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pedophilia natural and normal for males.


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Now who didn't see this coming? This is what happens when you start changing the definition of what is accepted and allowing deviant behavior to become normalized. Daniel Patrick Moynihan called it defining deviancy down. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/comment/10948796/Paedophilia-is-natural-and-normal-for-males.html

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Actually, it started with integration of the races. :-\

Or letting women vote.

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I think it started when we didnt put NAMBLA out of business back in the 70s.

And just incase you missed it, i am calling total :bs: on the article's conclusions

"Normal males are aroused by children.”

If that is true, then let me be the first to say that I am not normal.

Children do not arouse me at all. People that can even talk about this make me sick.

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I think normal adults are influenced by children, as in a need to defend them and nurture them, but " aroused " ? No. Someone's synapses are misfiring if that's the case.

I wonder if they feel frisky when they see a kitten, or a puppy.

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I think it started when we didnt put NAMBLA out of business back in the 70s.

And just incase you missed it, i am calling total :bs: on the article's conclusions

Normal males are aroused by children.

If that is true, then let me be the first to say that I am not normal.

Children do not arouse me at all. People that can even talk about this make me sick.

The idea of normal males being aroused by children is bunk, but some studies do reveal it is frighteningly common. Something on the order of 5% of respondents.

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Just so odd to me how this crap was under wraps for so dang long. There were hints and cover-ups , but it didn't blow up until after Savile's death.

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The fact that so many people do it means there is a problem to quite a few. So many child porn arrests and you hear about global child sex rings...you would hope that this was so few there wouldn't be a market for it period, yet alone globally

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The fact is that one perverted sexual act is no different from another. Once you decided being gay was ok then it was inevitable these other people would want the same thing. Everyone is ok with drawing a line but nobody wants it drawn in front of them.

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The fact is that one perverted sexual act is no different from another. Once you decided being gay was ok then it was inevitable these other people would want the same thing. Everyone is ok with drawing a line but nobody wants it drawn in front of them.

Bull****. Homosexuality is not remotely comparable.

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The fact is that one perverted sexual act is no different from another. Once you decided being gay was ok then it was inevitable these other people would want the same thing. Everyone is ok with drawing a line but nobody wants it drawn in front of them.

I wholeheartedly disagree.
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The fact is that one perverted sexual act is no different from another. Once you decided being gay was ok then it was inevitable these other people would want the same thing. Everyone is ok with drawing a line but nobody wants it drawn in front of them.

C'mon dude. These things are not comparable. In a sense, having sex with multiple women is a 'perversion' of what sex was intended to be, but I don't think you'd say it was 'no different' from pedophilia. Or at least I hope you wouldn't.

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Who defines what is deviant and what isn't? I mean one could say that having sex with all sorts of women is just as bad as being a pedophile. How do we define what is a mental disorder and what isn't? What may be a mental disorder to some is an "I was born this way!" to someone else.

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Who defines what is deviant and what isn't? I mean one could say that having sex with all sorts of women is just as bad as being a pedophile. How do we define what is a mental disorder and what isn't? What may be a mental disorder to some is an "I was born this way!" to someone else.

We've had this discussion many times.

Mental disorders as defined by the APA are sensitive to cultural norms, legal and ethical considerations. Pedophilia quite possibly could be considered "normal" in the sense that it isn't necessarily infrequent, but those three considerations firmly classify it as a disorder.

It is possible to have a fulfilling, healthy homosexual relationship. The same can not be said when one party is incapable of informed consent. They can be physically and psychologically harmful.

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Who defines what is deviant and what isn't? I mean one could say that having sex with all sorts of women is just as bad as being a pedophile. How do we define what is a mental disorder and what isn't? What may be a mental disorder to some is an "I was born this way!" to someone else.

We've had this discussion many times.

Mental disorders as defined by the APA are sensitive to cultural norms, legal and ethical considerations. Pedophilia quite possibly could be considered "normal" in the sense that it isn't necessarily infrequent, but those three considerations firmly classify it as a disorder.

It is possible to have a fulfilling, healthy homosexual relationship. The same can not be said when one party is incapable of informed consent. They can be physically and psychologically harmful.

Considering I'm not always on this forum, I may have missed it. Please enlighten me, rather than being a smart ass.

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What two consenting adults do is in no way comparable to what an adult AND A NON-CONSENTING, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GIVE CONSENT, CHILD DO.

You do realize that the legal definition of "Sodomy" is defined as oral or anal sex between adults. SSSOOO if you and your significant other have either performed oral or anal sex on one another, you fit the legal definition of pervert and have committed the legal definition of sodomy. I am guessing that just about ALL the adults on this board would fit that definition.


Im guessin we is all pervertts ifn we follow that ther rule of lawd stuff...Killem all is what i says.

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Who defines what is deviant and what isn't? I mean one could say that having sex with all sorts of women is just as bad as being a pedophile. How do we define what is a mental disorder and what isn't? What may be a mental disorder to some is an "I was born this way!" to someone else.

We've had this discussion many times.

Mental disorders as defined by the APA are sensitive to cultural norms, legal and ethical considerations. Pedophilia quite possibly could be considered "normal" in the sense that it isn't necessarily infrequent, but those three considerations firmly classify it as a disorder.

It is possible to have a fulfilling, healthy homosexual relationship. The same can not be said when one party is incapable of informed consent. They can be physically and psychologically harmful.

Considering I'm not always on this forum, I may have missed it. Please enlighten me, rather than being a smart ass.

There was nothing hostile in my post. Did you come here expecting a fight?

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What two consenting adults do is in no way comparable to what an adult AND A NON-CONSENTING, BECAUSE THEY CANNOT GIVE CONSENT, CHILD DO.

You do realize that the legal definition of "Sodomy" is defined as oral or anal sex between adults. SSSOOO if you and your significant other have either performed oral or anal sex on one another, you fit the legal definition of pervert and have committed the legal definition of sodomy. I am guessing that just about ALL the adults on this board would fit that definition.


Im guessin we is all pervertts ifn we follow that ther rule of lawd stuff...Killem all is what i says.


Love that you're channeling ICHY with your last sentence, BTW.

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The fact is that one perverted sexual act is no different from another. Once you decided being gay was ok then it was inevitable these other people would want the same thing. Everyone is ok with drawing a line but nobody wants it drawn in front of them.

Let's criminalize anything beyond heterosexual relations in the missionary position. Take your premise to its logical conclusion. Hooray!!! Back to fuddy duddy land!!!

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The fact is that one perverted sexual act is no different from another. Once you decided being gay was ok then it was inevitable these other people would want the same thing. Everyone is ok with drawing a line but nobody wants it drawn in front of them.

Let's criminalize anything beyond heterosexual relations in the missionary position. Take your premise to its logical conclusion. Hooray!!! Back to fuddy duddy land!!!

Oh hell no. You just keep those ideas to yo self please. lol
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