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Favorite Western Movie?

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Not an "original" Western, but Tombstone is by far one of my favorite movies of all time.


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Cant wait till Monday night,the Hatfields and McCoys on history channel looks good.Costner does well in cowboy flicks.

The DVR is set for this one.  Should be good.  :thumbsup:

My wifw is from WV and is related to both sides. So many story's to tell

So let's hear em! You can't tease us with that! That is message board gold!

She is related to both sides but her side of the family claim the Vance side of the Hatfields more. Uncle Jim Vance

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Ok, i got to get the kids to sleep. These hatfields an mccoys use some rough language.

DVR or multiple tvs definitely needed.

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Ok, i got to get the kids to sleep. These hatfields an mccoys use some rough language.

To much cussin'

Some of them Hatfoeld and mccoy mommas need to wash their boys mouths out with soap  :)

But really,we know people cuss,why does it need to be in almost every show on the tube(ok off soap box)

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Cant wait till Monday night,the Hatfields and McCoys on history channel looks good.Costner does well in cowboy flicks.

The DVR is set for this one.  Should be good.  :thumbsup:

My wifw is from WV and is related to both sides. So many story's to tell

So let's hear em! You can't tease us with that! That is message board gold!

She is related to both sides but her side of the family claim the Vance side of the Hatfields more. Uncle Jim Vance

One of the leaders of "Logans wildcat's"I dont think this was mentioned in the show,but I could have missed it.Tom Berrenger is doing a good job with the character.You guys think that he looks mean in the movie now,just wait a bit.. ;)

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Band of Brothers (the best even though it's a mini series)

Saving Private Ryan

We were Soldiers


War Horse

Enemy at the Gates

Gods and Generals



The Green Berets

Iwo Jima

The Dirty Dozen

Kelley's Heroes

To Hell and Back

Well those are all great movies but they're not westerns

Ha whoops that was supposed to go into the war movie thread  :timeout:

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