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Katrina's hiding scandel.


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Annan is a lying thief. His take on this is "Yeah it looks bad, but what areyou gonna do about it. Shouldn't everyone be focused on that hurricane thing"?

"The findings in today's report must be deeply embarrassing to us all," Annan said in a briefing to the 15-nation Security Council. "The Inquiry Committee has ripped away the curtain, and shone a harsh light into the most unsightly corners of the organization. None of us — member states, Secretariat, agencies, funds and programs — can be proud of what it has found."

Despite the criticism, Annan told reporters afterward "I don't anticipate anyone to resign. We are carrying on with our work."


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Despite the criticism, Annan told reporters afterward "I don't anticipate anyone to resign. We are carrying on with our work."

Sounds a lot like Bill Clinton before/during and after the Impreachment process. :blink:

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