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Avoid Plan B


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As things stand now, being Tiger fans here in NC, there's a good chance our group may not be able to see the first and maybe the first two games. At least not until Sunday at 6 on CSS. Someone explain the economics of this to me. We buy every PPV that we have to and would gladly buy these two. What sense does it make not to throw these games up that are being recorded and aired in Alabama (Louisiana and Mississippi) anyway and then played the next day for free. There are plenty of Auburn Alumni groups around this country that would pay for these games.

When all else fails we get the audio on the internet but you know that just don't get it.

I'd like to petition Comcast/Charter Sports to allow us to give them money. Does anyway know where I can get a list of Auburn groups around the country? No doubt they would all be down with it. Or is this a hopeless cause, I dunno.

We, here, have already talked about plan B. Plan B is no TV, radio or internet, no media at all on Saturday and come together Sunday night to watch the game like it was just happening. That is one sucky plan.

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Plan B is actually a pretty good idea. Assuming you have your own island equipped with no TV, internet, and cell phone service.

As for the Auburn groups being able to pay for it, I have NO idea. Is there not an online service [even at pay] at all that has rights to broadcast it?

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I don't know if this will help at all, but I remember being told that the Dallas/Fort Worth Auburn Alumni Club would get PPV directly through the University and they would show that at the normal meeting place (a place called Pugsley's Library. We got every game except when we played a Division 1AA team. This was the 2003 season and before. You might call Auburn Media Relations at 334-844-9800. Plan B does not sound good.

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Has ESPN Gameplan released their schedule for the first two weeks? I would doubt the Louisiana-Monroe game will be carried, but I am almost positive the Southern Miss game will be carried. I have heard that you are able to pay for single games with respect to Gameplan and that is what I am planning on doing.

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Please keep us posted on what you find out. I also buy PPV or Gameplan whenever I have to, and will watch the Sunday airing on CSS, but I find it impossible to not look at the scores or read thewrite ups, which takes a lot of the fun out of watching the game.

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I don't know if this will help at all, but I remember being told that the Dallas/Fort Worth Auburn Alumni Club would get PPV directly through the University and they would show that at the normal meeting place (a place called Pugsley's Library. We got every game except when we played a Division 1AA team. This was the 2003 season and before. You might call Auburn Media Relations at 334-844-9800. Plan B does not sound good.

They are not meeting at Pugsley's anymore. That place shut down. I am not sure where they are meeting this year though.

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Wait a second, has Auburn actually said these games are NOT going to be offered on PPV? If they are on PPV, I imagine they will be available on the Gameplan outside of Alabama and LA/MS just like last year. Until I hear that confirmed, its not even a worry of mine.

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The early games will be available on TV of some type.

The PPV-Only games (not picked up on the gameplan) are offered at a significant cost to every Official AU Alumni Club.

The official listing of all the official Alumni Clubs can be found on the ALUM website.

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Directv hasn't updated thier gameplan for this year, but last year UL-Monroe was on Gameplan the first three weeks of the season, therefore, I'd say there is a good chance the Auburn/ ULM game will be televised.

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I also expect Southern Miss to be televised, but I'm talking worst case scenario here, and another one to wonder about is Tenn-Martin.

As for alumni groups getting special feeds, we checked that out last year in desperation. If they do get the games they don't ll know about it (or maybe some are cheap?). We hooked with the Palmetto Auburn Club in Greenville, SC, and they had nothing.

But stay tuned, because if I can find a way I will post it here. Thanks for the number cheapseats. I have also found a wealth of connections to Alumni and other Auburn Clubs.

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Sorry I go to Auburn so I don't worry about this really, what is plan b?

It's when you sleep with a really fat/ugly girl and your condom breaks (assuming you wore one). You just go to the drug store and tell em', "I need plan B please". Then, all your troubles are magically wiped away!

disclaimer: AUBURNJAC in no way supports nor endorses plan B. :no:

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