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Lowder off the board!!


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Maybe some of you know personal things about this man that justifies the abuse he gets.  But, to be frank he seems like one of these boogey men that is always created about auburn people by the media.  Cam and Dye being two recent ones.  It usually happens to those who are effective for the progress of auburn as well. 

Let's not get into this debate again.... At the end of the day the bylaws say u can't serve more than two 7 year terms as member on the BOT. So he should've been gone awhile ago. Those are the rules and I don't care who you are they apply to you. That fact alone is good cause for him not to be on there

Rules are selectuvely enforced at all the time.  That is just the way it is.  If you want to say he is gone because of the rules fine.  But all the crap thrown at the man is unnecessary.  Not saying that you have done that.  But that is the reason most will view as to why he had his name pulled and it will spun to put auburn in a negative light.

Wow.... So we should support and embrace selectively applying the rules? No one is bigger than Auburn University I don't care how much money you have. Anyway I think this will actually be spun in a positive light for Auburn. But then again just my opinion. Personally just hope to see some new blood in there

Don't support it.  But, also won't feign moral outrage over it.  Nor will I hold it up as a reason to legitimize the vilification of a man who happens to be a fellow auburn man.  Whether he stays or goes is not my issue.  It is the attempt to personally destroy this man that bothers me.

I'm not making him a villain I'm just pointing out that he has been on the board double the amount of the time he is lawfully supposed to be serving. Sometimes I worry he thinks he is bigger than Auburn. However I applaud him for stepping down on his own after hearing from the Auburn family. I hope he still gives generously. However I am frankly thrilled he is no longer on the BOT. Jetgate doesn't bug me as much as almost losing SACS accreditation which is HUGE or the fact that he got rid of the school of journalism. I believe everything he does he believes is the best for Auburn. I just don't want one man to have the kind of control he had. Again I applaud him for stepping away and wish him nothing but the best. Let's hope that this go around they spend more time and thought on who should be appointed.

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The SAC's thing was mostly about the firing of Muse. The board was unhappy that he was not communicating with them and giving them information on the operations of the university in a timely manner. Muse later went on to be fired at ECU because his staff laundered hundreds of thousands of dollars there. He deserved to be fired. Also I might add that Muse was one of the main figures who lobbied for the SACS investigation and had a good friend on the compliance department. In retrospect, I would say the board was more than vindicated.

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I respect Mr. Lowder for stepping down for the good of Auburn. I never doubted his love for Auburn, but it was time for a change.

Time for everyone to come back together and move on.

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Lowder resigns....and Bama fans ready to declare a holiday in celebration. 

Doesn't that make you a little bit suspicious ?

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Several have asked for more information on Bobby Lowder.  Here are a couple of articles to check out:


(Warning, ^^^^ is a long read, but you asked for it.  Skip down to the "football fanatic" section for the Auburn stuff.)

And ESPN from 2006:


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Lowder resigns....and Bama fans ready to declare a holiday in celebration.   

Doesn't that make you a little bit suspicious ?

In a world system full of hypocrisy, they tend to make it really easy for us to respond...

Just ask, " Now that we got rid of Lowder's influence, what are you (UAT) going to do about the renegade (and he is), Paul Bryant, Jr. ?"

In the long run, he will cost them a lot more than what he has brought to the table...

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There needs to be as much conversation about the national mortgage fraud and Wall Streets part in it as there is about the Colonial portion of it. Several of his people have been indicted for fraud and yet his involvement has not been alleged or indicted but has been investigated. The Securities and Exchange Comm, is much like the NCAA, they aren't very interested in what people think is their right to know all information. I'm hard pressed to believe a man would drive his own company into this situation when it served as all but his personal checkbook in the first place.

Wall Street Journal writes an article to keep the heat off Wall Street.

USA Today writes an article with nothing but a cursory interview of a banker giving his opinion of it who has no firsthand experience.

Cnn writes one from a different point of view.

We can find an article to tell us anything we want it to say. Enough of this junk already.

I think it was time for him to go, I also think he did a great and vast amount of good for this University.

My hope is that everyone in your life will give you as much credit as you give others blame. It's incredibly easy to be hypercritical of people who are in the public eye. People talk about things that by and large they have no clue about. Public-living, high profile  people are subject to rumors ,truths and outright lies. Think I'm kidding? Look at the things that have been said about our coaches, like Trooper when you know it's nothing but junk. This past season ,so many lies and so little truth or concern for it.

SMT, 3rdgen and Teach Tiger bring up excellent points. At times we are our own worst enemy, We don't need rival boards to talk about us, because in the name of being able to have an opinion, we do a better job of hurting ourselves than most of them do.

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By the numbers:

1. Let me say I did not want Lowder to serve another term on the BOT.

2. We share one thing in common: a white hot passion for all thing Auburn. With that I feel a kinship with him.

3. He stepped aside for the good of Auburn and that makes him a better man than most.

4. Thank you Mr. Lowder for all the good you have done for Auburn. We may not have agreed on everything, but you had the ability and the desire to make our University great.

5. War Eagle!!!!!!!!

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The board needs new blood- you can never go back in life only forward ,like it or not actions speak louder than words and jetgate was a dirty move. Coach Tubbs should have been removed before a search for a new coach began, it was a low class move and not what an Auburn person should ever consider.  

If your gonna lay "jetgate" at his feet then you need to give the man his due for all the good he has done for Auburn University as well. Which btw far outweighs any percieved harm he has done.

I would also like to make a couple of points.

#1 People need forget about this whole "with BL on the BOT Auburn will be painted in a bad light by the media." This is probably the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard. If you really believe that AU will be painted in a better light without BL on the board then you have to be VERY NAIVE and must not have been paying attention the past few months. The media obviously has its own agenda when it comes to Auburn. With or without BL.

#2 I would like for anyone on here to please explain to me how it was so appauling that AU tried to can exCTT after the UGA game in 2003? I for one was mad as hell after that game and honestly was ready for a change myself. Now after the IB my feelings changed a bit and I thought exCTT should be brought back for '04 season but no longer unless he won the SEC. Which he did. As for the way it all went down....I can promise you Auburn wasn't the first school to have a HC in mind before they let the current one go.

I agree with both points above. BL has done MUCH MUCH MUCH more good than bad for AU. In fact it is laughable to even weigh the good vs the bad as one is vast and the other is not.

And I cannot agree more with #1. It is somewhat embarrassing that Auburn people both listen so much and care so much about what others think about AU in the media. A state media that by in large is anti-AU and fed by a journalism school of a university whose alums (many of them) would love nothing more than to destroy or bring us down.

When you agree with a turd, you need to be careful why you agree. AU football would not be where it is today without BL. Our campus would not have the facilities it has today without BL.  MOST bama fans are critical of BL for one reason and one reason only... Amoung all the good he has done for AU he was instrumental in turning the "tide" in the state in athletics in the 1980's, bringing bama to AU, and along with Dye building (or rebuilding) part the foundation we sit on today (as far as the football program is concerned).

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Even though the by-laws were changed limiting BOT members to two 7-year terms, Bobby Lowder, under the circumstances, is allowed one more term. However, there are reasons most boards limit terms for members and Auburn has experienced the negative consequences of having certain people maintain power for too long. I appreciate what BL has done for Auburn. His choosing to not seek a last term shows me that he really does have what's best for Auburn in his heart. I wish him well.

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I had been  opposed to another term for BL .

BL's debits and credits are history, thanks for the good and wish you hadn't done the bad.

It is time to move on.

At first read I think the expanded board is a good idea.

Redrawing the districts should have been done long ago.

A question, What set of skills and credentials should the at large appointees have ?

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