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Everything posted by KansasTiger

  1. Good point. So your argument is you simply don't want to believe them. Not that you have info that refutes that.
  2. Hey, you either believe our insiders or not. I didn't come up with that list. @cbo @DAG
  3. Wrong. We could have hired a plethora of good coaches, including Kiffin, Lanning if we wanted to pay enough, and possibly Dabo.
  4. If Hugh Freeze has taught me anything throughout, it's that he won't let this display by Hank phase his determination to play Thorne.
  5. I'm seeing some brutal coaching mistakes. Fielding a punt like that? That's 100% coaching.
  6. Especially on a portal qb. We had our shots. We missed or didn't pursue hard enough.
  7. I honestly considered Ashford was blackmailing Hugh at some point this year. If Geriner made so many strides in the offense like we heard, put him, Hugh. Let's see it.
  8. Kind of explains his mentality the entire time. This game wasn't something he could recruit.
  9. LOL, it looks like we practiced that coordinated kickoff shuffle more than our offense.
  10. Ron Robert's isn't going anywhere, is he? This is obviously a nice pickup, especially for recruiting purposes. Curious why Kelly only wanted to spend a year in CU and take a downgrade in title to get out of there. Or did he just want to be in Auburn that much?
  11. Glad we passed on some proven SEC WR's to get this guy. Portal strategy is lit this year!
  12. This. He's been told by scouts that the NBA wants 4s a d 5s that can hit 3s, and that's a big reason he came back. So he's going to continue to work on this because it's the weakest part of his game.
  13. Because I can't prove individually who was and wasn't undercover doesn't mean the belief is without merit. I dont have to abandon the whole idea simply because I don't have the resources to investigate the govt. We have testimony proving officers were there. Probably not an insignificant amount. And we have established precedent the FBI wilfully acts to encourage and entrap who they consider extremists. But if I put the two ideas together, I'm a conspiracy theorist.
  14. Cause they'd tell us and explain it if he was? Doesn't change my overall point either way.
  15. Undercover officers were present in the crowd. There could be people like Ray Epps all over that crowd we would have no idea they were officers, telling people to go into the capitol. What I do know is the FBI is involved in entrapment all the time. Just take a look at the Michigan Gov kidnapping case.
  16. I highly doubt it's possible to have the down ballot be that separated from Trump's performance.
  17. Ok. Sounds good. This isn't an attack on you or me giving up because im out of points, but I have no interest in continuing this specific topic. We've had this conversation before. Edit: and maybe that my fault for bringing it up in a response. So I apologize.
  18. I will be honest with you. I enjoy discourse with many on here. On both sides. I've found I can only take so much of it at a time, and take breaks from it, sometimes extended. Especially when things get ugly or personal. But a specific response from a person can completely bore me, yes. That's not a commentary on the entire discourse or even the entire conversation with one person, but this path of argument I've seen before and don't wish to engage much further, is my intent.
  19. Some nice quality, yet predictable, tapdancing there, sir. Congrats on being about as objective as I thought you'd be. I'm not perfectly objective either, but you cant even admit it's likely Biden has done some dirty things with the amount of circumstantial evidence there is. Instead you immediately snapped back to arguing about standards for judging evidence. I dont care, I'm not talking about a hearing room or a courthouse, I'm talking about your personal opinion. But I'm not even sure why I'm asking. I know the answer, and the answer is predictable and bores me.
  20. I'd have one of those beer discussions about what you believe vs what Trump did on 1/6 and the lead up to it. The fact that there were undercover officers in the crowd likely inciting the crowd, what Trump actually said to the crowd vs what the media tells you he said. But that's another conversation thats not possible on this forum.
  21. It tells me he must be the worst person at hiring in the history of the world or he really is an insufferable bastard to work with. I've said this before. But there are alot of factors that I don't know. This is like me showing you a list of Biden emails, text messages, shell corporations, and so on and asking you to objectively tell me what it says. Something tells me (cause I've seen you say it) that you'd be even less objective than I just was an tap dance around the concept of proof.
  22. Yeah, you're not really helping yourself in the whole 'objective about Trump' discussion. Objectively, he has the third best favorability ratings of any politician still in this race. So your constant lambasting that anyone can beat Trump shows your bias.
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