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Just Curious


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I noticed that with in a span of abot 30 minutes today you posted 8 articles that appear to all bash the current Administration in one way or the other. I've noticed this to be your method of operating everyday. You post numerous articles really quick, all of which seem to try to persuade the members of this board to beleive that Bush and his administration are just short of the Anti-Christ. Many are simply editorials from Liberal Sources. Now, I could be wrong, but I find it hard to believe that you subscribe to all these news services/newspapers. I mean, do you really read the Taipei Times? ("President's Brother Emerging From Hiding")

So my question to you is, do you have some sort of service that sends you these articles on the big bad republicans or do you wake up everyday / stay up every night searching the WWW for articles that slam Conservatives, Bush, Cheney, Republicans, Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorists, etc. ? Are you a part of The Fighting Righties Hater Club? The Organization for Burning the Right Side of the Aisle?

Just Curious!

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Just putting information out there for everyone to be able to comment on. You can call all of the sources liberal if you want, but many are the most well-respected news sources out there (Reuters/AP/NY Times, etc.). The foreign news links give you an indication of what the rest of the world is saying about us.

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That didn't answer my question. :roll: What is with your refusal to answer someone's question?

I never said ALL of your sources are liberal. I said,

Many are simply editorials from Liberal Sources

Sorry that was so confusing for you!

And if you really think that the NYTimes is not a liberally biased news source you are sadly mistaken.

I think most on here realize that the foreign news that you post has a purpose. None of us fell off the turnip truck yesterday. (See, here's what the ROC thinks of us! We have got to change their communist minds!) (NOTE: That is simply a joke. Do not attempt to discuss that comment any further!)

So, will you please answer my question? It was not meant to start an arguement. I just asked how you get your info? (with a little right-winged ribbing involed)

Just curious.

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But how many of the articles you post are news and how many are EDITORIALS? An editorial from any political position cannot be counted as "news" - they are OPINIONS. Just like Townhall, which I and other conservatives quote from frequently - there may be facts in the articles, but they tend to be used to bolster one position or the other. Posting an editorial as "fact' is pointless.

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Why is everything that Tiger Al and Donutboy post disregarded simply b/c they are Dems? Do you guys ever open up your mind, geez.

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I don't dismiss TigerAl. I beginning to dismiss Donutboy, but it's not because he's a Dem. It's because he's like the Democrat version of a Rush dittohead. Doesn't think for himself, just regurgitates DNC talking points. It gets old.

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Why is everything that Tiger Al and Donutboy post disregarded simply b/c they are Dems?  Do you guys ever open up your mind, geez.

Whenever a conservative/republican makes a valid point, I don't see you coming out asking the same questions when they are poo-pooed by AL and Donutboy.

So, according to you, any opposition to Al and Donutboy is simply closed minded and done so just because they are Dems?

Open your mind, guy!

There will always be differing opinions between the left and the right. That's what this country is all about.


Why is it that some on here (one in particular) disagrees with the opposition simply because they are Republicans?

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You never answered my question, (Like I really exoected you to on the first try.) I know your not ashamed to name your source(s), are you?

How about you channonc?

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You never answered my question, (Like I really exoected you to on the first try.) I know your not ashamed to name your source(s), are you?

How about you channonc?

Gee, I thought by posting links, I WAS revealing my sources...

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Were you dropped on your head as a child? (To steal a line from Tiger AL last week).

So my question to you is, do you have some sort of service that sends you these articles on the big bad republicans or do you wake up everyday / stay up every night searching the WWW for articles that slam Conservatives, Bush, Cheney, Republicans, Right-Wing Conspiracy Theorists, etc. ? Are you a part of The Fighting Righties Hater Club? The Organization for Burning the Right Side of the Aisle?

It really is not that hard of a question. You keep dodging it and making an attempt at sarcasm with your, "Gee, I thought by posting links, I WAS revealing my sources... ," remark. That was real bright considering you still haven't answered the question.

Again, the original post was a simple question with some good natured conservative ribbing, admittedly. I don't understand why that is so difficult for you.

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In all honesty, I don't see any reasons for my revealing where I get my sources. Are we going to start requiring a footnote at the bottom of each post now?Everyone has sources that they use; Google, Yahoo, etc... All you need to do is do a daily search for news bits by keywords, subscribe online to several sources, visit other friendly websites, etc., etc., etc...... That's the best answer you're going to get. You can keep this ridiculous thread alive if you want to but it has nothing to do with any of the posts that I've made. Each post is backed up with it's own link.

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In all honesty, I don't see any reasons for my revealing where I get my sources. Are we going to start requiring a footnote at the bottom of each post now?Everyone has sources that they use; Google, Yahoo, etc... All you need to do is do a daily search for news bits by keywords, subscribe online to several sources, visit other friendly websites, etc., etc., etc...... That's the best answer you're going to get. You can keep this ridiculous thread alive if you want to but it has nothing to do with any of the posts that I've made. Each post is backed up with it's own link.

Again, no one is REQUIRING anything (footnotes, proof of computer to look up said sources, etc.) I simply asked a question. I didn't mean to hurt your feelings.

This is a perfect answer:

Everyone has sources that they use; Google, Yahoo, etc... All you need to do is do a daily search for news bits by keywords, subscribe online to several sources, visit other friendly websites, etc., etc., etc......

Yes, I may have been looking for you to say democraticunderground.com or Associationtokillallrepublicans.com or something like that. I wasn't expecting any great suprises.

I am sooo sorry that I questioned you. I didn't think it was such an invasive question.

I, MDM4AU, promise never to ask any questions of Donutboy. I now realize it is not legal for a conservative to question a liberal on anything remotely controversial even if it is in jest.

I, MDM4AU, promise to accept the punishment of listening to Babs songs while commuting home every afternoon for a week for every offense from today on.

Signed this thirteenth day of November, in the year two thousand and three. (See Signature Below)


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Dude, like I said. I use a lot of sources, none of which you mentioned but I'll be sure to check the ones you mentioned out. ;) I just don't see why you want or need a detailed list of where I get each and every post, other than using it as a tool to slow my browsing down. Here's a clue. Go to Google and type Bush Iraq into their search engine.

Here's one of the first links you'll find. You can choose your own words, though.

Bush Iraq Evidence Lies

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Look, I just asked a simple question. Wasn't looking for any detailed list. It was a "where do you get your info, IN GENERAL!"

I just don't see why you want or need a detailed list of where I get each and every post, other than using it as a tool to slow my browsing down.

Get over yourself. :roll:

Like I said, I will never, ever, ever question you again as I know full well what my punishment will be! ;)

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MDM, Democratic Underground isn't a 'news gathering' site. All of their material is original, so it would be linked to DU. Read 'Dear Auntie Pinko', it's an excellent column!!!

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Well, you WERE the one who brought up DU.

Yes, I may have been looking for you to say democraticunderground.com or Associationtokillallrepublicans.com or something like that. I wasn't expecting any great suprises.
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OK, it was in jest. Get it? Just like Associationtokillallrepublicans.com . You want to tell me about that too? Aren't you a charter member?


And by the way, Titan actually brought it up.

I honestly know very little about DU. But, whom am I as a conservative to question the mighty Liberals?

D@#N! I did it! I questioned! BABS for a solid hour in B'ham rush! Someone kill me now!

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