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Will Marcus McNeill leave for the NFL?


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anyone think that he will stay? After a year like this, and we will be losing a lot of talent, so is there any way that he will stay? I know that CTT talked ronnie and caddy and junior and carlos to stay but that was after a so so season and we had the talent to do what we did this season.

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Marcus will leave. He has some issues with his back that he has played through every year he has been at Auburn. This is the first year he did not miss any games because of it. He will not take the chance of having problems again next year and it droping his stock in the NFL. The problem could limit his NFL career.

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I disagree. The conditioning he did in the off season on his abs is the reason his back problems are gone. I think if he goes, the scouts will wonder about the back problems still where if he stays and goes through another year injury free, the questions are gone.

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I disagree.  The conditioning he did in the off season on his abs is the reason his back problems are gone.  I think if he goes, the scouts will wonder about the back problems still where if he stays and goes through another year injury free, the questions are gone.


I hope you're right! I also think that this program has not only taught kids how to plkay football, but also the lessons they will need the rest of their lives. It seems to me that most of them know that an education is most important and I think McNeill is definitely one of those. I think he will stick around another year so he can graduate and also so he can play for Tuberville beacse he knows how good of a Coach he is.


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I disagree.  The conditioning he did in the off season on his abs is the reason his back problems are gone.  I think if he goes, the scouts will wonder about the back problems still where if he stays and goes through another year injury free, the questions are gone.


I hope you're right! I also think that this program has not only taught kids how to plkay football, but also the lessons they will need the rest of their lives. It seems to me that most of them know that an education is most important and I think McNeill is definitely one of those. I think he will stick around another year so he can graduate and also so he can play for Tuberville beacse he knows how good of a Coach he is.


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marcus's parents sat next to mine at two or three games this year. she says he's going to get his degree. period. she didn't even think he'd consider leaving without it.

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marcus's parents sat next to mine at two or three games this year. she says he's going to get his degree. period. she didn't even think he'd consider leaving without it.


I hope that is true and she is not blowing smoke. I think the kids in that position have watched Carnell, Ronnie B, JR, Carlos Rodgers, Karlos & DT all increase their draft status by staying and playing their SR seasons.

They also saw Robert Johnson leave early and not have good luck.

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i'm not guaranteeing he'll stay. just thought it was interesting for everyone else to hear. i hope he stays, but i'll understand if he leaves. who replaces him if he does go? leon or king?

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