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See you in the other forums... :)


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You know....after much thought and independence I have decided that this is my last post in the political forum. I know Texas Tiger will be happy, along with several others, but I am tired of the division and the obvious. It will continue on, and no one will change my independent, libertarian beliefs, or those of the progressive or conservative mindset. All we end up doing is seeing the same 10-15 people come in here and start throwing jabs at one another as if any of us can make a difference or influence one another. That's not going to happen. All we have done at the end of the day is pissed each other off to some degree. I know the forum is meant to be a forum for discussion, but when I start getting ticked off by the words of one or two of you I know it's no longer a discussion.

I have grown tired of the obvious destruction of this nation over the last half-plus century. It's been slow, calculated, and now obvious that the two party system has put themselves ahead of the founding. The once bold decision to break away from the monarchy and create a representative republic is history. We will never see that again. I wish I were wrong but I can't see the people of this nation standing up for the principals we once held dear. We have allowed zealots from both parties with ties to their own special interests come in and decay the true meaning of individual liberty and freedom. All we have left is a split nation....and the divide grows larger by the day. Whether you are a progressive or conservative, your political party of choice has systematically crumbled the underpinning of the United States. Not everything that has been done, over time, to decay the foundation is meant to harm, but the end result is still the same. Many times it's been to try and help one group or the other. Sometimes it was for a just cause. These days it's about special interests or appeasement. It’s about paybacks or backdoor deals. Standing for what is right used to be a sign of character and strength. These days it's an open season to target others. I hope each and every one of you live a life filled with happiness. I no longer have that feeling I once had as a soldier serving my country or a teenager watching the astronauts take to the sky in the shuttle. I can't shake this continual degradation to the United States. I have concluded, in my own mind and of my own accord, that there's little that I, or any one or two people can do to stem the tide and reverse the course. The country has been pulled apart by groups who think that the United States is a failed experiment and needs to be changed forever. Instead of trying to adhere to the founding of freedom and liberty we have groups who want to control others in the name of “democracy”. What a shame.

War Eagle! Good luck to all of you……

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Nice Post...I too am more of a libertarian. I am fiscally conservative and as for the social issues don't really care so long as they don't affect others and don't expect me to pay for them. We have bent over too far in helping cronies get ahead. Both parties are to blame for that crap and we need to get back to the basics of what our Government is supposed to do. I have seen so much waste, fraud and abuse of power in my time working for the government that I am totally sick of it and people wanting more of my money to hand out to others who won't fix their situation.

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Nice Post...I too am more of a libertarian. I am fiscally conservative and as for the social issues don't really care so long as they don't affect others and don't expect me to pay for them. We have bent over too far in helping cronies get ahead. Both parties are to blame for that crap and we need to get back to the basics of what our Government is supposed to do. I have seen so much waste, fraud and abuse of power in my time working for the government that I am totally sick of it and people wanting more of my money to hand out to others who won't fix their situation.

I know how you feel. It's mostly a waste of time in here with the same people doing multiple quote posts and verbose responses. As I also posted last week, my future posts here will be very limited as will my responses. I will just drop by to see if anything of particular interest is posted but there is a list of posters I will no longer even bother to read. See you around in other forums. War Eagle.

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When I took a break from this forum a little while back, the feeling I experienced was the same great feeling I experienced when I stopped listening to the Finebaum show.

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You know....after much thought and independence I have decided that this is my last post in the political forum. I know Texas Tiger will be happy, along with several others, but I am tired of the division and the obvious.

You grossly overestimate the power your personal choices have on my mood. ;)

But War Eagle, brother!

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I took a step back and decided im not going to let this forum, facebook or any other political or opinion discussions contribute to my hypertension. I do enjoy the conversation and try to respect all views. Sometimes it's educational to me. By the way, you will still find plenty of arguments in the football and recruiting forums too. I do understand the need to bail though.

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I decided a while back to leave this forum for the most part as well. it wasn't the healthy arguing/discussing that ruined it for me, though. It was the repetitive trolling style that some people employed that made decent discussions either impossible or Aleve worthy. You have one in particular that will reply to every single post in the thread with one liners that are usually just him asking the authors to repeat themselves again and again while pretending to not understand what point they were trying to make-or him throwing backhanded insults. It gets old pretty quick.

It's better to just breeze in and out every week or so...any more exposure than that is just annoying.

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EMT, I understand where you are coming from, but with all due respect I think you are being overly dramatic with this "Fall of the Empire" perspective.

This country has been through worse periods from a political and societal standpoint than what we are currently experiencing. But that's not to make light of the changes that are occurring, many of which need to be addressed. That in itself would make for an interesting topic. The challenges see (in no particular order) include:

polarization of wealth

globalization of the economy

inadequate primary and secondary educational systems

high cost of college (linked to the polarization of wealth)

dysfunctional political system

inadequate investment in infrastructure


Given a little time I could come up with many more, many of which are offshoots of the above problems.

It's possible that things will get worse before they get better, but history shows that our species (at least) is very resilient. The country may not survive, but humans will, for better or worse. Bottom line, it's fine to take a break from the forum, but please don't succumb to defeatism.

Think globally, act locally.

