he leaves office.
  12. If Trump was to be elected, what do you think he will do? He will declassify every document in question and remove any chance of consequences. Biden could have done that, but he chose not to. Instead, he cooperated with the government. Just think about that. You support the man that wants to use the power of his office to help himself in any way he can and the system be damned.
  13. Not me personally, but many do yes. I actually like Steve Sadow, Trump's lead counsel. Fanni Willis opened the door wide for them with her actions. The day they filed for a hearing to disqualify, or before, she should have had Nathan Wade withdraw from the case. Instead, she has attempted to make something about race that has nothing to do with race. That doesn't diminish the seriousness of the underlying acts that were undertaken by the former President and his gang of malcontents. I don't want them all thrown in jail, but I do believe that there needs to be some acknowledgment that their actions were anti-American and went against everything our system of government stands for.
  14. I read the title and thought "he must have had his Viagra script refilled." LOL
  15. They run sanity out of the party. I live in Georgia's 3rd Congressional District. The seat is open because the Trump wing makes life hell for any Republican that dares to question them. Now our airwaves are full of ads for Trump's candidate. His signs all read "TRUMP ENDORSED CANDIDATE" Brian Jack. Thankfully, there are a couple of other very strong candidates running, but the sickness that is Trump has overtaken the Republican party.
  16. Almost every member of his first administration has stated publicly that he should not be President. If you won't listen to any of them, why would I believe otherwise?
  17. Another Republican, an actual conservative that has worked closely with Trump, speaks truth that few Republicans want to hear. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/05/08/paul_ryan_i_will_not_be_voting_for_trump_he_does_not_have_the_character_required_for_the_presidency.html
  18. Which beliefs are those? The man isn't even pro-life.
  19. To be clear.... I believe many of you would do ANYTHING that Trump told you to do. ANYTHING.
  20. And, like in this case, when the facts aren't on your side, find unrelated things to scream and yell about.
  21. They aren't the law. They have no power to do anything but put on a circus and embarrass her more. She is a constitutional officer, elected by the voters of Fulton County. I don't even like her, but I can understand pushing back on any subpoena.
  22. Stormy is not the issue with him being President. There are too many others that outshine this little dust up. Now, as to the hypocrisy...... that is squarely on the GOP and the pretender evangelicals. Where are all those "family values" arguments these days? Instead of railing on family values, you all now spend your time defending the most immoral human to ever occupy the White House. He even comes complete with trophy wife # 3 and her fresh prenup agreeing to stay with him. The least surprising testimony was that Donald and Melania don't sleep together. Even with all that baggage, I still don't cre about it... there is so much more to be wary about. One more thing.... Remind me how the GOP treated the last real family man to occupy the White House. You know, the one that raised two daughters in the White House and had an educated successful wife as First Lady.....
  23. Come on...... what a ridiculous comment.
  24. Germany doesn't need our permission. We can make it difficult, but why would be treat an ally that way? Would we ask Germany for their permission to build something from Canada to the U.S. or Central America to Texas? No.
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