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Everything posted by 1716AU

  1. Because its good. I prefer HP sauce...
  2. makes money from lying to your face. Jan 6 Committee materials. Just click that link. Select January 6th Committee Final Report and Supporting Materials Collection | GovInfo You really have to be stupid to be a consumer of the crap they spew.
  3. Trust me Precious, You have enough of a rap sheet that lets people get a good grip on you. I don't expect much of people, because they let you down. Then there are fellas like you that need to be opposed in every facet of life. I wouldn't call you a Trumper, Precious. I'd call you a Nazi. And believe me, moron. The company did. And that Adolf wanna be, your hero, still hasn't paid till this day.
  4. No, but when you decide to screw over forty people after consuming everything served, then I will get back in your face. You would have asked for his autograph. I just wanted my people to be paid. Which, to this day, they have not been. Neither have I. Says a great deal about you.
  5. The last time I looked that wuss in the eye, he tried that, and then soiled his diaper when I stepped in closer. Got me escorted from Trump Tower. But the smell was undeniable.
  6. Y'all give too much substance to BRICs. Way too much. And India is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more sympathetic to the US and, we are not likely to let this one go by the wayside. Especially since China and India are lifelong enemies, and that isn't about to change in the next fifty years. Peter Ziehan, for a fella that does demographics, actually gets it pretty well here. For all you scaredy cats, I would take a listen to what he has to say.
  7. You actually came to mind the other day in a discussion I was having with my Dad back in Heflin. I reminded him, that in the UK I would be considered a Tory. That is a conservative for folks with reading disadvantages like yourself. He asked what he would be considederd. I replied as honestly as I could: "A Nazi."
  8. Remind me which part supports banning books... You Nazis are doing a GREAT job dumbing down this country for your gains. Too bad you can't see that it costs this country $2.2 Billion a year.
  9. Seems like Robby still has accuracy issues. 53% isn't great, even in a scrimmage. But I will trust CHF.
  10. I get ya. Just the people whom YOU think deserve it. Those that see things different than you. And, more than likely, look different than you. Those YOU have grievances against or perceive grievances against. Keep it up, Adolf. Now you wonder why those of us who educate ourselves see in folks like you so many reminders of the Brown Shirts...
  11. And you embrace Racism, Apartheid? Thank for making it obvious for everyone, Adolf
  12. And I totally agree with you on that. Sorry for not being clearer. My point is that FDR was a blip that the 1% and Corporate America want to end. Honestly, the rest of the Industrialized world has steadily made progress as societies, while, for the past 50 years, Corporate America and the Haves have done everything to take the US backwards, except in the ability to project military power. They have to draw the line somewhere...
  13. Past 50? You need to read US History. This has ALWAYS been the case, except for a period in the mid 20th Century. The Haves have always been this way. One of the reason I will laugh in your face if you call the US a "Christian" Nation.
  14. When I read crap like this, I am always reminded of just how such a "Pastor" would reject Jesus if he met him. So would the majority of Evangelicals. Jesus hung out with the Drag Queen, people that cussed like sailors, all the folks most of you "Christians" reject because you consider yourselves better. No wonder it's dying here. Y'all are killing it.
  15. spot on! that is the absolute truth, and he is one unhappy camper
  16. Sorry, mate. My parents still live in Heflin. My dad turns 82 in September, my mom is 78. I can't stand that we have about 700 miles between us, but I don't go to that state unless I absolutely have to. I upset people, but Alabama is a state that is just hopeless. And the population likes it like that.
  17. Alabama, along with Mississippi and several other Red States offer nothing to this Union. Nothing. They give nothing, but they sure have their hand out for Federal tax dollars. Be thankful that you have Huntsville to make the average salary look half decent. Honestly, A real wall should be placed around the state, and should be told, "Pick yourselves up by your own bootstraps and quit mooching off of us, you lazy minded, lazy-ass rednecks." Or drop off into the sea. The only thing the state can do well is football. And whacked out religious cults.
  18. My apologies. I meant in that everybody else gets to play on the same playing field now. That is not fun for either of them.
  19. I have said that NIL is a leveling of the playing field. Saban has gotten away with murder since he arrived at bummer, and Kirby, the same since he arrived at UGA. This isn't fun for them.
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