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Lars Anderson


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Back in December, Lars Anderson was on Finebaum's show and was talking about the piece he had written for Sports Illustrated about Cam Newton. It was basically a feel-good piece, but he also talked about the strain between Cam and Cecil over all this pay-for-play mess. OF course, he was getting bombarded with Bammer callers basically telling him he was wrong and that Cam and Cecil and, of course, AUBURN were all guilty of out-bidding MSU for Cam's services. He even said that he had his office call the NCAA to inquire about the status of the investigation and whoever from his office called was told that the investigation WAS OVER!!!!

A few weeks ago, Lars Anderson was on Finebaum, and he was not being as defensive of Cam and Cecil as he had been, even saying that it was a fact that Cecil went to MSU with his hands out looking for money for Cam's services. While he did say that as far as he knew, Cam was NOT aware of this, but said that he didn't think that was on the up-and-up but it couldn't be proven.

Today, I may have found out why Lars Anderson has taken a bit of a different road on this mess with Cam: He teaches a course (or 2 or more) of journalism at---I think you can guess what I'm about to write here---THE UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA. I bet he is getting first-hand knowledge of the Red Elephant Club and what they can do to anyone who crosses dear ole UA.

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It would take a journalist from somewhere else, with solid backing from outside the state, to escape the influence, and to expose the REC and the bammers.

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It would take a journalist from somewhere else, with solid backing from outside the state, to escape the influence, and to expose the REC and the bammers.

He was on again I think yesterday and was really getting grief from some bammer callers. Wish I had heard the first of his bit. Sounds like he has the turds upset again which is good.

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