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Milk is racist


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Researcher Says Government Is Racist For Recommending Milk

Thomas Phippen on August 4, 2016

Research suggests that black Americans do not need the same amount of dairy in their diets, indicating the U.S. government’s nutrition guidelines are racist towards minority populations.

Black people don’t need milk to strengthen their bones, as they have genetically developed ways of retaining calcium from other sources in their diet, according to a study published in BoneKEy, the official journal of the International Bone and Mineral Society.

“What has happened is the medical community has universalized the particular biology of [Caucasians],” the study’s author Dr. Constance Hilliard told Mother Jones. “And the medical community has yet to frame its questions in ways that investigate whether foods that have been culturally labeled as ‘good for you’ have deleterious consequences for minorities.”

Looking at the rates of osteoporosis — a bone disease associated to calcium deficiency — in African countries, Hilliard found that people in countries that consume more dairy also had higher rates of osteoporosis. Countries that don’t consume milk had fewer cases of osteoporosis. Encouraging everyone to drink milk, regardless of their race, could actually harm minority populations.

The U.S. government’s official dietary guidelines recommend that American adults drink three glasses of milk every day, but that amount of milk could actually hurt minority populations, which makes the governments recommendations discriminatory according to Hilliard, professor of history and evolutionary researcher at University of North Texas.

Hilliard is not the first to decry the incipient racism in the government’s milk recommendations. “The USDA’s policy of promoting dangerous milk consumption in some communities while warning the general population against it is an example of food oppression,” writes Andrea Freeman, law professor at the University of Hawaii, in a 2013 paper.

Even in marketing efforts, the racist quality of milk is emphasized: “Early milk promoters associated the whiteness of milk with the putative purity of racial whiteness,” Freeman writes.

Freeman’s academic paper, “The Unbearable Whiteness of Milk: Food Oppression and the USDA,” looks at the broader issue of “food oppression” as well, noting that “food oppression is a difficult concept for many to embrace because of the powerful rhetoric regarding personal choice that is endemic in the United States.


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I would argue that HUMANS don't need the milk of an animal that weighs over 1500lbs on average. But seeing how the African continent has  the most famines, I'd pipe down about the govt trying to over milk minorities , pertaining to ' racism '. 


Seriously. Who on this board drinks 3 full glasses of ANY type of cows milk , on a daily basis ??? 


NO ONE, that's who! 

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18 minutes ago, AURaptor said:

I would argue that HUMANS don't need the milk of an animal that weighs over 1500lbs on average. But seeing how the African continent has  the most famines, I'd pipe down about the govt trying to over milk minorities , pertaining to ' racism '. 


Seriously. Who on this board drinks 3 full glasses of ANY type of cows milk , on a daily basis ??? 


NO ONE, that's who! 

It is about the color of milk. I say that if one objects to the color of milk, put chocolate syrup in it and go away.

This just shows how far we have let this nonsense go. 

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5 minutes ago, AFTiger said:

It is about the color of milk. I say that if one objects to the color of milk, put chocolate syrup in it and go away.

This just shows how far we have let this nonsense go. 

Ray Nagin agrees... " You take dark chocolate, you mix it with white milk, and it becomes a delicious drink. That is the chocolate I am talking about. " 



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Can I get a White Pour?

This here thread is awsum!  This here PC BS be in pushed by the libtards an the minoritys is whats killin hour country.

Libturd scients is for dumass's.

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1 hour ago, icanthearyou said:

Can I get a White Pour?

This here thread is awsum!  This here PC BS be in pushed by the libtards an the minoritys is whats killin hour country.

Libturd scients is for dumass's.

Speaking of dumbass statements, you can alway count on ICHY.

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1 hour ago, AFTiger said:

Because I don't like racism in any form.  But you seem ok with it.

 No I'm not "ok" with it, I'm just not obsessive and defensive about it.

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I am not the one who labeled milk as racist. The author of the article did. I am trying to point out to you (a waste of time) how silly it is to call food item racist. You brought racism in the thread and I mistakenly tried to have a discussion with you. 

But if you are comfortable with your racists tendencies, then so be it.

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1 hour ago, homersapien said:

 No I'm not "ok" with it, I'm just not obsessive and defensive about it.

Yeah, really. I get the sense that something must be hitting really close to home. 

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32 minutes ago, TitanTiger said:

Except he didn't.

The author just wrote about it then. Happy ? 

But back to the ACTUAL issue..

Hilliard is not the first to decry the incipient racism in the government’s milk recommendations. “The USDA’s policy of promoting dangerous milk consumption in some communities while warning the general population against it is an example of food oppression,” writes Andrea Freeman, law professor at the University of Hawaii, in a 2013 paper.

 “The Unbearable Whiteness of Milk: Food Oppression and the USDA,” 

( A law professor , writing about nutrition ... sounds reasonable. <_<  ) 


So, let's say there is something to be learned here, that blacks don't NEED to be drinking so much milk. Can you imagine the confusion when some may accuse the govt of trying to short change blacks of nutrients ?? And don't forget BIG MILK, who just wants to sell as much of their product as possible, do you think they want to segregate any part of the population ? 

The govt tries to provide the best info for the most amount of people. Yes, there are some who don't NEED milk, or can't process dairy... but to call the recommendations " RACIST " is ridiculous. It falls to the same level of nonsense as  cultural appropriations, or some such crap. More info is good, and if this turns out that blacks really don't need as much milk, then that's something to be looked at  But spare us the wolf cries of yet ANOTHER racist conspiracy. 



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58 minutes ago, GiveEmElle said:

I hate milk. There I said it. 

Purge the heretic!

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On 8/6/2016 at 2:27 PM, AFTiger said:

Because I don't like racism in any form.  But you seem ok with it.

Lol. You don't like racism in any form....when was the last time you posted an article about a black person experiencing racism and you spoke against it?? Oh I forgot that would be a NEVER lol

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