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Phyllis from Mulga EXISTS!!!!!


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hell, phyllis is your above average bammerfart....i'm sure her IQ is above single digits,so that makes her a cut above the average bammerboob


Tombigbee, In the future try not to hold back. Let us know what you REALLY think!


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Look at the tenth picture down at the link below. I don't think it was very nice for finebaum's webpage to say she was tasting shula's meat when she had a toothpick in her mouth. Just because finebaum questions his coaching ability doesn't mean he should insult him like that.


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All I can say is Thank God, THANK GOD that Phylis is a Bama fan!

There is nothing to be thankful for, it is like a law of physics, or the very basics of nature; Phylis was predestined to be a 'Bama fan the day her mother gave birth to her...

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Look at the tenth picture down at the link below.  I don't think it was very nice for finebaum's webpage to say she was tasting shula's meat when she had a toothpick in her mouth.  Just because finebaum questions his coaching ability doesn't mean he should insult him like that.




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Whether Phyllis is the typical bama fan or not, I can only say when I think of Phyllis, I think of bama. Nuff said :big::big:

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guys, I am a little baffled. Why the @#$% is there a thread, three pages long, about Phyliss on this board?! Guys, there has got to be something else you can do to pass the time then to give somebody like that that much time and attention.

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OK guys, starting about the 8th picture down, here she is....


Finebaum must have a thing for her to have so many pics.

I swear, every single one of his regular callers is an absolute moron, regardless of their team affiliation. It's like watching the national news after a hurricane hits Alabama, they ALWAYS interview the stupid people. It's like stupidity and news cameras gravitate towards each other.

Instead of "Yea, we lost our house, but we're just glad everyone is ok." you get: "Yeeeeaaaa, it shore did blow hard when she wuz a comin' in, but I told Martha ta' jus hang on 'n case our trailer got blowed down thu street and I kept on tha beer 'n case the power went out. But, Booooy, I tell you wut, it shore was a whole lot uh wind n rain. Yeeep..."

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phyllis looks like she might be an ARETY'S ANGELS retiree....roadwhores just don't grow old gracefully.....i'll bet your ass that she has been rode hard and put up wet many more times than she can count

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guys, I am a little baffled. Why the @#$% is there a thread, three pages long, about Phyliss on this board?! Guys, there has got to be something else you can do to pass the time then to give somebody like that that much time and attention.


i guess we could sit around and post on threads we get baffled by.... :poke:

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The most shocking thing about Phyllis is that she is a REAL person! For so long I thought wow, that PF has a great gimmick going here with this Phyllis "character". She does just enough to PO and embarrass the UAT crowd and amuse the Auburn people. And she keeps PF phones busy. But, now that I know she is a real person and this is no act, I can only laugh harder! Mainly becuase she TRULY represents the embodiment of UAT fans everywhere. She is the one in the rusted truck with the bear sticker, or the net hat and a cig clinging to her lips as she talks about 1979 again. She also reminds me of all of the people who never go to a game, much less have actually ever been to tuskaloser, but still claim it like thy own the place. Too funny!! Way to keep it real Phyllis!!!! :roflol:

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guys, I am a little baffled. Why the @#$% is there a thread, three pages long, about Phyliss on this board?! Guys, there has got to be something else you can do to pass the time then to give somebody like that that much time and attention.


Because it's fun to poke fun at the enemy when you have bragging rights. :cheer:

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In my best Catherine imitation: "Hey Paul, how you doin"

I can't help but say this with her everytime she is introduced, I then change the station.

As far as Phyllis goes, sometimes I actually feel sorry for her. :o especially when Paul starts to push her buttons just to get her on a rant. She really does love her bama.

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Face it, Phyllis has replaced the elephant as the symbol of Bammer football - and rightfully so!  *grin*


She's kind of like the Queen of Alabama football... royalty?

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Catherine, 15th Pic down the page.

For all the flirting she does you think she would look more the part and hey you got my pic on the site here somewhere. I know what I look like. But I dont whisper into anyone's ear in a breathy voice like I was marilyn Monroe.

I guess it is all in fun anyhow.

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Actually, David...what kind of looks would you expect from a woman who obviously has the hots for Finebaum? :D

Looks like Finebaum's favorite resident auburn fan is working on a little mini mullet there...

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Guest Tigrinum Major
Actually, David...what kind of looks would you expect from a woman who obviously has the hots for Finebaum?  :D

Looks like Finebaum's favorite resident auburn fan is working on a little mini mullet there...


You must be talking about I-Man. Yeah, we are real proud of that jackleg.

All those people that call the same time every day and are so over the top are just every bad stereotype rolled all into one.

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you know, I think I'm going to start referring to Bammers from now own as "the Phyllises", as in a plural form of Phyllis. Since she seems to identify so well w/ the bammers, then we'll follow this out to its logical conclusion, "Phyllises" they are from here out.  ;)


:roflol::roflol: :roflol:

The Phyllises :roflol::roflol: :roflol:


What about "Phyllistines"? That's kind of appropriate too. :big:

And guys, NO WOMAN her age still has hair that is a solid color, especially THAT solid color which is not found in nature.

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Catherine, 15th Pic down the page.

For all the flirting she does you think she would look more the part and hey you got my pic on the site here somewhere. I know what I look like. But I dont whisper into anyone's ear in a breathy voice like I was marilyn Monroe.

I guess it is all in fun anyhow.


She looks like I thought she would. I really hate to hear her more than I do Phyllis. She just makes we want to say "hurry up and get it over with, and move on to another caller". I bet she has never watched a football game in her life, and she needs another outlet to her frustration instead of the radio that we all listen to in the afternoons. I don't know whether she has ever stated that she was a Bama fan or an Auburn fan, but if we have to choose, I'll take Phyllis over Catherine.

Phyllis bless her heart is just of the redneck variety, and Catherine....well there is another word. Which is fine for her, but please don't subject the entire nation to it.

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Guys, most of all that has been said here either seriously or in jest, it probably close to right about Phyllis. However, it's obvious that this woman has some serious mental and emotional issues that need to be addressed. IF she is not a PF "Plant" to help ratings, then you almost have to feel sorry for this person who obviously has no real life. She has to call in to a local talk show on a regular basis in order to feel important since there is apparently nothing in her life that gives her the emotional satisfaction that she is in need of. Moreover, she actually IS an embarrassment to the Alabama nation, many of whom realize that some people actually identify their school with her.... Auburn people should thank her and move on. Just my thoughts....WDE! :):au::au::au:

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