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AJ Didn't Fool the NFL

Proud Tiger

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The NFL was turned off by AJ's ego and personality. It cost him a ton of money.


AJ has little Nickie's ego and personality. This is characteristic of the Bummer Nation.

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The NFL was turned off by AJ's ego and personality. It cost him a ton of money.


True....and like Aaron Murray, the guy as a very good college QB who has various deficiencies that makes most NFL teams willing to take the chance that he will still be around when they finally decide a good back-up QB might be worth taking. Murray at least seems to know his future role in the NFL and is smart enough to keep his mouth shut until he has earned the right to talk. On the other hand, AJ seems to be the kind of guy who when he finally ends up on some NFL squad, will be constantly wearing his championship rings and telling team mates how they did things at Bama.

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Well, what was AJ supposed to say? "Nah, there's no way I'll be drafted in the first round. I'm not that good. There's so many QBs that are better than me." :-\

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The Bungles just wasted a draft pick on him.

Its a 5th round pick. They need a backup QB to push Dalton. Thats a fine spot for his skill-level. He's got some talent.

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I was surprised just based on his experience and skill set that he fell to the 5th. Then I heard today about how he shot off his mouth during interviews and soured NFL execs on him.

It's not a wasted pick. The 5th round and down is where you take a few chances.

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Well, what was AJ supposed to say? "Nah, there's no way I'll be drafted in the first round. I'm not that good. There's so many QBs that are better than me." :-\

No, but you don't act like a douchecanoe and talk bad about other players, make excuses and fail to acknowledge the things they say you need to work on. It's fine to be confident. It comes off as delusional when every scout and analyst on earth says you're a 3rd or 4th round talent and you spout hot air your agent or mom told you.

You can be humble and self-effacing without being a doormat or saying you suck.

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I was surprised just based on his experience and skill set that he fell to the 5th. Then I heard today about how he shot off his mouth during interviews and soured NFL execs on him.

He did everything wrong in the offseason, and I told mcgfcm months ago that his off-field reports would be terrible and that NFL execs would bury him. The problem is that he has the attitude of a guy who thinks that he's Tom Brady, but the skillset doesn't match...at all. The NFL hates that more than anything. Skipping the Senior Bowl because he felt he was "too good" was inexcusably stupid, the interviews he did were cringe-worthy, then to top it all off he decides to hop onto a reality TV show.

Teammates hated him, over-inflated ego, etc. The NFL uncovers all of that.

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Well, what was AJ supposed to say? "Nah, there's no way I'll be drafted in the first round. I'm not that good. There's so many QBs that are better than me." :-\

Well, he could have tried saying something like, "It would be an honor and I'll be gflad wherever I'm picked and will do my dead level best to be the best player I can be for them"

But noooooo. AJ had to show how far up his butt he's got his head planted instead.

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I was surprised just based on his experience and skill set that he fell to the 5th. Then I heard today about how he shot off his mouth during interviews and soured NFL execs on him.

He did everything wrong in the offseason, and I told mcgfcm months ago that his off-field reports would be terrible and that NFL execs would bury him. The problem is that he has the attitude of a guy who thinks that he's Tom Brady, but the skillset doesn't match...at all. The NFL hates that more than anything. Skipping the Senior Bowl because he felt he was "too good" was inexcusably stupid, the interviews he did were cringe-worthy, then to top it all off he decides to hop onto a reality TV show.

Teammates hated him, over-inflated ego, etc. The NFL uncovers all of that.

Such is never beneficial to team unity. If a stupid kid is going to have his headplanted that far up his butt then he'd better be damn good. And AJ simply isn't good enough to be that arrogant and get away with it.
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He got served a nice helping of humble pie. Now let's see if he learned anything from this or not. He has some talent and can have a good NFL career if he handles this right. Marvin Lewis may just be the perfect coach for him. He won't tolerate any nonsense.

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He got served a nice helping of humble pie. Now let's see if he learned anything from this or not. He has some talent and can have a good NFL career if he handles this right. Marvin Lewis may just be the perfect coach for him. He won't tolerate any nonsense.

More humble pie in the headline alone:

Shutdown Corner

AJ McCarron headlines free fall of three big-name SEC QBs in the NFL draft


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He got served a nice helping of humble pie. Now let's see if he learned anything from this or not. He has some talent and can have a good NFL career if he handles this right. Marvin Lewis may just be the perfect coach for him. He won't tolerate any nonsense.

More humble pie in the headline alone:

Shutdown Corner

AJ McCarron headlines free fall of three big-name SEC QBs in the NFL draft


gotta love that tweet. Really good way to start things off. Keep it up and he will be out before he ever started.
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I would be surprised if he can even beat Jason Campbell out.

yea i just looked up Jason. i thought he was still in cleveland. I hope Jason keeps himself on a roster as long as he can. He has always been just good enough.
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I figured that he would catch grief on this site because of who he played for and I believed it to be unfair......but now I see what a douche he was really being. Hate it he went to a team I pull for - inlaws are from Ohio and are fans.

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meta nailed this one. I really thought his skill-level and experience would carry the day, but honestly, I thought, at some point, he'd wise-up and stopping acting like his spot in the draft was a given. McCarron is better than Greg McElroy ever was, but he's not a clear first- or second-round talent. I still don't think skipping the Senior Bowl was that big a deal (meta basically wrote him off at that point), but he needed to do everything else. And do it well. By all accounts, teams were put off by his refusal to throw at the combine and by his one-on-one interviews and by his on-campus interviews at pro day AND he didn't wow anyone throwing the ball at pro day. He way way over-played his hand. I just thought he'd start to compete at some point, but he never did.

As for this spot now, he'll stick on that roster. I think Campbell will as well. Dalton/Campbell/McCarron is probably the depth chart for the Bengals, and it won't shock me if Jason starts for them at some point this year. He's good enough to win games and seasoned/smart enough to learn the play book in a couple months. That's a valuable guy to have on the roster. McCarron's going to be a third-string guy this year, but teams need three QBs.

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They already have three. AJ will have to beat out Johnson too.

To bad BeeGee isn't around to try to spin his wonder boy's draft postion

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Well I was dead wrong about AJ. I never believed he would be the 1st QB taken but honestly, I didn't see him being the last taken either. After having seen that tatoo of his, if i was a decision maker I wouldn't draft him for that alone. I laughed out loud when I saw that chest tat referred to another board as looking like someone dropped a cleveland steamer on the guy.

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