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Today vs 40 years ago


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I remember 40 years ago when they announced Pat Dye as the new HC of Auburn.  My reaction at that time was "Who?".  Yesterday when I heard Coach Harsin was named head coach, my reaction was exactly the same..... "Who?".  I sincerely hope Coach Harsin can equal or surpass Coach Dye.

But I'm not sure the Auburn PTBs or the Auburn fan base will allow it to happen.  This is not 40 years ago and today there are very unrealistic expectations to win NOW.... at all costs.  Coach Dye was 6-5 in his first season.  Nick Saban was 7-6 in his first season. Building a program takes time and Coach Harsin is inheriting a really crappy recruiting class.  I'm guessing the next 2 seasons are not going to be pretty even if Coach Harsin is the right guy to build our football program.

I also find it interesting that when Ohio State or Alabama or Notre Dame or Georgia etc. name a replacement coach people are not looking at each other and saying "Who?".  Those schools and those programs are on a different tier... a different level than we are.  The highest level coaches want to go to these schools and the PTB of those schools are sophisticated enough to make it happen.  Our PTBs are not on that level.  They are not now and they were not 40 years ago.

If we want our football program to rise up to the higher tier, there has to be more than a change of the HC.  The PTBs need to (somehow) be replaced or at least there has to be a change in attitude.  And the fan base needs to create an atmosphere that recruits want to join.  Over the past couple of years, I've often wondered what the recruit's parents were thinking when they were reading the Auburn "Family" football forum.  

I hope 20 years from now when Coach Harsin retires as the Auburn HC, that people will not be saying.."Who?" when his replacement is announced.  The coaches, the players, the PTBs, and the fan base all have a role to play in this.

P.S.  If Coach Harsin decides to keep Steele as the DC, I'm 100% behind him.  Good DC's are very hard to find and I don't buy into all the nasty rumors that have contributed to this difficult period of Auburn history.


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Brian Kelly was 53-22 before going to Notre Dame, and was an up and comer. If anything, using them as an example is more parallel to you asking "Who?" when Harsin was named. 


EDIT: That record is not counting his time at Grand Valley State

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With energy, vision, and empowerment, Dye was able to circle the wagons to do some things nobody thought possible, like getting the iron bowl out of Alabama's 2nd home site, Birmingham. Seems he became very loyal to Auburn and was a huge advocate for Auburn the rest of his years. It would be nice to see that again.

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1 hour ago, AUx said:

With energy, vision, and empowerment, Dye was able to circle the wagons to do some things nobody thought possible, like getting the iron bowl out of Alabama's 2nd home site, Birmingham. Seems he became very loyal to Auburn and was a huge advocate for Auburn the rest of his years. It would be nice to see that again.

Dye also knew how to recruit in the $EC. 

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