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Posts posted by Hank2020

  1. 15 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

    I think the NIL will exist at lower levels, but at…a lower level, e.g. Local stores. NIL will exist at the highest level, too— just like the pros, but it won’t likely be the de facto paycheck from the school. Top players will get legitimate endorsement deals.

    Good premise.

    • Like 1
  2. 2 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

    And it makes sense, but I suspect it will come down to the haves and have nots— which schools have the lucrative media deals? Right now it’s the recently reduced Power 4. Very little for the group of 5. Zeno overestimates his worth at a school like UAB. If he shared their revenue he’d owe a ton of money.

    As have-nots fold, tv money will go up for the haves. Positions /places for players will go down. Might still have non-NIL conferences though.

  3. 16 hours ago, AUpreacherman22 said:

    2024 - we’ve addressed most of our issues.  I am now thinking 8-4 regular season is realistic.   I just hope the coaching staff doesn’t let a game or two slip up on them like last year.   We’ve got to win the ones we should definitely win!

    2025 - We will be losing a lot of seniors, but we’ll have mostly guys that CHF has brought in, with a good bit of talent, and some continuity on the coaching staff.  So, I don’t necessarily see 2025 as a step back year.  

    We have no idea what 2025 roster or coaching staff looks like at this point. Each year is a new year, we must get used to this idea. I think Freeze looks like this way due to the way he went about portal after spring.

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  4. On 4/28/2024 at 4:14 PM, GwillMac6 said:

    Like others have stated above we need these guys to come back who aren’t going to be early round selections if they have eligibility still to make our squad as talented as possible.

    Must be of mutual benefit. Not going to work any other way. If suppositions are anywhere close, they will move on due to inherent injury risk.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Mims44 said:

    It's weird, right?

    Every time Nix comes up there are a ton of "everybody hated this guy, but look at this!" type comments.

    But going back to a lot of those threads, there wasn't a lot of hate. Unless you count comments like;

    "He throws off his back foot a bit too much" or

    ""Sometimes I think he's too quick to run out of the pocket" or

    "I wish he was more accurate on some of the passes over the middle"

    It's weird to see things like that spun as 'constant hatred' 🤷‍♂️

    I think they are going off of stats, his ORE vs UGA game was.... not stellar :lol: 

    But, no ones was that year.




    Heres an extra tidbit too that I found odd.

    Caleb Williams Heisman year where he easily won:


    Bo Nix stats the very next year.. good for 3rd place in Heisman race:



    I didn't catch any combine this year, but have to imagine Bo did awesome, cause people were not giving him the respect for his on field product that the numbers suggest they should have.

    I believe he started out pretty slow at Senior bowl, but did better as week went on.

  6. On 4/6/2024 at 7:58 AM, JuscAUse! said:

    I understand that everyone wants to be better than 8-4. So do I. I don't understand people hating a coach that has been here a little over a year, and never failing to lump him in with the last 5- however many years of AU football being irrelevant. In his only season here, I've seen some good things and things I didn't like. The bad is obvious. Bowl game, NM State game, the offense. On the plus side, we have more OTs on the team and committed to the team than we've had at any time in recent history, which shows he knows where the weaknesses are. Also tackles can slide inside easily and play guard. If we can keep them healthy, we should see an upgrade at receiver. Probably the second most neglected position on the O. 

    Many sports pundits nationally thought, and still think, that it's a total rebuild for AU to get over the hump, and that it can't happen in a year in football today. 

    I'm willing to let it play out some. 

    I agree, but would add that QB has to be addressed. We need to land another standout to follow up White. Understand that you can bring someone in with a great deal of potential but they don’t work out.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, CCTAU said:

    I thought Wes had been discussed. Excellent person, step slow. Freshmen aren’t passing him by because he is not liked, or worked hard, or hasn’t been given a chance to prove himself. After a couple of seasons, one realizes they are a step too slow for this level of football.

    The freshmen leaving now did not even give themselves a chance after their redshirt year to see if they would progress. 

    These are two different scenarios.

    Everybody ( coaches, teams, and players) are searching for whats best for them. Better get used to new teams each year and learn to enjoy it.

    • Like 2
  8. 16 minutes ago, AUght2win said:

    No. That’s SO stupid. It’s written literally everywhere.

    True, it does seem like he would notice how to spell it correctly . I would bet it will dawn on him at some point , if yall don’t rescind the offer of course.

  9. 11 hours ago, AUght2win said:

    Oh my gosh I was right. I’m serious I’d pull the scholly. Just out of shock that a person could genuinely believe that.

    Like would bring a sailor on board that thinks he’s gonna be out on the “Specific Ocean”. 


    Glad your not on the scholarship council!!

  10. 11 hours ago, AUght2win said:

    Does this kid seriously think it’s “Aurburn”? I saw recruit’s tweet earlier where it was spelled “Aurburn” too but figured it was a typo. If not I’d revoke the scholly immediately.

    I think y’all need to get a life!! Give these kids a break!!

