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This is the kind of snake oil that makes DeSantis as unfit as Trump to be President


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I'm not anti-vax at all.  Shingles shots make sense.  I got the covid shot.  But I am vaccine cautious.  The risk/benefit seems skewed on the latest shot.  It has not been tested on humans yet. Since the original has been acknowledged to cause myocarditis and subclinical myocarditis, I'll wait to see what happens to the early adopters of this new one.    But the benefit seems dubious as well.  It's vaccinating against a variant that is mostly gone from the population. With some 1500 variants and subvariants to date, it may just be a fool's game to chase them with vaccines.

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6 hours ago, AU9377 said:

When I get my flu shot over the next month, I will get the updated Covid vaccine as well.  Now that I am 50, I may also get the Shingles vaccine.  There is nothing sinister about it. 

Dude just say no. 

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When the Big Scary Voice on the tv made you think that your elementary school or younger child was at risk of immediate death, well, that was the JUMP THE SHARK MOMENT for me.

Scientifically you cannot back that crap up for a nano-second. We all got vaxed at my house, 2+2. We will likely get vaxed again soon. But shooting up kids that are to insignificantly suffer from getting COVID was nothing but pure panic, obedience to the narrative by the SFs in America, and maybe some whacked-out kabuki theatre.. 

Edited by DKW 86
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5 hours ago, CoffeeTiger said:

Right....and just because a doctor refuses to prescribe it for covid doesn't mean they are doing so because the government told them not it.

Doctors doing what they believe is best for their patients?


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4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Dude just say no. 

No to taking care of yourself?  I dislike the way we administer health care in this country as much as anyone, but I don't distrust the actual professionals that, overwhelmingly, do their best to help keep people healthy and get those that aren't back there.

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4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

When the Big Scary Voice on the tv made you think that your elementary school or younger child was at risk of immediate death, well, that was the JUMP THE SHARK MOMENT for me.

Scientifically you cannot back that crap up for a nano-second. We all got vaxed at my house, 2+2. We will likely get vaxed again soon. But shooting up kids that are to insignificantly suffer from getting COVID was nothing but pure panic, obedience to the narrative by the SFs in America, and maybe some whacked-out kabuki theatre.. 

..........you are letting perfect be the enemy of good.

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7 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Keep up:

The panel of judges, all GOP nominees, say that the administration's efforts to flag what it considered to be false and harmful content about COVID, the 2020 election and other topics that violated the social media companies' policies likely amount to a violation of the First Amendment. The court found that Biden Administration officials coerced and threatened the social media companies to take down content.

"The officials have engaged in a broad pressure campaign designed to coerce social-media companies into suppressing speakers, viewpoints, and content disfavored by the government," a three-judge panel wrote. "The harms that radiate from such conduct extend far beyond just the Plaintiffs; it impacts every social-media user."



This week, emails released through a Freedom of Information Act request filed by the American Institute for Economic Research revealed what I see as worrisome communication between Francis Collins, Anthony Fauci, and others within the National Institutes of Health in the fall of 2020. At issue was the Great Barrington Declaration, an open letter written in October 2020 and eventually signed by thousands of scientists.

It argues that Covid-19 policy should focus on protecting the elderly and vulnerable, and largely re-open society and school for others.

At the time, Americans would have benefited from a broad debate among scientists about the available policy options for controlling the Covid-19 pandemic, and perhaps a bit of compromise. The emails tell us why that isn’t what we got.


Ivermectin: in 2021

HELENA, Mont. — One Montana hospital went into lockdown and called police after a woman threatened violence because a relative was denied her request to be treated with ivermectin.

Officials of another Montana hospital accused public officials of threatening and harassing their health care workers for refusing to treat a politically connected Covid-19 patient with the antiparasitic drug or hydroxychloroquine, another drug unauthorized by the Food and Drug Administration to treat Covid.

And in neighboring Idaho, a medical resident said police had to be called to a hospital after a Covid patient’s relative verbally abused her and threatened physical violence because she would not prescribe ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine, “drugs that are not beneficial in the treatment of Covid-19,” she wrote.


