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Auburn's Bruce Pearl takes issue with ABC News' RFK Jr interview cutdown: 'How is this Ok?'

Auburn men’s basketball coach Bruce Pearl took issue with ABC News Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s vaccine claims after the Democrat presidential candidate talked about his beliefs in a recent interview.

Pearl quote-tweeted Fox News Media contributor Jonathan Turley on Monday.

"How is this Ok? How can the media simply edit or censor what a candidate has said about a topic, in this case COVID, because ABC says that it's dangerous or misinformation? Isn't it our job to hear a candidate and determine that for ourselves?" the longtime coach tweeted.

Pearl has been a full-time Division I college basketball coach since 2002. He got his start with Milwaukee and then moved onto Tennessee in 2005. He became the coach at Auburn in 2014 after he was let go by the Volunteers following the 2010-11 season and the announcement of NCAA violations. 

He returned to coaching at Auburn in 2014 and has been with the Tigers ever since. Auburn was 21-13 overall in 2022-23 and made the NCAA Tournament.

On Friday, ABC News admitted to editing Kennedy’s remarks after the news outlet pressed him on his stance on vaccines.

Journalist Linsey Davis gave a warning ahead of the interview, telling viewers that the President Biden challenger peddled misinformation and disinformation about vaccines.

"RFK Jr. is one of the biggest voices pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric, regularly distributing misinformation and disinformation about vaccines, which scientific and medical experts overwhelmingly say are safe and effective based on rigorous scientific studies," she stated. "But can a Kennedy break through in 2024? Will RFK Jr.'s controversial stances limit his appeal?"

During the contentious 14-minute interview, Davis grilled the candidate on not just his vaccine beliefs, but also his willingness to take on President Biden as the Democratic nominee, his criticism of government agencies and his appearances on conservative media shows.


Afterward, the journalist acknowledged they edited Kennedy's remarks on vaccines.

"We should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines," she said. "We’ve used our editorial judgment in not including extended portions of that exchange in our interview," Davis added.

ABC backed up its fact-check by listing medical and advocacy organizations which disagreed with Kennedy's statements on vaccines.

"Data shows that the COVID-19 vaccine has prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease. He also made misleading claims about the relationship between vaccination and autism. Research shows that vaccines and the ingredients used in the vaccines do not cause autism, including multiple studies involving more than a million children and major medical associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the advocacy group Autism Speaks."

During the interview, Kennedy said he has been "vilified" for the past three years with "total blanket censorship" from the media.



1) I completely agree with Bruce - the media is not there to censure or shape the message 

2) Regardless of party, the candidates should have the opportunity to share their message

3) Not sure why FNC chose to run with CBPs opinion…

4) Whether I agree or not, I’m not sure a basketball coach should risk delving into politics.   Just like businesses, IMO, the risk is that you isolate or alienate 50% or the population, the upside is that maybe 50% of the people agree with you…..

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49 minutes ago, GoAU said:

1) I completely agree with Bruce - the media is not there to censure or shape the message 

Disagree.  The media has no responsibility to air misinformation that will result in societal harm.


51 minutes ago, GoAU said:

3) Not sure why FNC chose to run with CBPs opinion…

Because they are purveyors of misinformation?  They, and their viewers,  believe a basketball coach is as authoritative as a infectious disease specialist?


52 minutes ago, GoAU said:

4) Whether I agree or not, I’m not sure a basketball coach should risk delving into politics.   Just like businesses, IMO, the risk is that you isolate or alienate 50% or the population, the upside is that maybe 50% of the people agree with you…..

Agree, particularly for this position.

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eh, It's no secret Pearl is a Conservative and posts his political views on social media. Hopefully he never sticks his foot in his mouth too bad. 


ABC should never have given an interview to RFKjr if they wanted to redact out crazy anti-vaccine claims.  RFKjr is literally KNOWN for his crazy conspiracies and anti-vaccine views. ..if you interview him that's what you're going to get. 

Either air the whole thing or don't give him an interview. 

The faster RFKjr disappears into obscurity the better society will be. He's doing his 0% presidential bid now because he knows he's made a fool of himself the last last decade or so in particular, and he's trying to drum up media and national interest in his name again. ABC shouldn't have taken the bait. 

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2 hours ago, GoAU said:

Auburn's Bruce Pearl takes issue with ABC News' RFK Jr interview cutdown: 'How is this Ok?'

Auburn men’s basketball coach Bruce Pearl took issue with ABC News Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s vaccine claims after the Democrat presidential candidate talked about his beliefs in a recent interview.

Pearl quote-tweeted Fox News Media contributor Jonathan Turley on Monday.

