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Rocker to the titans? maybe not..


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I had been under the impression that the Rocker to Titans look had already happened and T-Rock was stayin at AU. I remember seein stuff about this a week or 2 ago. Granted, that was while Fisher was still the coach in Nashville.

I agree with this statement but the Titans might be taking a second look at TRock because of the Titans hire within.  Hopefully he stays in Auburn!!!  We need TRock to make Beast out of the DL and to terrify our SEC opponents for years to come!!!

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I had been under the impression that the Rocker to Titans look had already happened and T-Rock was stayin at AU. I remember seein stuff about this a week or 2 ago. Granted, that was while Fisher was still the coach in Nashville.

I agree with this statement but the Titans might be taking a second look at TRock because of the Titans hire within.  Hopefully he stays in Auburn!!!  We need TRock to make Beast out of the DL and to terrify our SEC opponents for years to come!!!

I had heard that Rock would be seriously pursued IF the Titans hired the assistant coach from within....and they did.  Hope he stays  :timeout:

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I would be happy for him but I'd prefer to keep him. There is a reason why Nick Fairley went from a guy the coaches questioned if he would amount to anything to a Lombardi winner in one season.

Hold up, I agree with your statement, but the Vader thing is mine dude. :P:laugh:

I say we have a lightsaber duel.....

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I would be happy for him but I'd prefer to keep him. There is a reason why Nick Fairley went from a guy the coaches questioned if he would amount to anything to a Lombardi winner in one season.

Hold up, I agree with your statement, but the Vader thing is mine dude. :P:laugh:

I say we have a lightsaber duel.....

There's an idea, winner gets naming rights. ;D

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I would be happy for him but I'd prefer to keep him. There is a reason why Nick Fairley went from a guy the coaches questioned if he would amount to anything to a Lombardi winner in one season.

Hold up, I agree with your statement, but the Vader thing is mine dude. :P:laugh:

LOL. Love the avatar you got there. Sorry my fellow Dark Lord of the Sith but I've gone by Vader for years. My former name no longer has any meaning for me.  :)

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I would be happy for him but I'd prefer to keep him. There is a reason why Nick Fairley went from a guy the coaches questioned if he would amount to anything to a Lombardi winner in one season.

Hold up, I agree with your statement, but the Vader thing is mine dude. :P:laugh:

LOL. Love the avatar you got there. Sorry my fellow Dark Lord of the Sith but I've gone by Vader for years. My former name no longer has any meaning for me.  :)

Lol. Thanks, it's all cool. For now we shall rule the message bored together, nothing will stop us! :cool: (except for the mods possibly..)

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Rocker deserves it, but I'd prefer he stays.

I hope he stays - he did a good job with Nick Fairley, but I can't believe he (and Auburn) couldn't swing Drew to Auburn in the end.

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As a Sith my unflinching goal is nothing short of absolute power. Anything that hinders this in any way will be pitilessly destroyed. Other than that I'm a pretty easy going guy though.    :happydance:

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Be glad you have Aubie for your head. He's loved by everyone. Children line up to sit in your lap to have their picture made. You get to hang out with the cheerleaders. Me on the other hand, I'm reviled as evil. Children are scared of me... some to the point of nightmares. And on top of it all I can't take this damn thing off unless I'm in my little black metal sphere on my Super Star Destroyer. Sucks when I'm out somewhere and my nose itches. And sneezing in this thing sucks balls.

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Those kids always seem to come along when I'm force choking someone. It's okay when Darth Vader chokes somebody, but as soon as Aubie chokes a bammer that built the self destruct button on the Death Star you get lawsuits and kids go screaming mad. Not only do I have obligations to crush a rebellion, but I also need to hype up the basketball crowd. I'm not sure which is harder actually... :dunno:

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This went from sports to geekcity!!  :tease:

Oh your just jealous that there isn't another EasyBake on here. :tease:

you caught me  :'( I can always hope though!

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Join us. Learn to use the power of the Dark Side of the Force. Do this and then together we will find you another EasyBake to call your own. Give in... it is your only hope.

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Join us. Learn to use the power of the Dark Side of the Force. Do this and then together we will find you another EasyBake to call your own. Give in... it is your only hope.

OK! Where do I sign up?

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