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EMT, I understand where you are coming from, but with all due respect I think you are being overly dramatic with this "Fall of the Empire" perspective.

This country has been through worse periods from a political and societal standpoint than what we are currently experiencing. But that's not to make light of the changes that are occurring, many of which need to be addressed. That in itself would make for an interesting topic. The challenges see (in no particular order) include:

polarization of wealth

globalization of the economy

inadequate primary and secondary educational systems

high cost of college (linked to the polarization of wealth)

dysfunctional political system

inadequate investment in infrastructure


Given a little time I could come up with many more, many of which are offshoots of the above problems.

It's possible that things will get worse before they get better, but history shows that our species (at least) is very resilient. The country may not survive, but humans will, for better or worse. Bottom line, it's fine to take a break from the forum, but please don't succumb to defeatism.

Think globally, act locally.

It's people like you he is tired of dealing with. Thanks a lot.

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EMT, I understand where you are coming from, but with all due respect I think you are being overly dramatic with this "Fall of the Empire" perspective.

This country has been through worse periods from a political and societal standpoint than what we are currently experiencing. But that's not to make light of the changes that are occurring, many of which need to be addressed. That in itself would make for an interesting topic. The challenges see (in no particular order) include:

polarization of wealth

globalization of the economy

inadequate primary and secondary educational systems

high cost of college (linked to the polarization of wealth)

dysfunctional political system

inadequate investment in infrastructure


Given a little time I could come up with many more, many of which are offshoots of the above problems.

It's possible that things will get worse before they get better, but history shows that our species (at least) is very resilient. The country may not survive, but humans will, for better or worse. Bottom line, it's fine to take a break from the forum, but please don't succumb to defeatism.

Think globally, act locally.

It's people like you he is tired of dealing with. Thanks a lot.

First, you're wrong. I have a lot of respect for EMT and I think it's somewhat mutual.

Secondly, it's kind of presumptuous for you to speak for him don't you think?.

Thirdly, this is exactly the sort of vacuous ad hominem attack that drives people away from the forum.

Thanks a lot. :-\

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That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

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That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

are you guilty?
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That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

are you guilty?

I am open to other points of view. I try to be open minded. Are you?
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That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

You are essentially correct, but I would state it somewhat differently. It's a reluctance to accept someone else's point of view as being legitimate, even if you think it's wrong, combined with a reluctance of simply letting an argument go versus having the last word.

That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

are you guilty?

Most of us are from time to time.

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That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

You are essentially correct, but I would state it somewhat differently. It's a reluctance to accept someone else's point of view as being legitimate, even if you think it's wrong, combined with a reluctance of simply letting an argument go versus having the last word.

That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

are you guilty?

Most of us are from time to time.

I would agree with that.
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EMT, I understand where you are coming from, but with all due respect I think you are being overly dramatic with this "Fall of the Empire" perspective.

This country has been through worse periods from a political and societal standpoint than what we are currently experiencing. But that's not to make light of the changes that are occurring, many of which need to be addressed. That in itself would make for an interesting topic. The challenges see (in no particular order) include:

polarization of wealth

globalization of the economy

inadequate primary and secondary educational systems

high cost of college (linked to the polarization of wealth)

dysfunctional political system

inadequate investment in infrastructure


Given a little time I could come up with many more, many of which are offshoots of the above problems.

It's possible that things will get worse before they get better, but history shows that our species (at least) is very resilient. The country may not survive, but humans will, for better or worse. Bottom line, it's fine to take a break from the forum, but please don't succumb to defeatism.

Think globally, act locally.

It's people like you he is tired of dealing with. Thanks a lot.

First, you're wrong. I have a lot of respect for EMT and I think it's somewhat mutual.

Secondly, it's kind of presumptuous for you to speak for him don't you think?.

Thirdly, this is exactly the sort of vacuous ad hominem attack that drives people away from the forum.

Thanks a lot. :-\

First, I'm not wrong. But you are.

Second, I am not speaking for him, I am just feeling his pain.

Third, if only.

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That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

You are essentially correct, but I would state it somewhat differently. It's a reluctance to accept someone else's point of view as being legitimate, even if you think it's wrong, combined with a reluctance of simply letting an argument go versus having the last word.

That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

are you guilty?

Most of us are from time to time.

I would agree with that.

just making sure you weren't just accusing the rest of us.

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That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

You are essentially correct, but I would state it somewhat differently. It's a reluctance to accept someone else's point of view as being legitimate, even if you think it's wrong, combined with a reluctance of simply letting an argument go versus having the last word.

That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

are you guilty?

Most of us are from time to time.

I would agree with that.

just making sure you weren't just accusing the rest of us.

Did you just glaze over "either side" in my post?
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That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

You are essentially correct, but I would state it somewhat differently. It's a reluctance to accept someone else's point of view as being legitimate, even if you think it's wrong, combined with a reluctance of simply letting an argument go versus having the last word.

That's not what drives people away, it's the same tired positions that keep getting recycled in every thread with no desire from either side to see the other's point of view. It's exactly the equivalent of listening to the old Finebaum show.

are you guilty?

Most of us are from time to time.

I would agree with that.

just making sure you weren't just accusing the rest of us.

Did you just glaze over "either side" in my post?

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