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Why is it that the news organizations in the United States have refrained from showing the Danish cartoons of Muhammad, which have so enraged the Arab world? But now they have no problem dredging up new photos of a detainee being abused in Iraq's Abu Ghraib prison ...

Why is it they think one would be inflammatory but the other would not? Are they trying to tell the Islamofascists terrorists that they (the media & the leftist democrats) hate and despise America as much as the Islamofascists terrorists do? Or is it just some form of self-flagellation they feel compelled to go thru and in effect make us go thru as well?

Or is this new wave of Abu Ghraib prison photos just another in a long line of democrats wanting to get a scandal to bring down this administration?

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All of the above. The libby media will stop at nothing in an attempt to smear the Bush Administration.

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