In 2023:

A remark in court by a lawyer for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizing that doctors have the authority to prescribe ivermectin “off-label” to treat COVID-19 does not mean that the agency approved the drug for that use, as claimed online.

FDA regulates the testing and sale of drugs and devices, approving them to be marketed for specific conditions or “indications” specified on the label, but the agency does not control how doctors use a drug once it is on the market, health and legal experts said.


In 2021 doctors couldn’t prescribe Ivermectin for COVID and the pharmacy wouldn’t fill it if it was and in 2023 you can use Ivermectin off label to treat COVID.  Amazing.

People were kicked off of social media for mentioning these subject, hence the censorship from the White House.  I guess you just got caught up in the hype of what you thought was right

People were saying all sorts of BS that too many were taking as fact.

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7 hours ago, AU9377 said:

..........you are letting perfect be the enemy of good.

Not really. This is pretty simple: No need to recommend this booster for infants (none of those shots were necessary for young people, imo, but that's another thread). It's about as necessary or helpful as Georgia Tech's last TD against Cumberland in 1916 (put them up 222-0).

If you fall into one of those common risk groups that we all know by now get their ass kicked by Covid (older, obese, immunodeficient, vitamin D deficient), then give it a thought.

Someone else can have mine...but this does remind me that I need to schedule a shingles shot. That stuff concerns me by magnitudes of 10 more than Covid...chicken pox at age 22 kicked my ass (lost 8 pounds in a week), and my mom was as miserable as I've ever seen a person when she had a case of shingles in her early 40s.

Edited by SLAG-91
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7 hours ago, AU9377 said:

People were saying all sorts of BS that too many were taking as fact.

People were also saying all sorts of things that were true that were censored.  You either believe in free speech or you get the government narrative, whether it is true or not.

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8 hours ago, arein0 said:

Doctors doing what they believe is best for their patients?


No one said that. Pharma Companies doing what they do best, profiting from illnesses was the problem. The even bigger problem now is that people like you cant tell the difference.

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7 hours ago, AU9377 said:

No to taking care of yourself?  I dislike the way we administer health care in this country as much as anyone, but I don't distrust the actual professionals that, overwhelmingly, do their best to help keep people healthy and get those that aren't back there.

We ,ust balance this with the other obvious thing in the room. PROFIT MOTIVE.

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8 hours ago, AU9377 said:

..........you are letting perfect be the enemy of good.

Nope, I am reading the facts and making a sound rational decision. The fact that you cant allow for that says tons about your slavishness to a false narrative about vaccinating those that were never at risk.

Edited by DKW 86
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13 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

When the Big Scary Voice on the tv made you think that your elementary school or younger child was at risk of immediate death, well, that was the JUMP THE SHARK MOMENT for me.

Scientifically you cannot back that crap up for a nano-second. We all got vaxed at my house, 2+2. We will likely get vaxed again soon. But shooting up kids that are to insignificantly suffer from getting COVID was nothing but pure panic, obedience to the narrative by the SFs in America, and maybe some whacked-out kabuki theatre.. 

lets be clear here.it has saved elderly lives. i have lost friends both older and younger than me. i vaxxed and i will again. i got the shingles shots. i watched a grown man cry from pain with shingles and i said that is not me if i can help it. it must be bad because they loaded the guy up with a ton of pain meds after all the pain med flaps going around so i assumed the pain was rough. i started doing the flu  and pneumonia last year.there was a time when the gove gave you those shots with weak but live germs and when they hit a healthy they thrived and made folks sick. they finally figured out dead cells work better..............grins

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some of you folks are down on vaccines but if they only had erectile dysfunction shots and no pills you boys would look like dope heads...........tell the truth. lol

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1 hour ago, DKW 86 said:

No one said that. 

That is actually the premise of the argument I'm commenting on.

But I guess since you only know how to read/write at a 5th grade level that went right over your head :poke:

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9 hours ago, AU9377 said:

People were saying all sorts of BS that too many were taking as fact.

So that justifies the Biden Administration to tell social media to censor speech and debate?  Oh, let’s declare an emergency and throw away the Constitiution, we can suspend the 2nd Amendment like in Hew Mexico.

