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Refugees from tyranny agree: Authoritarian threat in America now is from the left


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Rod Dreher - Left-wing hysterics with major media platforms have for years been shrieking that President Trump is about to install a fascist dictatorship any minute. Meanwhile, unheard immigrants from the Soviet bloc warn that totalitarian tyranny is actually emerging from the left — and Americans are too naive to see it coming.

Sounds crazy, right? I thought so when I first heard it from an elderly woman who spent six years as a political prisoner under Czechoslovakia’s Marxist regime. But the more I talked to people like her, the more I came to see them as canaries in a coal mine. Their message is the same: What’s happening in America today reminds me of life under Communism.


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The left is all about political control of the individual person. More laws, bigger government, dictated health care, gun grabs, higher taxes, what car you are allowed to drive...... Their list of canceled individual freedoms goes on and on. Here's hoping that enough Americans accurately understand just what they are voting for and against on November 3rd.

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