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If he stayed, and suffered a career ending injury, I would never forgive myself for all those prayers asking God to keep him at Auburn just one more year. 

Its his decision, he has to make it for himself.  As selfish as it is, I want him to stay but he probably should go.   :'(

Cant worry about stuff like that... if he wants to come back... itll be his own decision.
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I really don't think there will be a lot of money lost by coming back another year, barring injury of course. The new CBA is being negotiated as we speak. Players won't get the same rookie contracts as the rookies got last year. New rookie deals will be apart of this new CBA, whenever it is agreed upon. That will be the last part discussed. Lower rookie contracts are probably the one thing the players and owners agree on. The veterans don't like the fact that the rookies come into the league making more money than them when they've proven nothing. I saw an interview not long ago with a NFLPA member who said as much. Leaving school and taking the big money now is not even an option the way I understand it. The days of the big Sam Bradford deals are about to come to an end. I actually agree with this. Them getting 40-50-60 million in guaranteed money to rookies and veterans who've put in the work and bust their buts for years and not being able to cash in because the owners have to save cap space for the big rookie deals are ridiculous. They want to go more so with the NBA model that seems to be working right now. More in line with everyday society, the more time you put in, the more you make.

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I often hear people site the "career ending injury" as the reason for players to go pro early.  I guess the arguement here is that, if they have a career ending injury in the pros, they will have already made some money, but in college they won't.  I suppose there is some validity to that, but then again, you can achieve the same general effect through an insurance policy.  In Cam's case, his brother is in the NFL, so they have the money to cover the cost fo an insurance policy.  In any case, it's not like college football is any more dangerous than pro.  I'd be inclined to think it's less dangerous... though not by much.

Also, I wonder what the actual odds are of suffering a "career ending injury".  I can't think they would be very good.  If they were, no one would want to risk playing football at all.

The truth of the whole thing is, if a player goes pro, early, it's all about money, and it's a gamble at that.  That's the only benefit, and there's no guarantee it'll be more money than if they wait a year.  I'd be willing to bet, in most cases, with true star athletes, if you could see the "what if", most would have made more money with another year of seasoning. 

By staying in school, they get a degree, another year of learning under their current coaching staff (who can and will dedicate time that a pro staff will not), another year of being a kid (don't tell me most of you don't miss college), and a chance to achieve even greater things and make even more money, if that's what they are really looking for.

Al I can say is, if I had a kid who was a college star... they'd be in school for the full four seasons.

It's not the absolute risk, necessarily, it's the marginal cost-to-benefit and marginal increase or decrease in risk.  A 20-30% greater chance in injury risk from going pro is offset by the benefit of the upcoming Eleventy Billion Point Five dollars that Cam can expect to earn via signing bonus money and endorsements.  On the other risk side, his injury risk at the college level is ALSO increasing due to the departure of 4/5 of the offensive line.  He is going to get hit more often if he stays at Auburn, that has to carry an increase in injury risk of at least, say 5-10%.  The benefit from staying is attaining his degree, which is most helpful to graduates to help them...earn more money over the course of their lifetimes.  Cam will wipe out that little financial benefit in the time that it takes him to breathe 3 times on draft day.

At the end, all we're left with is guesswork at how Cam and his family value the "intangibles."  Cam getting his degree is more of a moral issue than a practical one, because the money is not an issue if he leaves after this season.  There is also the intangible benefit of staying where he is (presumably) comfortable, where he has gone through quite a lot with several coaches and players who will remain, and where the ladies might be considered a tad...more virtuous (but just as friendly) compared to those one might find on the road in the NFL.  We can't know how they value these things, because a player who does value the intangible over the practical is going to say the exact same things as the player who values the practical over the intangible, but realizes that it is practical to go through the motions of saying the right things.  I personally won't think less of him either way, as I'm the practical type. 

As for a slogan, how about  "Bo Knows, but Cam Owns?" 

Another factor that may play a part in his decision is the allegations of wrongdoing by Cecil w.r.t. his recruitment to Mississippi State.  If he stays, will all the nastiness continue?

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I think there are people who will keep beating the horse.  They just hate us that much.  Don't know why, but they do.  For his sake, I hope he goes.  Lots of hate on the other side of the ball.  They'll be trying to end his career.  I'd hate to see him end up like Bo before he even leaves the college game.

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Does Cam play baseball? IF so, this would add a nice twist to the saga for sure!


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Knowbody on here knows what Cam is going to do. They are just wishing one way or another. I for one hope he stays. Money isn't everything to everybody. Oh yea, I cant spell.