    • Like 4
    • Haha 1
  11. 50 minutes ago, Old fan 47 said:

    Thanks for the assessment. I have drawn an early conclusion on WW, unfortunately, because I simply don’t believe in small school QB’s from Arky and I have zero faith in HF coaching anybody up at this point. No, I didn’t get to watch today, but sounds like I saved myself some putrid time spent watching another HF team. Yes, I never wanted or believed in HF and until he is able to produce, I’ll stand by it. Secondly, I have serious questions about our AD, whom was about to be fired/released from Miss St. 

    I think you said about the same thing before (or someone else did). I think we got it.

    • Like 2
  12. 2 hours ago, TigerOne said:

    Or in Auburn’s case fired.

    Freeze will probably be next in the distinguished Auburn coaches fired get rich quick hall of fame 

    I think he stays for at least 4 years. Nothing to base that on though, but I can guess as well as anyone else.

  13. On 3/28/2024 at 1:43 PM, TigerOne said:

    Exactly. Team loyalty, getting an education is quickly being eliminated with nil and portal.

    And coaches constantly moving.

  14. 16 minutes ago, japantiger said:

    This has been fun to follow.  Here's my 2 cents:

    Relationship building matters less than it did 5 years ago; or even 3 years ago.  If you weren't talking to stud HS players when they were in either the 9th or 10th grade, you were left behind as a coaching staff.   Long term relationship was 80-90% of what drove recruit choice

    Relationship still matters; but now it's below 50%.  Relationship gets you to your senior year and drives the recruit top 3 or 5 schools...after that, it's an NIL bidding game now

    For current rostered players; relationship is less than 20%...1) am I getting playing time 2) will I get playing time 3) NIL $$ amounts vs my other options drive decisions now ... 

    2023 NCAA rosters were 21% transfer players; that number was 6% in 2019; half of D1 teams played a transfer QB (57%)

    The last data point I had before the playoffs were over had the average number of transfers per team in the SEC and Big10 over 20 (I think it was 22; but + or - two).  Any staff will have to be able to replace minimally 1/4 of their program via transfers going forward + sign a new recruiting class.  So basically, you have to be able to replace over 1/2 your roster every year thru a combo of recruiting and transfers.  The number of transfer players will increase as we go forward; not decline (in spite of the risk of not landing on a roster being quite high now)

    So, given this environment, what matters is being able to both recruit effectively and replenish the obvious transfers that are going to happen.  I don't think relationship has much to do with any of this any longer.  The "rules" or lack of rules, makes this highly transactional now.  The only school I see bucking this trend at present is UGA (I think they had less than 8 transfers).

    Talent management success will be determined by how effective the organization built can manage these dynamics.  And, you have to be able to coach the actual games, while doing all of the above.

    The verdict is still out on CHF.  He needs to deliver an actual winning season before declaring him "better" than others at this new world.  


    Had pretty much same deal when coaches pay started going up. They were just as unmanaged as the recruits are now. It’s why buyouts came to be(we see them as negative bc we are usually trying to get rid of them rather than holding on to them). I remember when they started demanding to see budget amounts/facility promises/coaching staff budgets. We think there should be some measures restricting recruits but at this point we don’t restrict coaches.

  15. 5 hours ago, DAG said:

    Yep, the fact is many coaches had all the power , therefore players were at the whim of the hierarchy. This is no longer the case. Sometimes I wonder if “player relationship” is code for this. 

    I think going to have to get schedule that gives some family time for these coaches, otherwise burnout will happen quickly. 

    • Like 1
  16. On 3/30/2024 at 6:17 PM, Tigerpro2a said:

    Alright AUFamily.... it's been a long hard 9 months but the time has finally come.... My family is about to grow by one as my firstborn son will be here sometime tomorrow night or Monday morning. she was due Friday and if she is not delivered by 5:00 p.m. Tomorrow that are going to induce her...

    Everyone here has been so helpful and supportive through this process and my wife and I are super grateful. Please keep my beautiful wife and soon to be born son and your thoughts and prayers and hope that she has a seamless delivery to a healthy baby boy.  

    I will have pics ready to roll when he gets here.... war baby and war damn eagle!!!

    Congrats. Just got news (yesterday) I have my first great-Grandchild is coming sometime in November.  Praying all goes well for your delivery.

    • Like 4
  17. 3 hours ago, TexasTiger said:

    You inserted the term “unique,” which I never said and is a word I rarely use because it rarely applies.

    But the distinction I was referencing was that Hugh seems to enjoy personal relationship building (as did Dye, even though he was harder edged and more old school), whereas Saban, for example, has always taken a more transactional, business approach— he offers prospects a business opportunity. Listen to how recruits convey their interactions with the two men— the connection is different. And while a more personal, family relationship doesn’t preclude a player later seeking a “better deal,” if the original relationship was primarily a business opportunity, that’s likely how it will be weighed against other alternatives.

    Freeze’s penchant (enjoyment) into a very personal relationship with player a d family definitely ties in well with the “family atmosphere” approach that is a part if the AU persona. I think that is what makes Freeze a good fit. Still got to win on the field though.

  18. 2 hours ago, JuscAUse! said:

    You both have great points

     Which means we have no idea which one of you are right. And I doubt the coaches do either, at this point, at any school. Coaches were definitely overpaid on the past. I'm not sure now. 

    Sure coaches are overpaid, so too are some of the players. All that will eventually normalize. I believe coaches salaries will drop back along with players.

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