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Accepted to Auburn


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Congrats Homan!

p.s. Ghost...May I suggest a Louisville Slugger?

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do not take 8am classes EVER.

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do not take 8am classes EVER.

Yeah, what he said. You think you'll go. You say you'll go. You won't go.

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I got my acceptance letter almost 30 years ago, but I'll never forget it. My Dad was a 1951 API grad. I had chances to go elsewhere, but there was never any doubt in mind where I'd end up. But I tortured Dad and threatened to go to Missouri or Columbia (I majored in journalism).

He asked me every day for several weeks if I'd made up my mind. Finally, I told him, "Dad, was there ever any doubt?"

I think he would have killed me if he hadn't been so happy.


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Let me offer you the secret of how to succeed in college: GO TO CLASS.

Period. Just go. No matter what it takes. I doubt I have ever had a student that came to every class that made less than a B.

It has nothing to do with studying, or how well you take notes, or how "smart" you are. It's all about commitment. Just go. If you are in there, you will learn 80% of what's on the test. If you are not in there, you won't learn 80% of what's on the test.

Oh, and don't text message in class. Pay attention.

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Also, only take classes with friends if those friends are committed to learning in class.

Its ok to take classes with nobody you know. I will force you to make new friends and your main connection will be the class, thus forcing you to study for it (plus its a great way to meet girls).

Finally, though it wasn't all that long ago I remember when I got my acceptance letter. My parents wanted me to go in state and told me Auburn wasn't an option. I applied without them knowing and got my acceptance shortly after. I remember the day when they said 'hey justin, you got something in the mail from auburn - whats that about?' i opened the letter and promptly said 'well it looks like I'm going to Auburn.' At that point they were so happy I was accepted there wasn't much resistance. I bought my Auburn hat the next day and I've had that hat to this day.

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Let me offer you the secret of how to succeed in college: GO TO CLASS.

Period. Just go. No matter what it takes. I doubt I have ever had a student that came to every class that made less than a B.

It has nothing to do with studying, or how well you take notes, or how "smart" you are. It's all about commitment. Just go. If you are in there, you will learn 80% of what's on the test. If you are not in there, you won't learn 80% of what's on the test.

Oh, and don't text message in class. Pay attention.

Circle, this is so spot on it ain't even funny.

Going to class --- regardless of the shape you're in --- is the absolute key to collegiate success.

Took me a while to learn it, but I finally did.


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Let me offer you the secret of how to succeed in college: GO TO CLASS.

Period. Just go. No matter what it takes. I doubt I have ever had a student that came to every class that made less than a B.

It has nothing to do with studying, or how well you take notes, or how "smart" you are. It's all about commitment. Just go. If you are in there, you will learn 80% of what's on the test. If you are not in there, you won't learn 80% of what's on the test.

Oh, and don't text message in class. Pay attention.

If you really want to excel, read the lesson in the book BEFORE going to class. When you hear it in class that will be the 2nd time and when you study for the exam, that will be the 3rd time. The 3rd time is the charm. I learned it when I went over what I missed on the exams! - NOT good timing!

Make some goals and stick to them. If good grades are helpful in meeting those goals, then place studying and going to class ahead of Keggers 101, 201, 301 & 401, and also ahead of Female Anatomy Exploratory Science! (However, I do highly recommend the FAES weekend labs. :roflol: )

Good Luck and War Eagle!

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Also, only take classes with friends if those friends are committed to learning in class.

Its ok to take classes with nobody you know. I will force you to make new friends and your main connection will be the class, thus forcing you to study for it (plus its a great way to meet girls).

This is so very, very true. Try to take some of those harder science classes, or classes just difficult to get up and go to, with friends. I took a class with the one of my friends every semester, and any time I missed that class, she would call me and yell at me, lol. But, for a hard class, it is a great motivator to go if you have someone to look forward to seeing everyday in that class, and study with, so take them with a hot girl like I did.


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Guys, I gotta tell ya...y'all have given me some really good ideas when it comes to studying. I'm more than likely gonna start on my Master's through the :au: Distance Program here within the next year or so.

I remember when I got my acceptance letter but then I decided to stay home and go to UAH. :( Really wished I would have gone to AU instead like my brother did.

Welby :au:

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Word of advice from an ole grad.

1. Get up and go to class;

2. Don't procrastinate-do WHAT you have to do WHEN you have to do it;

3. Manage your time well and assign priorities;

4. Be smart with your scheduling and selection of teachers if possible;

5 .Remember- your earning power FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE will be directly related to how you do in school, and

6. Realize that this is the best time in your life and value it WHILE it is going on -rather than like so many of us who realize it later. It will be the best of times and the worst of times- but it will always be AUBURN TIME and THAT will make it special!

Do this, and you WILL MAKE IT!

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Just got accepted to Auburn today! WDE

Congratulations. Auburn is a truly wonderful place and if you work a little and have a good attitude you should enjoy four (or five) of the best years of your life.

GG, congrats to your daughter as well.

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Regular class attendance and reading the assignments are critical for top performance. There is still plenty of time for extra curricular activities.

Good luck ... this typically comes to those who prepare.

Welcome and War Eagle!!!

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all of what everybody else has said and use ratemyprofessor.com for finding those good professors.

That is so cool. I can't imagine going to college now with the net.

That website is somewhat flawed. A lot of people rate the easiness of the class and not the actual professor. The best professors I had at AU were the in the hardest classes I took. But also, the most rewarding and memorable of my time there as well.

For core classes, it is excellent, though.

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