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A reminder of one of Hillary's misrememberings...


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Dumpf questions the ethics of a Hispanic American judge, who has sentenced cartel members, as harshly as any judge in the US..EVER....

The depths of Dumpfs and his followers ignorance, knows no bounds. Morons.

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I cannot argue that. This place is good for laughs. Especially when off base insults are made. You're in left field son. Your team is batting.

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I cannot argue that. This place is good for laughs. Especially when off base insults are made. You're in left field son. Your team is batting.

What if your in right field? Sorry couldn't resist

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I cannot argue that. This place is good for laughs. Especially when off base insults are made. You're in left field son. Your team is batting.

What if your in right field? Sorry couldn't resist

Well, that is where the loonies stay, on the right. Good point.

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Reading this forum is just like watching Alex Jones and Fox News at the same time.

The original linked video was from CBS. It details Hillary's lies, upon landing in Bosnia, where she claimed there was no ceremony, and her party was told to run for the vehicles, so as to avoid sniper fire.

None of that happened. Not even remotely. There actually was a ceremony, and there was no sniper fire.

While I get how you and others want nothing else but to distract from the issue of Hillary lying, and shift attention over to Trump, try to focus on the issue at hand. Face the reality of what is being discussed , here, with out the " yeah, but ... " reflex reaction of a 6 year old.

If you can.

Now, what, if anything, do you have to say about Hillary on this issue ?

Please, don't hold back.

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Reading this forum is just like watching Alex Jones and Fox News at the same time.

The original linked video was from CBS. It details Hillary's lies, upon landing in Bosnia, where she claimed there was no ceremony, and her party was told to run for the vehicles, so as to avoid sniper fire.

None of that happened. Not even remotely. There actually was a ceremony, and there was no sniper fire.

While I get how you and others want nothing else but to distract from the issue of Hillary lying, and shift attention over to Trump, try to focus on the issue at hand. Face the reality of what is being discussed , here, with out the " yeah, but ... " reflex reaction of a 6 year old.

If you can.

Now, what, if anything, do you have to say about Hillary on this issue ?

Please, don't hold back.

First, my comment was an overall generalization of this forum, not specifically directed at the OP. That's why I said " this forum" rather than "this post." Perhaps I should have put it in your Obama Fearmongering thread instead.

A politician lying? Oh my, how devastating! I thought everybody told the truth! That's sarcasm by the way. I'm not going to defend Hillary. I don't need to. Politicians are people and people lie. Even you do it. Like saying Obama is Fearmongering. That is your perception. Hillary's perception was sniper fire. Perception isn't always reality. And I can't even begin to explain how ironic it is that you accuse me of deflecting.

Bottom line is this, Hillary is more qualified to be President that Donald Trump. My 12 year old is more qualified than Trump. If Hillary is the Democratic nominee then you can bet your bottom dollar she will get my vote. And you can insult me all day long about it if you like all I'll do is laugh. You aren't on the list of people whose opinions of me matter.

It is nice though to see how open minded you are. Obama lives in your head and it appears there is enough room for Hillary too. Wide open spaces.

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First, my comment was an overall generalization of this forum, not specifically directed at the OP. That's why I said " this forum" rather than "this post." Perhaps I should have put it in your Obama Fearmongering thread instead.

Why would you ignore the OP and go straight to " this forum " comment ? What's that have to do w/ anything per the topic ? You could have dropped that 'forum' stuff anywhere, into any thread, but you instead chose to do it as your opening remark in THIS thread, while ignoring the Hillary issue , outright.

A politician lying? Oh my, how devastating! I thought everybody told the truth! That's sarcasm by the way. I'm not going to defend Hillary. I don't need to. Politicians are people and people lie. Even you do it. Like saying Obama is Fearmongering. That is your perception. Hillary's perception was sniper fire. Perception isn't always reality. And I can't even begin to explain how ironic it is that you accuse me of deflecting.

First, you go from " they all do it " to it was her " perception " ???

That right there shows you have no objective brain cells left in your skull. If her " perception " was that there was sniper fire, and that little girl handing her a card wasn't in any way a ceremony, then trying to tell you that this woman has serious issues with deciphering reality is a moot point. She just as well could said she flew into Bosnia, born on the back of a dragon, like the great Khaleesi herself, and you'd not bat an eye.

Bottom line is this, Hillary is more qualified to be President that Donald Trump. My 12 year old is more qualified than Trump. If Hillary is the Democratic nominee then you can bet your bottom dollar she will get my vote. And you can insult me all day long about it if you like all I'll do is laugh. You aren't on the list of people whose opinions of me matter.

