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Everything posted by aucom96

  1. QB play has a lot to do with really bad receivers in the Georgia game. I think that's our most pressing problem on offense at this point.
  2. I don't know. What I do know is that "run the ball" is no longer a way to compete at a high level in this game. Robby can pick up big chunks of yards and a touchdown here and there running option, but good defenses know what he's going to do, they'll stack the line and we ultimately won't have enough to win. We have to make throws. We have to attract receivers and QBs to this program. We aren't going to do that transforming into a triple option offense, so I imagine Freeze will continue to force the passing game. Last season, Robby made some impressive throws on the run but they weren't controlled situations. He also turned the ball over a lot. Most glaringly, he was terrible at completing high percentage passes and with our pass protection, that has to happen. I imagine if we're going to make a change, this off week will be the time. That may be Robby, but I hope we aren't going to do what we did last year when Carnell took over. Last year, we didn't have much of a choice. This year, we have recruiting to think of.
  3. I think in 5 years or so, you're REALLY going to have to be a college football fan to remain a college football fan.
  4. I just wanted to step in, own that I was a negative johnson who predicted a 40 point blowout, profess my pride in these ducktape bandits for fighting and my hope the atmosphere really impacted some recruits today. This was a good day, overall.
  5. The days of winning games through the running game alone in this conference are over. We have to recruit receivers, linemen who can pass block and QBs who can make the throws. To do that, we have to stop looking like a high school option offense, even if we suck at doing so. Plus, our starting RBs are solid, but they aren't game changers. If we get beat, we have to get beat moving toward the eventual goal. I'm not sure what that is, but I know it's not option reads up the gut.
  6. UGA - 47 AU - 13 We're hapless and Kirby likes to run it up against us.
  7. Ashford is an option QB. That's it. We can expect teams to continue to stack the line and we'll get stymied by any defense with a pulse... just like last season. Thorne, I hope, is still adjusting to a very different offense, below average line and receivers who largely haven't played at this level. He appears to be an average QB, but I don't see a better option... unless we want to run option. Then, see above.
  8. FREE PSA This site does have an "Ignore" function. Carry on.
  9. Let’s just not return to the Malzanian-speak of “35% of playbook now installed…only using 3.8 % of playbook for Akron…”
  10. If our first SEC game doesn't take care of this stupid carousel, then we just have a mess.
  11. Actually, it's just pointing out bad behavior, but I guess that's now "yelling at clouds". Count me in.
  12. I don't get it. Thorne doesn't look great, but he joined the team late, is also playing in a new system and need the reps if he's your starter. Robby is, at best, an option QB. That's it. If we're going to run that, run that. If we're going to try and develop a passing attack, we really need to limit this two quarterback mess. I have to wonder if this is a locker room thing. Robby went through a tough year last year with a lot of these guys and Thorne just joined the team, so maybe they just don't want the negativity of completely sidelining Ashford. But we've played two mediocre teams and things are about to ramp up. Option didn't get us much last year and it's not going to get us much this year... plus it is taking a step back from what I suspect Freeze wants to build here. You brought Thorne in and named him starter. Give him the job and stop killing the rhythm. We're going to end up depending on our defense too much if it keeps up.
  13. We look bad. Line is getting mauled, Thorne is making bad throws and decisions and the dline is getting pushed around. We’re going to have to grow up fast to win this.
  14. Maybe it’s time to give Robbie another shot. This is pitiful.
  15. Plus it would just gall me to have Auburn in bed with the largest of third-world sweatshop virtue signalers. I can see the need for change, but I hope Nike isn't the best we can do.
  16. I don't think 6 wins is far-fetched, though I expect better. Gus and Harsin left a huge mess in their wake and Freeze is trying to patch a team together with transfers. That's never a solid foundation for success in this league, though it should lead to improvement. We've got to break up the vice grip on our recruiting area that Georgia and Alabama have had for several years. I see reasons to be encouraged to that effect, but we're probably years plural from being where we need to be. With NIL, it's more challenging. Now you can have a Texas A&M basically swoop in and buy a player out from under you, which totally changes the game. I'm not sure how competitive Auburn will be in this new recruiting world long term, but talent is what is going to win in this league. If we're trying to rely on some scheme Freeze had success with years ago, we're back in Mazahn-land.
  17. The ONLY - and I mean ONLY - thing Harsin did that I considered positive was a mild attempt to reincorporate the screaming eagle. Screw wrestling belts and shark puppets. Slap one of these logos on the best of the best and wear it with pride!
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