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I often hear people site the "career ending injury" as the reason for players to go pro early.  I guess the arguement here is that, if they have a career ending injury in the pros, they will have already made some money, but in college they won't.  I suppose there is some validity to that, but then again, you can achieve the same general effect through an insurance policy.  In Cam's case, his brother is in the NFL, so they have the money to cover the cost fo an insurance policy.  In any case, it's not like college football is any more dangerous than pro.  I'd be inclined to think it's less dangerous... though not by much.

Also, I wonder what the actual odds are of suffering a "career ending injury".  I can't think they would be very good.  If they were, no one would want to risk playing football at all.

The truth of the whole thing is, if a player goes pro, early, it's all about money, and it's a gamble at that.  That's the only benefit, and there's no guarantee it'll be more money than if they wait a year.  I'd be willing to bet, in most cases, with true star athletes, if you could see the "what if", most would have made more money with another year of seasoning. 

By staying in school, they get a degree, another year of learning under their current coaching staff (who can and will dedicate time that a pro staff will not), another year of being a kid (don't tell me most of you don't miss college), and a chance to achieve even greater things and make even more money, if that's what they are really looking for.

Al I can say is, if I had a kid who was a college star... they'd be in school for the full four seasons.

I couldn't disagree more.  The amount of money a top 10 NFL draftee is assured is more than reason enough to leave college.

The college experience versus providing generations of your family financial independence...come on. With all due respect, that is just crazy.

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Does Cam play baseball? IF so, this would add a nice twist to the saga for sure!


Nope but he wasnt half bad at basketball.

dont let barbee hear that, he could use a half bad player. i think the fb team could put 7or8 guys together and trooper could coach them and have a good chance to beat our bb team. not trying to inflict negativity but i truley believe that.
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To me Mark Ingram is a good example. Although he couldn't go for the draft last year, if he could have, he would likely have been a top 10 pick. Now, Kiper's got him at No. 22 on the board. I doubt he will hold the same draft position, and that means a lot when it comes to dollars. Jake Locker is another example. He would have been No. 1 had he left last year -- this year he's not even projected to go in the first round. You gotta strike while the iron's hot. I do hope wherever Cam goes, he's able to train behind another QB for a little while instead of immediately being the man. It's really tough to succeed immediately. I also hope his team will have patience -- that worked very well for Tampa Bay, Indianapolis and Atlanta, just to name a few. But Jason Campbell is a great example of a QB that likely won't reach his full potential partly because the Redskins didn't have patience.

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Does Cam play baseball? IF so, this would add a nice twist to the saga for sure!


Nope but he wasnt half bad at basketball.

dont let barbee hear that, he could use a half bad player. i think the fb team could put 7or8 guys together and trooper could coach them and have a good chance to beat our bb team. not trying to inflict negativity but i truley believe that.

I dont think anyone could take that negatively. Given a little time to practice it would be true without a doubt I would say. The cupboard is a bit bare right now on the basketball team considering the lack of size, experience etc currently on the roster. Many of the football players play alot of basketball in the Spring and are quite good. You'd have to give the size, speed and athleticism advantage to the football team (I'll take a 6' 6" 300 pounder at center over a 6' 10" 210 pounder for size). I'm honestly not quite sure what advantage you would give the bball team at this stage.  :dunno:  Can you imagine Cam pulling a Matt Jones and playing both sports? Jones was obviously better at football than basketball...I have a feeling Cam could be pretty dominant on the hardwood if he wanted to.

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It would never happen, but if Cam wanted to play roundball after 1-10-11 then let him, lol. Atleast we could start getting people to the arena.

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To me Mark Ingram is a good example. Although he couldn't go for the draft last year, if he could have, he would likely have been a top 10 pick. Now, Kiper's got him at No. 22 on the board. I doubt he will hold the same draft position, and that means a lot when it comes to dollars. Jake Locker is another example. He would have been No. 1 had he left last year -- this year he's not even projected to go in the first round. You gotta strike while the iron's hot. I do hope wherever Cam goes, he's able to train behind another QB for a little while instead of immediately being the man. It's really tough to succeed immediately. I also hope his team will have patience -- that worked very well for Tampa Bay, Indianapolis and Atlanta, just to name a few. But Jason Campbell is a great example of a QB that likely won't reach his full potential partly because the Redskins didn't have patience.

I believe that for a QB to succeed in the NFL, a team needs to have three things - patience, competence, and an offensive line.  The Washington Redskins have had none of those things for Jason Campbell's entire career.  I think all 3 are necessary, because even though the NY Jets have 2/3 of those things (competence and an OL), just look at Mark Sanchez and his struggles because they gave him no time to grow. 

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