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Auburn-LSU Roll Call


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Can't be there...pull us thru....War Damn Eagle...my first Auburn LSU game was the 1970 driving downpour game. Sat next to my Dad and older brother...will never forget when we were driving for a late TD and the bottom fell out. Rained so hard you could barely see the field. Didn't help Sully trying to roll out and throw. I'll be there by TV....

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I'm Seeing a lot of "North End Zone-rs" here, we need to rally!

We'll be easy to spot. Just look for the people peeling from last weekend. Unless you were smart and wore sun screen.

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Sec 38,row 60,seats 1-6. Bringing a co-worker and her husband with my family. They are from the Ukraine and have been in the U.S. for about 10 years. They have NEVER been to an organized sporting event their whole lives and tomorrow will be their first! I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they walk into Jordan Hare! War Eagle! :wareagle::flag:

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north endzone, unless someone wants to trade some upper deck tickets with me. taking my 7 year old for his 1st Auburn game. this will be weird not drinking my normal 18 beers before the game. will limit myself to a 6pack or less...kids. anyone going to be on lem morrison about noon?

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Ok, so I copied this from my other post in the Dysfunctional Family thread, but I didn't feel like retyping this:

I am not fortunate enough to be able to make the game this weekend, but I would like to challenge everyone that is going to support the team 100%, during the good plays and bad. And, no matter what the final score is, sing at the top of your lungs "IT'S GREAT, TO BE, AN AUBURN TIGER!!!". Because that is exactly what it is, great.

War Eagle, and beat the mustard off them corndogs!!!

If I have a voice at the end of the game I will sing it a couple of extra times for ya!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Golf, Loud and Proud, All In and War Eagle!!!!!!!!!!! :wareagle:
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Sec 38,row 60,seats 1-6. Bringing a co-worker and her husband with my family. They are from the Ukraine and have been in the U.S. for about 10 years. They have NEVER been to an organized sporting event their whole lives and tomorrow will be their first! I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they walk into Jordan Hare! War Eagle! :wareagle::flag:

That's awesome!

Please report back how they reacted to everything.

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I'm Seeing a lot of "North End Zone-rs" here, we need to rally!

We'll be easy to spot. Just look for the people peeling from last weekend. Unless you were smart and wore sun screen.

I forgot my sunscreen. But luckily the peeling has stopped!

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Sec 38,row 60,seats 1-6. Bringing a co-worker and her husband with my family. They are from the Ukraine and have been in the U.S. for about 10 years. They have NEVER been to an organized sporting event their whole lives and tomorrow will be their first! I can't wait to see the looks on their faces when they walk into Jordan Hare! War Eagle! :wareagle::flag:

That's awesome!

Please report back how they reacted to everything.

They were astounded and,obviously,want to come back for more. It was so much fun watching THEM have fun. Really wanted them to experience the Toomer's celebration but maybe next time. Thanks for inquiring. It's so damn great to be an Auburn Tiger!

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