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Everything posted by AU9377

  1. Acting as though the man is a vegetable and incapable of making decisions is just a bridge too far. That isn't reality. Argue that he is too old to be running again. That is a valid argument, but going completely off the deep end just makes the discussion useless.
  2. Why would he contact anyone when they were doing exactly what he had hoped they would do? He was knee deep in a plan to unseat valid electors and replace them with slates of his choosing.
  3. Clearly? People often see what they want to see.
  4. I think the entire landscape will change in the next 15 years or so. I know a lot older Americans that are now benefiting from pension plans and the ability to assign benefits from those plans. Few companies now offer the type of retirement plans that are that generous and designed to allow an individual to retire based strictly on years of service. I know one lady that is 70. She receives her Social Security, her teacher pension from Georgia and a retirement from Alabama. In addition to that, she is receiving her late husband's pension. She is doing quite well.
  5. I probably jumped the gun with my initial comments. I was literally on campus when I made those comments and the cut was fresh. My comments were made based on what those in the building were saying at that time and nothing more.
  6. The "protest" was full of anti-Jewish hate. I couldn't count the number of signs that said things like "Jews are murderers with money" and "make October 7th every day" etc etc etc. I simply won't entertain any assertion that equates Israeli society with the kind of anti American irreconcilable value gap that exists between Western society and and the values promoted by Hamas. Too many young college aged Americans are clearly lacking a basic understanding of the cause they are willing to raise their voices in support of. That kind of protest has no place on college campuses. Would we allow the KKK to camp on campus with signs filled with racial slurs and hate? No. Half of the messaging looked exactly like that, but was directed toward Jewish students. We cannot give air to that kind of nonsense, in my opinion. This isn't about telling others what to think, but instead is about right and wrong. I am not Jewish, but I do have Jewish people in my extended family and I have even more Jewish people in my close network of friends and professional contacts. I have never heard them claim that Palestinians or anyone of another religion should be wiped from the planet. When I see good people attacked for no good reason, I become defensive on their behalf. That is what I have witnessed recently and it should not be happening in this country. We often discuss goals and aspirations. On this topic, I am more about realistic inescapable conclusions. I am stubbornly loyal to those that I know would show me the same grace.
  7. First hand, nothing. However, you are who you associate yourself with to some degree. Time will tell. They have certainly been asked by now to explain themselves. I think it is likely that all charges will be dropped against the majority of those charged.
  8. It is just my frustration with this entire group of people protesting. They are demanding something that is not attainable and their reasoning ignores too many facts for me to actually engage in respectful dialogue with them. Both of these professors are entitled to their opinions. However, their position is such that added responsibility should accompany their actions. Demanding that an institution like Emory divest itself of any connection with Israel is, in my opinion, childish banter based on naive understandings of world affairs. Associating that cause with the Stop Cop City movement makes it even less of a respectable cause.
  9. People should comply, but what separates us from Russia or communist China is the ability of the public to comment on government action and demand that action be modified if warranted.
  10. No... just hearing tons of people question why she was involved at all. For all I know, she could have been in the wrong place at the wrong time. The worst idea a group protesting could possibly have is to associate themselves with the group attempting to stop the City of Atlanta's new law enforcement training center from being built. They have a history of violence and get very little benefit of the doubt when it comes to their actions. Emory's campus is likely the most pro Israel campus in the Southeast. The undergrad student body is around 30% Jewish and the professional schools, medicine, law etc are similar.
  11. Someone stole my tent! LOL
  12. They chose to stage this protest at Emory because of who makes up a large part of the student body. Approximately 30% of the student body is Jewish.
  13. Absolutely. They could have walked her to a car and placed her in the back or the wagon.
  14. Tenure may save her job, but it won't erase the stain this will be on her career. The Stop Cop City crowd is not a crowd someone wants to be associated with.
  15. I am on campus at Emory today. The vast majority of those protesting were trespassing. They were not students. My understanding is that 2 faculty members were also arrested. This is the same "Cop City" protest crowd and will not be tolerated at Emory.
  16. Let's assume that it does apply fully. The next question would be what action or inaction on the part of the school fostered the development of an atmosphere wherein violations occurred. Many of those protesting are not students. That is a problem. Also, the constitutional rights are balanced and applied on a student to student basis. At the end of the day, this isn't an issue that anyone wants to have to litigate. The problem is so new that most campuses are still formulating a response.
  17. I never said that. I simply pointed out the fact that there are so many militants embedded in the general population that Egypt won't even allow mothers and children to come into Egypt for humanitarian reasons. Egypt doesn't care if a pregnant woman in need of medical attention shows up at the border, she isn't allowed to enter. It doesn't take much reasoning to know the answer as to why.
  18. I personally wouldn't mind providing safe passage for some of the most vocal of these protesters to experience the culture first hand. Lebanon for the summer? All kidding aside, what is the man talking about when he uses the phrase "executive action?"
  19. Egypt could open the doors and establish refugee camps. They don't because they don't want the Hamas extremists walking into Egypt either.
  20. I agree. There is an entire generation that has not been educated sufficiently on world affairs. Their misguided opinions are allowed to go unchallenged by the very people that should understand the potential harm that those opinions can foster. In a video from one of the campus sit ins, I noticed female students that looked like pot smoking hippies yelling and screaming. They have no concept of the fact that, in many of these countries they defend, they can be raped without consequence and are often denied an education. Israel isn't perfect, but the total lack of human rights and decency in places like Gaza, Afghanistan and many other areas governed more by extremists than by reason is something the West will never be able to overcome.
  21. That false belief was pushed by right wing media. Fox "News", OAN etc etc.... A small group of self promoting con artists, spearheaded by Sidney Powell, then told Trump what he wanted to hear, instead of the truth. Trump made the decision to push away his AG, VP and any other advisor that attempted to speak truth on the matter.
  22. I always respect someone that is capable of changing their mind when presented with information that does not support their position. In this situation, that is compounded by the fact that his decision is against his short term self interests. My problem with trusting Johnson is grounded in having listened to him being interviewed long before he was House Speaker, some even before he was a member of Congress. As for Obamacare being a stimulus for nothing bi-partisan being accomplished, we have to remember that solutions had not been found after a couple of decades of kicking the can around. Hillary Clinton, while First Lady, was tasked with developing a plan. Big Pharma and the Insurance lobby used every ounce of influence they could muster and her plan never even got a House vote on the floor. She later got health care for children passed, which is why Georgia has Peach Care and Alabama has Allkids. Two terms of George W. saw nothing done, other than the health care industry and pharmaceutical industry get fat with un checked profits. Obama used all the political capital he had and still barely got a plan pushed thru. He knew he had to do it in the first two years, due to the risk of losing the Senate at the midterm.
  23. Whatever the numbers are, they aren't sustainable. One thing puts order back into the system. That one thing is an exemption from anti-trust laws. Congress can pass that exemption and the threat of litigation has no teeth.
  24. Correct. A sitting U.S. president pushing what he knew to be false claims as part of his effort to change the valid results and thereby retain power. Disgusting un American behavior.
  25. How is that somehow more important than punishing the behavior of those that made bad choices that day? It is not a defense to wrongdoing to claim that someone should have been prevented from being able to commit the crime.
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