"How is this Ok? How can the media simply edit or censor what a candidate has said about a topic, in this case COVID, because ABC says that it's dangerous or misinformation? Isn't it our job to hear a candidate and determine that for ourselves?" the longtime coach tweeted.

Pearl has been a full-time Division I college basketball coach since 2002. He got his start with Milwaukee and then moved onto Tennessee in 2005. He became the coach at Auburn in 2014 after he was let go by the Volunteers following the 2010-11 season and the announcement of NCAA violations. 

He returned to coaching at Auburn in 2014 and has been with the Tigers ever since. Auburn was 21-13 overall in 2022-23 and made the NCAA Tournament.

On Friday, ABC News admitted to editing Kennedy’s remarks after the news outlet pressed him on his stance on vaccines.

Journalist Linsey Davis gave a warning ahead of the interview, telling viewers that the President Biden challenger peddled misinformation and disinformation about vaccines.

"RFK Jr. is one of the biggest voices pushing anti-vaccine rhetoric, regularly distributing misinformation and disinformation about vaccines, which scientific and medical experts overwhelmingly say are safe and effective based on rigorous scientific studies," she stated. "But can a Kennedy break through in 2024? Will RFK Jr.'s controversial stances limit his appeal?"

During the contentious 14-minute interview, Davis grilled the candidate on not just his vaccine beliefs, but also his willingness to take on President Biden as the Democratic nominee, his criticism of government agencies and his appearances on conservative media shows.


Afterward, the journalist acknowledged they edited Kennedy's remarks on vaccines.

"We should note that during our conversation, Kennedy made false claims about the COVID-19 vaccines," she said. "We’ve used our editorial judgment in not including extended portions of that exchange in our interview," Davis added.

ABC backed up its fact-check by listing medical and advocacy organizations which disagreed with Kennedy's statements on vaccines.

"Data shows that the COVID-19 vaccine has prevented millions of hospitalizations and deaths from the disease. He also made misleading claims about the relationship between vaccination and autism. Research shows that vaccines and the ingredients used in the vaccines do not cause autism, including multiple studies involving more than a million children and major medical associations like the American Academy of Pediatrics and the advocacy group Autism Speaks."

During the interview, Kennedy said he has been "vilified" for the past three years with "total blanket censorship" from the media.



1) I completely agree with Bruce - the media is not there to censure or shape the message 

2) Regardless of party, the candidates should have the opportunity to share their message

3) Not sure why FNC chose to run with CBPs opinion…

4) Whether I agree or not, I’m not sure a basketball coach should risk delving into politics.   Just like businesses, IMO, the risk is that you isolate or alienate 50% or the population, the upside is that maybe 50% of the people agree with you…..

They have zero obligation to air misinformation. None. They indicated their editorial decision and any viewer can readily find RFK Jr.’s detailed views if they wish. One interview isn’t the be all and end all of information. It’s at our fingertips.

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34 minutes ago, CoffeeTiger said:

ABC should never have given an interview to RFKjr if they wanted to redact out crazy anti-vaccine claims.  RFKjr is literally KNOWN for his crazy conspiracies and anti-vaccine views. ..if you interview him that's what you're going to get. 

Either air the whole thing or don't give him an interview. 

Very much agree with this. You don't have to give him a platform, but if you do, you'd better let everyone hear it. ABC News is not just a message board like Twitter where it's accepted, and even expected, to limit speech that could be dangerous to society. They are also perfectly able to counter the claims before and after they show the interview, instead of misinformation spreading in a vacuum.

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Bruce has done a lot for Auburn.  However, he needs to tread carefully when it comes to misinformation.  His political views usually form around support for all things Israel.  I understand that and many times I agree.  However, like all governments, Israel isn't always on the right side of every issue. Bruce has every right to voice his opinions, but like everyone else, if he sticks his foot in his mouth badly, consequences are just around the corner.

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18 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

Bruce has done a lot for Auburn.  However, he needs to tread carefully when it comes to misinformation.  His political views usually form around support for all things Israel.  I understand that and many times I agree.  However, like all governments, Israel isn't always on the right side of every issue. Bruce has every right to voice his opinions, but like everyone else, if he sticks his foot in his mouth badly, consequences are just around the corner.

He also needs to assist in raising NIL money. Coaches and administrators who get very publicly political can hurt these efforts.

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3 hours ago, AU9377 said:

Bruce has done a lot for Auburn.  However, he needs to tread carefully when it comes to misinformation.  His political views usually form around support for all things Israel.  I understand that and many times I agree.  However, like all governments, Israel isn't always on the right side of every issue. Bruce has every right to voice his opinions, but like everyone else, if he sticks his foot in his mouth badly, consequences are just around the corner.

