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2025 to win right?


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Since I consider myself a politcal junkie, I signed up a few months ago for a few of the presidential candidates newsletters:McCain, Huckabee, Obama, and Clinton. And if you have signed up for either Obama or Clinton, you're inbox is being hit with a rush of messages.

Today, the people who signed up for the Obama newsletter got this email:


Barack Obama is just 17 elected delegates away from a majority -- and you can help get him there.

At the start of this race, there were 3253 elected delegates at stake in primaries and caucuses across the country. After winning 32 of 49 contests, Barack is within reach of an absolute majority.

We believe that the winner of the majority of elected, pledged delegates should and will be the Democratic nominee.

Important primaries are coming up this Tuesday in Oregon and Kentucky. With your help, Barack could win enough delegates to reach this crucial milestone on his way to securing the nomination.

We need to do absolutely everything we can to help put Barack over the top.

Right now, thousands of people in these states are thinking seriously about what they're looking for from our next president -- and one voice could sway their decision.

I'm asking you to be that voice.

Use our simple online calling tool to call potential supporters in Oregon and Kentucky and make sure they vote for Barack:


We've come a long way together in this campaign, and Tuesday could be the day we reach a majority of elected delegates.

Passing this milestone will be an unmistakable signal to the media, the superdelegates, and everyone watching this election all across the country -- the people have spoken, and America is ready for change.

Use our online calling tool to build our support in this final push -- even if you've never done anything like this before. Here's how it works:

When you log in, you'll get a list of 25 names that only you will receive. (If you don't have a My.BarackObama account, creating one is fast and easy.)

Click on a name, make a call, and you'll be led through a simple script, question by question.

If you want, you can even print your numbers and the script and enter your results back into the system later.

Get started making a difference now:


For more than a year, we've relied on everyday supporters like you, reaching out person-to-person to build our movement.

We're close to the nomination -- please keep working to help Barack cross the finish line.

Thank you,


Jon Carson

Voter Contact Director

Obama for America

To win the democratic nomination one needs 2025 delegates. It seems, some are wanting to draw a new finishline. Instead of the 2025 magic number, the persuasive victory line is now a majority. At the rate Obama has been going, he'll need less than 60 of the 231 remaining superdelegates if he wins Oregon, Montanta, and South Dakota to get 2025.

So my question(s) is this... Why lower the magic number? Obama's confident he'll get 2025 right? Is this some sorta insurance policy in case by some freak of nature Clinton takes it to the convention to frame it as if Clinton is trying to steal the election? When Obama wins Oregon and gets his majority, is this a tactic set up to take away some of the sting from another expected defeat in Kentucky? I mean, he wrote off Hillary's win in West Virgina, but less than 24 hrs later got Edwards to endorce him. To me, it looks like the clinching of the majority by winning Oregon and thus, declaring victory to write off Hillary's no big deal win in Kentucky.

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