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McCain vs. McCain


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Possession and pursuit are two different concepts. I know as a librul you think that pursuit is a guarantee. But just like the constitution guarantees you the right to the "pursuit" of happiness, it doesn't guarantee that you HAVE happiness. Sadaam continued the PURSUIT of WMDs. It didn't mean he had them, but then again, why take the chance.

It burns you guys up that the people of the U.S. KNOW that dims are capitulators and that McCain, in this time of WAR, will continue to be strong on security. I don't think I've heard anyone seriously refer to achmed as EVER wanting to continue the war against his cousins.

So try as you will to discredit McCain, he is not running on fairy tale stuff. That would be achmed's platform.

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Possession and pursuit are two different concepts. I know as a librul you think that pursuit is a guarantee. But just like the constitution guarantees you the right to the "pursuit" of happiness, it doesn't guarantee that you HAVE happiness. Sadaam continued the PURSUIT of WMDs. It didn't mean he had them, but then again, why take the chance.

It burns you guys up that the people of the U.S. KNOW that dims are capitulators and that McCain, in this time of WAR, will continue to be strong on security. I don't think I've heard anyone seriously refer to achmed as EVER wanting to continue the war against his cousins.

So try as you will to discredit McCain, he is not running on fairy tale stuff. That would be achmed's platform.

Agh...I gotcha...he was "pursuing them" ... that was not the bill of goods we were sold and I would be willing to bet that was not what you were saying back in '03 either. Has your story changed now that we have the facts that there were no WMDs or were you saying this pursue garbage all along?

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Possession and pursuit are two different concepts. I know as a librul you think that pursuit is a guarantee. But just like the constitution guarantees you the right to the "pursuit" of happiness, it doesn't guarantee that you HAVE happiness. Sadaam continued the PURSUIT of WMDs. It didn't mean he had them, but then again, why take the chance.

It burns you guys up that the people of the U.S. KNOW that dims are capitulators and that McCain, in this time of WAR, will continue to be strong on security. I don't think I've heard anyone seriously refer to achmed as EVER wanting to continue the war against his cousins.

So try as you will to discredit McCain, he is not running on fairy tale stuff. That would be achmed's platform.

Agh...I gotcha...he was "pursuing them" ... that was not the bill of goods we were sold and I would be willing to bet that was not what you were saying back in '03 either. Has your story changed now that we have the facts that there were no WMDs or were you saying this pursue garbage all along?

You're so ignorant. I was responding to your little shell game of trying to catch McCain in a lie. According the clip, he did not lie. Yet here we are chasing your little rabbits again.

I feel Sadaam had enough WMD's to be a threat. He was telling everyone he had them and he was continuing to keep his programs running the best he could. Even his top officials thought he had them.

But see. Your kind would still be pissed off even if we found piles and piles. There never really is any justification for anything other than laying down and playing bitch with you guys. That's what we see in achmed. And there are enough folks still in the US that do not want to play bitch to the terrorists.

It's not about change. The only change we need is for the dim controlled congress to actually propose some intelligent spending. Achmed is too far left to get anything done. McCain has shown that he will work together if its the right thing. Achmed has no record to stand on with that.

We may not have what would be considered the ideal candidate this election, but damned sure know that the left wing shill you worship is not the answer. The American people are seeing this too.

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Possession and pursuit are two different concepts. I know as a librul you think that pursuit is a guarantee. But just like the constitution guarantees you the right to the "pursuit" of happiness, it doesn't guarantee that you HAVE happiness. Sadaam continued the PURSUIT of WMDs. It didn't mean he had them, but then again, why take the chance.

It burns you guys up that the people of the U.S. KNOW that dims are capitulators and that McCain, in this time of WAR, will continue to be strong on security. I don't think I've heard anyone seriously refer to achmed as EVER wanting to continue the war against his cousins.

So try as you will to discredit McCain, he is not running on fairy tale stuff. That would be achmed's platform.

He didn't have WMD's.BUT, why did he act like it.

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Possession and pursuit are two different concepts. I know as a librul you think that pursuit is a guarantee. But just like the constitution guarantees you the right to the "pursuit" of happiness, it doesn't guarantee that you HAVE happiness. Sadaam continued the PURSUIT of WMDs. It didn't mean he had them, but then again, why take the chance.

It burns you guys up that the people of the U.S. KNOW that dims are capitulators and that McCain, in this time of WAR, will continue to be strong on security. I don't think I've heard anyone seriously refer to achmed as EVER wanting to continue the war against his cousins.

So try as you will to discredit McCain, he is not running on fairy tale stuff. That would be achmed's platform.

He didn't have WMD's.BUT, why did he act like it.

So he could hold it against anyone who wanted to attack him. Saddam made a huge mistake in believing that the U.S. was bluffing. His loss. He should have complied with the U.N. resolutions that he signed after Desert Storm and lived a wealthy life. Instead, he kept shooting at our planes patroling the no fly zones, etc., etc.......

I agree that our intel. was not what it needed to be from a WMD standpoint. But, after the demolition of the CIA and the military during the Clinton years, it was hard to take the chance.

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