I don't believe Bruce backed Kennedy what he said was if you interview somebody you can't edit what the person said. While I don't think the vaccine is a panacea it is a tool in the fight against Covid and I disagree with Kennedy but you ask him on you have to play his full answer. As to those who say he shouldn't have a platform he is a Presidential candidate and the American people deserve to hear what he stands for. I have heard enough to know I would never vote for Kennedy.

News Organizations takes sides in an election just by who they have on and who they intentionally omit. How can you make an informed decision if you only hear from some of the candidates.  

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2 hours ago, AuburnNTexas said:

I don't believe Bruce backed Kennedy what he said was if you interview somebody you can't edit what the person said. While I don't think the vaccine is a panacea it is a tool in the fight against Covid and I disagree with Kennedy but you ask him on you have to play his full answer. As to those who say he shouldn't have a platform he is a Presidential candidate and the American people deserve to hear what he stands for. I have heard enough to know I would never vote for Kennedy.

News Organizations takes sides in an election just by who they have on and who they intentionally omit. How can you make an informed decision if you only hear from some of the candidates.  

Interviews get edited for many reasons. They told the viewer what they edited and why. That’s more transparency than you often get. They didn’t have to give him the time of day— how would that have been better?

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It’s not the media’s job to edit or shape the news, just to report it.  They aren’t needed to be a “Ministry of Truth” either.  

They’ve gotten numerous things wrong themselves and are far from a perfect arbitrator of the truth.  Case in point - the vast majority of them swept the validity of Hunter’s laptop under the rug as “Russian disinformation” and over the course of two years, all have retracted their claims.  

I’m Im perfectly fine with them posting a disclaimer of sorts at the end if they feel so inclined, but to whitewash an interview of a presidential candidate because they don’t agree with his message is very dangerous precedent.  

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So. let me get this straight" Media Entities have the responsibility to air only the true sides of an issue? Really?

And yet we have Fox News airing 2020 Election BS, We have 80% of the media airing The Steele Dossier for 4-6 years and have yet to have one person arrested, charged, or tried for Sedition, Trason, nor Collusion WHILE telling everyone that the 2016 Election was stolen. 

Seems to me that you don't want ALL media to clean up its act, you only want the side you don't agree with to clear up its act.

Myself, I want ALL media to clean up it's act. I Dont want one side's corruption gone. I want it ALL gone. 

Edited by DKW 86
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8 hours ago, AuburnNTexas said:

I don't believe Bruce backed Kennedy what he said was if you interview somebody you can't edit what the person said. While I don't think the vaccine is a panacea it is a tool in the fight against Covid and I disagree with Kennedy but you ask him on you have to play his full answer. As to those who say he shouldn't have a platform he is a Presidential candidate and the American people deserve to hear what he stands for. I have heard enough to know I would never vote for Kennedy.

News Organizations takes sides in an election just by who they have on and who they intentionally omit. How can you make an informed decision if you only hear from some of the candidates.  

If he wasn't a Kennedy, he wouldn't even be getting the slim slice of attention that he has garnered.  I agree with you overall, but some organizations do make an effort to call balls and strikes more than others.  Bruce in no way backed Kennedy.  My comment was more intended as a general comment about Bruce's involvement in politics and what that has entailed thus far.

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6 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

The media is not the problem.  People who refuse to think critically are the problem.

I agree with your second statement, but the media shaping and manipulating the news is a problem too. 

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On 5/5/2023 at 6:33 PM, GoAU said:

I agree with your second statement, but the media shaping and manipulating the news is a problem too. 

An educated, critically thinking population cannot be so easily duped.  Our desire to be partisan is stupid.  The problem with government is open corruption.  Being divided by partisanship ensures the continuance of the corruption.  We have handed the government to the capital class,,, Wall St.,,, they own it all, resources, means of production, media,,, government.

It is not the media's fault that we are ignorant.

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5 hours ago, icanthearyou said:

An educated, critically thinking population cannot be so easily duped.  Our desire to be partisan is stupid.  The problem with government is open corruption.  Being divided by partisanship ensure the continuance of the corruption.  We have handed the government to the capital class,,, Wall St.,,, they own it all, resources, means of production, media,,, government.

It is not the media's fault that we are ignorant.

I understand your point, but when 95+% of the media is owned by 3-4 entities and they are in collusion with the government, that IS a problem.  Not everyone has the time, ability, knowledge and know how to check multiple sources and derive the truth.  

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4 hours ago, GoAU said:

I understand your point, but when 95+% of the media is owned by 3-4 entities and they are in collusion with the government, that IS a problem.  Not everyone has the time, ability, knowledge and know how to check multiple sources and derive the truth.  

I see most of the reporting to be nothing more than a distraction away from the fact that the government is almost purely corrupt, inequality is extreme, taxation is unfair, democracy has ceased.

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