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Are we seeing a new tactic in recruiting???


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If I wanted the entire nation to know that I was ashamed to be a fan of a program

If there were ANY shame the number 13 wouldn't ever be uttered, much less sold on flags and stickers and anything else that could be bought at Wal Mart.  Their creed is that number, which they know is an outright fabrication.  Therein lies the problem.

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Some people do not live in the real world. If it isn't against the rules and not against the law, that is by DEFINTION as moral as it can be. Stop being so overdramatic.

You live in a world where chances are the company you work for could have someone employed with your major rival in order to comprehend how to compete against them better. They may even develop products using your rivals information or more, much more. Am I happy that is the way this world is? NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it is a reality and to deny it, doesn't make it go away.

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I am a conspiracy person...the reason...once, it just happened; twice, it's a coincidence; however, 4 or 5 times of this crap with the same university then there is something there.  You are blind if you don't think there were strings being pulled when a recruit commits on NSD and then never sends in the fax; a recruit goes missing right before NSD; a RB out of FL is ready to have "earth shatter news", then something happens; a RB switches 2 days after numerous numersous times of stating "ALL IN"...etc.

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I am a conspiracy person...the reason...once, it just happened; twice, it's a coincidence; however, 4 or 5 times of this crap with the same university then there is something there.  You are blind if you don't think there were strings being pulled when a recruit commits on NSD and then never sends in the fax; a recruit goes missing right before NSD; a RB out of FL is ready to have "earth shatter news", then something happens; a RB switches 2 days after numerous numersous times of stating "ALL IN"...etc.

We are only talking about the TJ situation. The possible conspiracy is was TJ in cohhots with uat all along or dit it with in the last few weeks before he flipped.

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I am a conspiracy person...the reason...once, it just happened; twice, it's a coincidence; however, 4 or 5 times of this crap with the same university then there is something there.  You are blind if you don't think there were strings being pulled when a recruit commits on NSD and then never sends in the fax; a recruit goes missing right before NSD; a RB out of FL is ready to have "earth shatter news", then something happens; a RB switches 2 days after numerous numersous times of stating "ALL IN"...etc.

We are only talking about the TJ situation. The possible conspiracy is was TJ in cohhots with uat all along or dit it with in the last few weeks before he flipped.

That is the million dollar question.
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I found it curious that Yeldon flipped right at the beginning of the dead period and put out a prepared statement. Then Alphonse Taylor from Davidson H.S. does the same thing, and his prepared statement was almost identical to Yeldon's. The line about respect for the coaches and programs, etc. I think it was orchestrated by UAT to leave holes that are difficult to fill based on the timing. Changing your mind is one thing, but lies and deceit under the direction of Alabama is a new low even for them.

FSU under Bowden did something similar. They would have kids lead other coaches to believe they had a shot when they didn't. It's a good strategy.

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The way I see it is that IF these kids were in on some grand scheme to sabotage another school after they looked them in the eyes and committed, then why did the parents allow their kids to bold face lie and be deceptive to other coaches? If my son were being recruited to Auburn and our coaches told him to commit to bammer to mess up their class, and then decommit and flip,  then I would step in and tell my son that he wasn't going to play for a staff that would allow such stuff to go on. And I would call the coach and tell them never to contact my son again. But that's just me.

Alot of people live without honor. It is amazing the things I've witnessed people do for their own gain.

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The way I see it is that IF these kids were in on some grand scheme to sabotage another school after they looked them in the eyes and committed, then why did the parents allow their kids to bold face lie and be deceptive to other coaches? If my son were being recruited to Auburn and our coaches told him to commit to bammer to mess up their class, and then decommit and flip,  then I would step in and tell my son that he wasn't going to play for a staff that would allow such stuff to go on. And I would call the coach and tell them never to contact my son again. But that's just me.

Alot of people live without honor. It is amazing the things I've witnessed people do for their own gain.

Very true my friend.
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Well, seems like if you want to know the answer to the million dollar question, all you'd have to do is when the dead period ends just ask him if it has been planned all along or if he just had a change of heart.  And when he answers, all you have to do is just assume the opposite.  Ha ha ha.

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