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guys i'm freaking excited about next weekend, if we can learn from that first half tonight and lsu turns the ball over like it has been doing we will roll. Jemarcus Russell has not seen a defense (UT=Overrated, FLA=High School) this year. Next weeks game is going to be a drive by, we move in, whip ass, and move out.


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guys i'm freaking excited about next weekend, if we can learn from that first half tonight and lsu turns the ball over like it has been doing we will roll.  Jemarcus Russell has not seen a defense (UT=Overrated, FLA=High School) this year.  Next weeks game is going to be a drive by, we move in, whip ass, and move out.

  :lsu:           :shoot:


More like a stealth bombing run - fly in, do the damage, and fly home under the cover of darkness..................

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For some reason I don't expect the :lsu: QB to turn the ball over this week like they did yesterday. I would be happy for the gift if they did, but I just don't expect it.

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They have been turning it over a bit, I hope they do keep it up and we take the chance to make them pay for it. No one else has been able to make LSU pay for turn overs really. :vandy::uf: both had gifts from LSU but did little with them.

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It is a big game and I for sure think we have a good chance to win, but I'm not about to provide any message board material for them. ;)

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If Auburn can score 24+, I think you all win.

UF's lack of moving the ball with such great field position was laughable....they should have scored 30+

Credit to LSU's D though

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Jemarcus Russell has not seen a defense (UT=Overrated, FLA=High School) this year. 

Are you kidding? Florida's defense is ranked right behind Auburn's and Tenn's isn't too far behind.

While I certainly respect what any SEC team can do, especially Auburn, I would be declaring your defense unstoppable just yet. The combined record of everyone Auburn has played is 17-19 and inclused the likes of Ball State and Western Kentucky. The best team Auburn has faced is an unranked Georgia Tech team.

I have no doubt that Auburn will be a tough fight. LSU's biggest opponent this far has been themselves. If they play solid football I think LSU wins ugly. If LSU continues to give up the ball and commit penalties it's anybody's game.

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:uf:   both had gifts from LSU but did little with them.


Um, actually, all three of Florida's scoring drives were off of LSU turnovers. Those three drives covered 103 yards in 10 plays and took a combined 2:55.

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Guest Tigrinum Major
While I certainly respect what any SEC team can do, especially Auburn, I would be declaring your defense unstoppable just yet.


Can a defense be unstoppable?

Wouldn't it be more like unpenetrable?

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It is a big game and I for sure think we have a good chance to win, but I'm not about to provide any message board material for them. ;)


Ditto that! <_<


EWWWWW...is that fried pork I smell????!!!!

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All I can say is that this week coming, looks like another great game in a very exciting, very weird series.

Cant wait!

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Jemarcus Russell has not seen a defense (UT=Overrated, FLA=High School) this year. 

Are you kidding? Florida's defense is ranked right behind Auburn's and Tenn's isn't too far behind.

While I certainly respect what any SEC team can do, especially Auburn, I would be declaring your defense unstoppable just yet. The combined record of everyone Auburn has played is 17-19 and inclused the likes of Ball State and Western Kentucky. The best team Auburn has faced is an unranked Georgia Tech team.

I have no doubt that Auburn will be a tough fight. LSU's biggest opponent this far has been themselves. If they play solid football I think LSU wins ugly. If LSU continues to give up the ball and commit penalties it's anybody's game.


Funny, that is exactly what the Arky folks said...You should hope LSU improves on the 10+ penalties/gm and 3 turnovers/game. Even with that they have been in and won all of their games with the exception of the UT game, who knows how they lost that one??? IMO, not just being on AU kool-aid, but AU has the better overall D. LSU has not been good against the pass, but good stopping the run. I do think we will be able to run the ball effective enough. Cox and WRs could light up LSU secondary. LSU offense is right in the middle of the pack of the SEC.

I think AU will be able to pull it, but probably having to come from behind in 3rd or 4th Qtr.

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guys i'm freaking excited about next weekend, if we can learn from that first half tonight and lsu turns the ball over like it has been doing we will roll.  Jemarcus Russell has not seen a defense (UT=Overrated, FLA=High School) this year.  Next weeks game is going to be a drive by, we move in, whip ass, and move out.

  :lsu:           :shoot:


You guys are in for a long night. This isn't Western Kentucky or Arky. First night game of the year in Tiger Stadium and it just happens to be the "War Damn Eagles" on the schedule. You better bring the ghosts of Bo Jackson and Joe Cribbs with you this weekend-you're going to need them. LSU is due to put together a complete game w/out mistakes against someone and it might as well be you guys. Better bring your A game!!!! :P:P

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LSU is due to put together a complete game w/out mistakes

I am due to win the lottery as well but I doubt it happens


I think it will be a great game. LSU-AU is always close and exciting.

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You guys are in for a long night. This isn't Western Kentucky or Arky.

and we aren't vandy or florida, we have an offense that will capitalize on mistakes, just don't try to burn out buses on the way into the stadium and we should have a great game with two teams trying to prove something :big:

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I dont know why people worry about who one team has played versus the other team.

Every game is different and is determined by the factors of that game.

I have seen it many times whe an LSU beats a Fla. Fla. beats a Georgia and Ga. beats an LSU as an example.

It is how you matchup and how you play that day.

LSU could come out and have 0 turnovers and still lose. Or LSU could have 3 turnovers and still win. But that is not the norm.

It comes down to Coaching, Game Plans, Momentum, Players making plays, penalties, turnovers , defense, special teams, etc. just like every other game.

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