It is nice though to see how open minded you are. Obama lives in your head and it appears there is enough room for Hillary too. Wide open spaces.

No, bottom line is, you don't want to deal w/ the truth about Hillary. She's a woman, and in your mind, she's due. Forget the facts, details, and specifics about her as a individual, she's a woman, she's a Leftist, and that's all you need to know. Don't bother you with the details. I get it.

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You don't bother with Dumpfs lies..and panic when you accuse others of doing the same thing with HRC....

Everyone knows you're a hypocrite....no need to continually prove it.

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Raptor, I did state that I could have put my comment in any thread. You seem to be the only one bothered by its placement.

I said all people lie and sometimes perception is a cause of lies. Can't see why that's unclear to you.

Now, I let your bitch comment slide because despite what others said I didn't think you were directing it towards me but after the misogynistic bull crap you just posted I see they were right. Let me tell you this you right wing nut, I supported Bernie Sanders in the primary, not Hillary. So for me, this race isn't about gender. This race is about who can best lead our country. And if all that was left of Hillary Clinton was her little finger she'd still be more qualified than Donald Trump.

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Raptor, I did state that I could have put my comment in any thread. You seem to be the only one bothered by its placement.

I said all people lie and sometimes perception is a cause of lies. Can't see why that's unclear to you.

Now, I let your bitch comment slide because despite what others said I didn't think you were directing it towards me but after the misogynistic bull crap you just posted I see they were right. Let me tell you this you right wing nut, I supported Bernie Sanders in the primary, not Hillary. So for me, this race isn't about gender. This race is about who can best lead our country. And if all that was left of Hillary Clinton was her little finger she'd still be more qualified than Donald Trump.

Gather around children and watch the weasel in his habitat as he weasels his way out of this one.
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Raptor, I did state that I could have put my comment in any thread. You seem to be the only one bothered by its placement.

I said all people lie and sometimes perception is a cause of lies. Can't see why that's unclear to you.

Because there was no way on Earth her " lie " was caused by any glitch in her perception. She said she had to run for cover, ducking, to avoid the sniper fire. If she's that disconnected with reality, with what everyone else there experienced, and what the VIDEO SHOWS, then she needs to be in a quiet room , under protective monitoring.

Now, I let your bitch comment slide because despite what others said I didn't think you were directing it towards me but after the misogynistic bull crap you just posted I see they were right. Let me tell you this you right wing nut, I supported Bernie Sanders in the primary, not Hillary. So for me, this race isn't about gender. This race is about who can best lead our country. And if all that was left of Hillary Clinton was her little finger she'd still be more qualified than Donald Trump.

There's nothing for you to let slide, as I made no derogatory comment towards you. Nor have I made any misogynistic comments either. If you can cite it, then show me.

Bernie is still in play. I'd support him if i were you ,and stop trying to protect Hillary and her obvious character flaws.

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Raptor, Let me try to bring it down to your level. I AM NOT DEFENDING HILLARY CLINTON. I'm not excusing her lies whether they were outright lies or based on perception. What I am saying is that Hillary Clinton, despite her flaws is still more qualified to lead than Trump.

You stating that I'm only supporting Clinton because "she's a woman and it's due" implies that I'm only basing my decision on her gender rather than the possibility that I'm a college educated female who has the intellectual capacity to make an informed decision on which candidate to vote for. That is almost as misogynistic as some of Trump's comments.

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You stating that I'm only supporting Clinton because "she's a woman and it's due" implies that I'm only basing my decision on her gender rather than the possibility that I'm a college educated female who has the intellectual capacity to make an informed decision on which candidate to vote for. That is almost as misogynistic as some of Trump's comments.

Then what's that make Madeline Albright ?

There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!

Is she a misogynist too ?

Got any more ?

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You stating that I'm only supporting Clinton because "she's a woman and it's due" implies that I'm only basing my decision on her gender rather than the possibility that I'm a college educated female who has the intellectual capacity to make an informed decision on which candidate to vote for. That is almost as misogynistic as some of Trump's comments.

Then what's that make Madeline Albright ?

There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help each other!

Is she a misogynist too ?

Got any more ?

Now what was it you were saying earlier about deflecting?

Albright's comments, misogynistic or not, have absolutely ZERO to do with your comment that was directed toward me. I see why they call you a weasel now.

Boy, you wear that hypocrisy proudly don't you?

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