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2 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

Nope, I am reading the facts and making a sound rational decision. The fact that you cant allow for that says tons about your slavishness to a false narrative about vaccinating those that were never at risk.

Individuals can decide.  Government officials should not be pushing bad information.

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1 hour ago, I_M4_AU said:

So that justifies the Biden Administration to tell social media to censor speech and debate?  Oh, let’s declare an emergency and throw away the Constitiution, we can suspend the 2nd Amendment like in Hew Mexico.

Every quack known to mankind was shoveling out misinformation.  Were mistakes made?  Probably so.  The appellate court decision you have mentioned a couple of times actually guts the original 5th circuit order.  Specifically, it exempts the NIH from the order altogether.

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2 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

Every quack known to mankind was shoveling out misinformation.  Were mistakes made?  Probably so.  The appellate court decision you have mentioned a couple of times actually guts the original 5th circuit order.  Specifically, it exempts the NIH from the order altogether.

Misinformation like the vaccine will stop the spread of COVID, that type of misinformation by quacks?  Where was the debate?

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9 hours ago, aubiefifty said:

lets be clear here.it has saved elderly lives. i have lost friends both older and younger than me. i vaxxed and i will again. i got the shingles shots. i watched a grown man cry from pain with shingles and i said that is not me if i can help it. it must be bad because they loaded the guy up with a ton of pain meds after all the pain med flaps going around so i assumed the pain was rough. i started doing the flu  and pneumonia last year.there was a time when the gove gave you those shots with weak but live germs and when they hit a healthy they thrived and made folks sick. they finally figured out dead cells work better..............grins

Well, I was specifically addressing those elementary school age and lower. Those with extremely highly likely to have mild symptoms and very very low risk of dying. There was no reason to vax those kids. You have to IGNORE the facts. 

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8 hours ago, arein0 said:

That is actually the premise of the argument I'm commenting on.

But I guess since you only know how to read/write at a 5th grade level that went right over your head :poke:

If I wrote at a higher level, some here wouldn't be able to comprehend....Wait a minute, I think I just realized what the real problem around here really is...😉

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7 hours ago, AU9377 said:

Individuals can decide.  Government officials should not be pushing bad information.

You so funny. Who was pushing bad info? Fauci for scaring parents to death to vacinate the kids that were literally at almost no risk?

Or was it Cuomo pushing sick people back into nursing homes before they were really well and spreading the virus to the elderly? I think the consensus was that cost us 12,000 or more lives. It was far more than vaccinating the kids saved. But Big Pharma made huge profits off the kids, so all is well in Citizens United Land....

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10 hours ago, I_M4_AU said:

Misinformation like the vaccine will stop the spread of COVID, that type of misinformation by quacks?  Where was the debate?

The vaccine has saved hundreds of thousands of lives around the world.  I never believed that it would stop all transmission of the virus.  That isn't how vaccines work with any other respiratory type virus, such as the flu.  What it is effective in doing is preventing  serious illness and hospitalization in the vast majority of those that are vaccinated.  The Youtube nut cases have altered videos to the degree that people believe all sorts of nonsense at this point.

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4 hours ago, DKW 86 said:

If I wrote at a higher level, some here wouldn't be able to comprehend....Wait a minute, I think I just realized what the real problem around here really is...😉

Considering you couldn't comprehend this argument, I think the board will be fine. Please try harder

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30 minutes ago, AU9377 said:

The vaccine has saved hundreds of thousands of lives around the world.  I never believed that it would stop all transmission of the virus.  That isn't how vaccines work with any other respiratory type virus, such as the flu.  What it is effective in doing is preventing  serious illness and hospitalization in the vast majority of those that are vaccinated.  The Youtube nut cases have altered videos to the degree that people believe all sorts of nonsense at this point.

The point is our leaders and *the science* all proclaimed the vaccine would stop the virus and if you got the vaccine you could not spread it.  That was misinformation that was never corrected.  These are the same people that silenced their critiques and would not allow meaningful debate.

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