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The king of fake news the NYT


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is having such a tough post election go of it they're going to rent out 8 floors in their building. Carlos Slim and Geo Soros better get ready to come to the rescue. Slim bailed 'em out once already and looks like they're heading back in the same direction. Amazing how Trump has exposed them and the rest of the MSM as the shameless democrat shills they are. I love one of the responses to this tweet..."what floor are they assigning to fake news"? 


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Trump Tower is extorting the Secret Service for rent space so who gives a F what someone does with their building? Stupid A$$ thread.

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7 minutes ago, TexasTiger said:

His driving principle is hate.

another one line unfounded assertion....thanks for so consistently making my observations about you painfully spot on. Just because you hate what I post in way suggests I post because of hate. I'm simply interested in the truth....something that you, evidently, process as hateful. Unlike your SJW brethren, I don't make it up as I go which does reflect deep seated animus.

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2 hours ago, homersapien said:

Little Rush.

Following today's Limbaugh theme:  Any news you don't like is false!

So are you a rush baby Homer? odd

Bet you hated that Obama interrupted his show with ( thank goodness ) his last presser.

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59 minutes ago, SaltyTiger said:

So are you a rush baby Homer? odd

Bet you hated that Obama interrupted his show with ( thank goodness ) his last presser.

It keeps me stoked for this forum. ;)

The only time I ever listen to him is when I am out and about in the car and my wife isn't with me.  (She won't tolerate it.)  

Actually, I find him - and his dittoheads - fascinating.  It's like listening to a modern day Goebbels.

But heck the local wingnut hosts (WORD talk radio) are just as bad.

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20 minutes ago, homersapien said:

It keeps me stoked for this forum. ;)

The only time I ever listen to him is when I am out and about in the car and my wife isn't with me.  (She won't tolerate it.)  

Actually, I find him - and his dittoheads - fascinating.  It's like listening to a modern day Goebbels.

But heck the local wingnut hosts (WORD talk radio) are just as bad.

You are scared aren't you. All will be fine homer. have fun ( more importantly joy) it is the Christmas season.

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3 hours ago, homersapien said:

Little Rush.

Following today's Limbaugh theme:  Any news you don't like is false!

you must not remember Jayson Blair. That dude was pumping out fake news for the NYT before fake news was cool. LOL ANY criticism the NYT receive for running with fake news srories is well earned

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6 hours ago, SaltyTiger said:

Bet you hated that Obama interrupted his show with ( thank goodness ) his last presser.


I expect a president who holds press conferences.  It shows how they can think on their feet and deal with questions they might prefer to avoid.

I can't wait for Trump to hold a press conference, if he ever does.

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4 hours ago, TheBlueVue said:

you must not remember Jayson Blair. That dude was pumping out fake news for the NYT before fake news was cool. LOL ANY criticism the NYT receive for running with fake news srories is well earned

WTF are you talking about?

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What exactly is going on here????

This is insane.  

Is there a suggestion that there is some source for information that should never be questioned?

Is there the suggestion that some source for information that should always be dismissed?

Anyone suggesting either, is either, manipulating or, indoctrinated.  

For the love of God people, stop this insanity of being, or encouraging, the group think of sheep.  Think critically, independently.  

Think with your mind, your heart, your principles, your values.  Only ideological idiots surrender to absolute faith in ideology.

The absurdity is disgraceful and disheartening.  It is destroying our society.  It is the enemy.


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