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New tax code.


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Should everyone pay the same percentage? Or should it be geared only for the rich? Why would the flat tax work? Why would it not?

Answer now, I'm sending our suggestions to congress. :D

Need a new tax code!

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The rich should pay more, they use more of the Gov'ts resources, with their private jets needing federal traffic air controllers, their SUVs tearing up the roads, their yachts poluting the seas, their unhealthy habit of eating nothing but bonbons clogging the medical services, I could go on and on. Tax them at 95% and we could all then just sit back and enjoy an utopian existence...

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The rich should pay more, they use more of the Gov'ts resources, with their private jets needing federal traffic air controllers, their SUVs tearing up the roads, their yachts poluting the seas, their unhealthy habit of eating nothing but bonbons clogging the medical services, I could go on and on. Tax them at 95% and we could all then just sit back and enjoy an utopian existence...

I think I was mostly referring to a FLAT tax. But I see your point.

Any other "viable" suggestions out there?

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Actually my response was suppossed to be sarcastic.

I personally believe a simpler tax structure is where we need to go, with only 2 or 3 rates, and very limited deductions. Most wealthy people, say those making over $200k, now pay a LOT of taxes, more per year than an average four person family makes in a year, but I am sure there are some that squeek through the loopholes and pay a much smaller bill, we just need to fix those...

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Everyone shoudl pay 10%, Bill Gates, IBM, banks, Joe Blow, everyone pays the same percentage with ABSOLUTELY no deductions. Bill Gates pays 10% on his $999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 per year & Joe Blow pays 10% on his $12,000 per year. But the democrats would cry that it was not fair for Joe to have to pay $1200. & VERY unfair that Bill Gates ONLY paid 10%. Where would the Democratic platform of Class Warfare go?

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If there were no exclusions and everybody paid, wouldn't there be more than enough tax income to run the government?

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well, for what it's worth, here is my take:

1) a flat tax system makes way too much sense for anyone to ever seriously support it.

2) whether this is true or not, here is what i heard/learned last week from some Americans living in Russia: russia used to have a very complicated tax system...very difficult to figure out...and only 2-3% actually ever bothered filing taxes. recently they switched to a flat tax (between 12 & 13% or so) and now 20% + are complying...go figure!

didn't steve forbes' idea allow for every family to deduct $26,000 or so of their income... single deduction -- those making less than this amount didn't pay anything?


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