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Poll: The real post-partisan candidate is McCain


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McCain Seen as Candidate Most Likely to Reach Across Party Lines

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

If John McCain is elected President, 61% of voters say it’s at least somewhat likely that he will reach across party lines and work effectively with both Republicans and Democrats. Fifty-two percent (52%) say the same will be true if Barack Obama is elected President. The two candidates remain very competitive in the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll.

Eighty-five percent (85%) of Republicans believe McCain would reach across party lines effectively. Seventy-two percent (72%) of Democrats say that about Obama.

However, 47% of Democrats also believe that McCain could effectively reach across party lines. Republicans see Obama in a much more partisan light—just 25% believe he would function effectively on a bi-partisan basis.

Among unaffiliated voters, 61% see McCain as able to work effectively with both Republicans and Democrats. Fifty-six percent (56%) of unaffiliated voters say the same about Obama.

McCain is seen as the more uniting candidate by men and women, young and old, white voters, conservatives and moderates. Obama is seen that way by African-Americans, other minority voters, and those who are politically liberal.

Some of this perception may stem from the fact that McCain is perceived as closer to the political center than Obama. The Republican candidate is perceived as politically conservative by 45% of voters, moderate by 31%, and liberal by 17%. Obama is seen as politically liberal by 72%, moderate by 19%, and conservative by 3%.

Thirty-nine percent (39%) see Obama as Very Liberal. Twelve percent (12%) see McCain as Very Conservative.

Those perceptions of McCain have shifted only modestly since early April. For Obama, the numbers suggest that he is seen as further to the left than he was just a couple of months ago. In the previous survey, 54% viewed Obama as politically liberal.

The numbers are not precisely comparable to earlier results because earlier surveys offered respondents a choice between conservative, moderate, or liberal. This survey offered voters a choice between very conservative, somewhat conservative, moderate, somewhat liberal, and very liberal. With the wider range of options, the number labeling either candidate as politically moderate declined.

See survey questions and toplines. Crosstabs available for Premium Members only.


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I'm not even sure what he is any more. I've never seen one person compromise themselves so much in such a short period of time. Simply put, the McCain today is not the same that ran in 2000. The phrase "flip-flop" does not even begin to do justice to the narrative that has defined his positions the last few years.

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I'm not even sure what he is any more. I've never seen one person compromise themselves so much in such a short period of time. Simply put, the McCain today is not the same that ran in 2000. The phrase "flip-flop" does not even begin to do justice to the narrative that has defined his positions the last few years.

I guess with that you are saying that obama has not been flip flopping?

A lot of folks are fooled into thinking McCain is a moderate.

He's certainly more of a moderate than Obama. You know the one who is the most liberal in the entire senate. :thumbsup:

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A lot of folks are fooled into thinking McCain Obama is a moderate.

Hmm. Works that way too.

A lot of folks are fooled into thinking McCain Hillary is a moderate woman.

This is fun!

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A lot of folks are fooled into thinking McCain Obama is a moderate.

Hmm. Works that way too.

Not according to the poll on which this thread is based. 17% think McCain is liberal? :rolleyes::roflol:

McCain says over and over that he's a conservative. So he's either a conservative or a liar. Which one do you think he is?

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McCain has a proven track record. You can spin all you want!

What "record" can you support your candidate of reaching out to the other side of the isle?

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A lot of folks are fooled into thinking McCain Obama is a moderate.

Hmm. Works that way too.

Not according to the poll on which this thread is based. 17% think McCain is liberal? :rolleyes::roflol:

McCain says over and over that he's a conservative. So he's either a conservative or a liar. Which one do you think he is?

He's what he has been for his entire life. You guys are just worried that he will pull this off. He is a dangerous counter to Obama because he has all the things Obama doesn't.

Military Service

Strong Backbone

Years of Service in government

Moderate Views

Proven Track Record

Obama is running on the "What if, Hope and Jive" platform. McCain is steadfast, and the support for his candidacy is growing.

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A lot of folks are fooled into thinking McCain Obama is a moderate.

Hmm. Works that way too.

Not according to the poll on which this thread is based. 17% think McCain is liberal? :rolleyes::roflol:

McCain says over and over that he's a conservative. So he's either a conservative or a liar. Which one do you think he is?

That's why that 17% will cross over and vote for a liberal. <_<

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A lot of folks are fooled into thinking McCain Obama is a moderate.

Hmm. Works that way too.

Not according to the poll on which this thread is based. 17% think McCain is liberal? :rolleyes::roflol:

McCain says over and over that he's a conservative. So he's either a conservative or a liar. Which one do you think he is?

He's what he has been for his entire life. You guys are just worried that he will pull this off. He is a dangerous counter to Obama because he has all the things Obama doesn't.

Military Service

Strong Backbone

Years of Service in government

Moderate Views

Proven Track Record

Obama is running on the "What if, Hope and Jive" platform. McCain is steadfast, and the support for his candidacy is growing.

Track record of being in bed up to his eyeballs with lobbyist, including his KEATING 5 t-shirt. Gramm as his economic advisor while being on the payroll of a company who told its employees not to go to America because they may be arrested.

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