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Everything posted by Tigers77

  1. That drive notwithstanding, good start and it’s great to see our boys excited!
  2. Did that 24 guy leave? Because THAT would be an upgrade.
  3. I’m no Lee Corso 😉 but I feel like Penn St will actually end up as a 3-4 loss team. Could be wrong but I just don’t think they’re that good.
  4. I mean, I’ll just take the gas and whiskey prices 🤷‍♂️
  5. If he enjoys cooking them we have a whole new problem…
  6. It would be a bold/ smart move for Auburn to hire an up and coming black coach. And let me clarify…it SHOULDN'T be considered a bold move in 2022 but how many black coaches are in the SEC? Or in all of college football? I attended the PSU game last week and it was my first in quite a while. I was struck by the sheer lack of black fans in and around that stadium. It was a white person convention out there. Maybe its always been that way and I hadn’t paid attention but I noticed it Saturday. I just think Auburn could move a little towards the 21st century by taking a shot on someone like Deion AND get a recruiting bump AND a good coach. Not a fan of hiring him BECAUSE he’s black, but all things being equal then why not 🤷‍♂️ Lord knows our traditional hires have had mixed results.
  7. Hell this alone might be a reason to hire him
  8. I’ve been watching a local high school team that is getting their brains beat in every single week and I feel so bad for those kids. You know they are practicing and working hard and they get excited about putting on that jersey and helmet and competing and then a quarter into the game they’re down 21-0… All those kids I’m sure are excited to play for Auburn and are trying hard to be better and I feel bad for them too. At the end of the day most will never play pro ball so their college experience will be their lasting memory of playing football. Hope this doesn’t become 1998, 2008 or 2012. 😩
  9. Does your board name have something to do with the current coaching staff or?
  10. Well, sadly I know what we usually do 😩
  11. Even WKU looks difficult. They led Indiana late in their game last week.
  12. We have officially devolved into madness on this board 😂
  13. I haven’t been around long but as a newbie its easy to see this 24 guy and his buddy Mike are just stuck in Gus’s unending, weird psychological hold he had on half our fan base. God bless you for continuing to fight the good fight with those two but you may as well speak to your living room wall.
  14. All this talk and speculation and y’all know it’s happening…
  15. THIS. All day this. This right here. Well said.
  16. First game I’ve attended in 5 years and other than the score we had a great time. Had our pic taken with Bo beforehand so that was a high point for us. Enjoyed the pre game atmosphere outside the stadium. Most of the State fans we encountered were nice and polite although there was some incident where security was called nearby and it appeared a rowdy PSU fan had riled up some Auburn folk.
  17. I agree and success is very differently defined at an Arizona St than at Auburn. Average 7-8 wins a year and slip into a nice bowl game once or twice a decade and you can be king in Tempe.
  18. Ummmm ok. 😂. Pretty sure you got the “might be slow” part right
  19. Does cold day in hell ring a bell?
  20. I’m gonna go out on a limb here…did this guy defend Gus’s O line recruiting and development???
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