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Everything posted by AU9377

  1. I would love to watch a debate between Obama and Trump. Trump would be torn to shreds. Between Biden and Trump, all we are likely to get are insults with Trump trying to attack his family. Biden won't sink to that level, which Trump's supporters will claim shows weakness.
  2. If you read the article posted, it says nothing of the sort. But don't let that stop you. Covid wasn't real, nobody died ................yadda yadda yadda. The amounts of money that we pour into the feeding bucket of research, only to get extorted once again if that taxpayer funded research results in the discovery of medical advancements is something that has long been out of control. The problem is that committees like this one would rather look into partisan nonsense than they would the real problem. Fauci could have made hundreds of millions more had he gone into the private sector decades ago. That gets conveniently overlooked by people looking for a boogeyman.
  3. The fuss is the only reason Ron DeSimpleton does anything. He is a smart man, which makes his desire and willingness to fire up the power of the State to divide and push that division thru culture war pettiness even more pathetic. He lost me years ago when he let everyone know that he would adopt any view held by Trump. I have no doubt he would empty his pee pot and drink his bath water if given the chance.
  4. She wants a President who... 1. Has the backs of our allies........... Trump prefers Putin over NATO. See Ukraine. See North Korea. 2. A President who understands we need less debt, not more debt...... Trump is self described King of debt. Seems to line up and make sense...........
  5. I would light up the tallest bridge in the city with hot pink lights just to piss the prick off.
  6. There is nothing that she and her group of malcontents won't lie about, manipulate or pretend doesn't exist if it fits whatever it is that she is pushing at the time. It is hard to believe that there is nobody from Rome to Cartersville that couldn't both unseat her and do a much better job.
  7. ......... and what someone says just doesn't matter when they are occupying the White House? Really? TDS would be real if he didn't actually do the ridiculous crap that he does routinely.
  8. Where have you seen a suggestion made to disarm people. For Christ's sake, we can't even get the NRA to do something sensible, like agree that restricting the sale of some assault weapons is a smart thing. Solving the problem will take a multiple solution approach. There is no magic pill. My grandfather, WWII infantry veteran used to laugh when he saw people carrying a weapon unless they were law enforcement. He had one in the truck and wasn't against owning guns, but he always said that a real man didn't need to carry a gun to the grocery store. His generation seemed to have it right more than the current.
  9. I have been to a lot of countries where you had to watch out for pick pockets and thieves in general, but those places also have very little gun violence. I wonder why?
  10. I remember when being conservative meant wanting the government out of your personal life choices. Today that sounds like an alternate universe.
  11. The entire culture surrounding guns has changed. That includes the types of guns. There are many factors that go into why we are where we are, but an inescapable part of that is the easy access to an unlimited supply of concealed weapons and recently assault style weapons. It is kind of foolish to believe that we can continue to increase the number of weapons without those weapons making their way down the chain and into the hands of people that intend on using them for the purpose that they were created, to kill. We are so polarized politically, that we refuse to do what any group of 5th graders could agree to do and compromise for the good of our communities. Unfortunately, we will reach a tipping point and be forced to address the issue in the future. The 2nd Amendment was included in our constitution as the result of the British requiring all weapons be turned into governing authorities during the American revolution. At that time, weapons were needed in many parts of the country for survival. The elements were as much the enemy as the British Regulars. We are now fostering a society where survival is as much about surviving the actions of other Americans as anything else. It doesn't have to be that way, but stubborn refusals to work on the issue make that the most likely outcome.
  12. If they had not filed an indictment on the classified documents case, after Trump's refusal to cooperate and brazen attempts to thwart efforts to secure the return of boxes of documents, they would have been telling the world that a former President was above the law. He went to the degree of instructing his attorney to lie to the FBI about the existence of additional documents. The situation is something that nobody ever contemplated having to deal with. Every other person in his position in the history of the country has, at the very least, attempted to work with Federal officials. Just another in a long line of firsts.
  13. That has nothing to do with the prior point. If Trump was to win, he will instruct his AG to fire the special counsel and dismiss the indictment. That also doesn't change the fact that he could not sit for an interview out of fear that additional charges would result.
  14. This crowd seems to hear it a little differently. LOL
  15. One could obviously speak with the FBI without being concerned that he would lie to the FBI, while the other had to avoid the interview in order to avoid additional charges. Seems pretty obvious to me.
  16. I do agree with this statement. However, when you know that your political opponents won't play by the same rules, there is no incentive to make their objectives easily attainable.
  17. I'm just glad that he is off major networks in the U.S. Really can't make this stuff up, it is so bizarre.
  18. I'm not certain how many times I have to say this.... I don't believe he should have been charged in New York. Full Stop. If there were to be an indictment for this, it should have come from the DOJ. They declined to prosecute. I should say "Biden's DOJ declined to prosecute" to keep it in the theme Trump is pushing. Trump and Cohen had a co-dependent relationship. Cohen would do things for Trump that most higher profile New York attorneys simply wouldn't do. I am not shocked one bit that Cohen took some off the top. This is the same man that fronted over $130k to pay off a client's porn fling. They are a mess. That is why the former Trump COO is now serving time and why their "foundation" was shut down for being fraudulent, among a long list of things.
  19. Keep in mind. Donald Trump would not sit for an interview.
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