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McCain Stacks Fox News 'Town Hall' With Supporters


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Tonight was the first in a much-hyped series of 'town hall' forums scheduled by John McCain's campaign, in which Barack Obama had been challenged to show up to discuss the issues directly with the GOP nominee.

Except, as Fox News reported, McCain's campaign misled the public about the nature of the event. The forum was "billed by the McCain campaign as a town hall with independent and Democratic voters," but Fox News noted at the end that the audience was actually "made up of invited guests and supporters," the Democratic National Committee said in a statement.

Here is FNC's Shepard Smith breaking the news:

SMITH: "I reported at the top of this hour that the campaign had told us at Fox News that the audience would be made up of Republicans, Democrats, and independents. We have now received a clarification from the campaign and I feel I should pass it along to you. The McCain campaign distributed tickets to supporters, Mayor Bloomberg, who of course is a registered Republican, and other independent groups."

DNC Chairman Howard Dean issued the following statement:

"Once again John McCain's campaign is trying to mislead the American people. Senator McCain should understand that after seven years of a President who has divided Americans and pursued a scorched earth policy full of misleading propaganda campaigns, we need a leader who understands he is the President for all Americans not just his supporters. Copying the Bush campaign model of stacking events with his prescreened supporters is not the transparency Americans are looking for. If that is Senator McCain's idea of straight talk, the American people are in for a long and disappointing campaign season."


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Obama didn't show so dems can just shut up on this one. Had he showed perhaps an effort to be tri-partisan would have been made.

Quoting howie dean is a good way to instantly lose any credibility your post may have had. He is a complete buffoon.

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If only we could get the libs and sobaaama to put Howard Dean on the ticket. One great idiot deserves another.

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I think Howling Howie Dean should clean up the dem party before he runs his yap about anyone or anything. But that's just me. Maybe he could get Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to help him. They did promise in 2006 that "Congress would be the most ethical ever”, didn't they? Hows that working out?

And the libs want to bitch, moan and whine about a Town Hall meeting. Can you spell hypocrite without a large D?

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The Huffington Post Should Learn To Get Its Facts Straight


By Pejman Yousefzadeh

Contra this nonsense, there is no evidence whatsoever to indicate that the McCain campaign "stacked" its townhall meeting. Mayor Bloomberg is a registered Independent, not a registered Republican and both Mayor Bloomberg and other independent groups--in addition to people who (gasp!) support Senator McCain--got invitations. "Stacking," this ain't.

Incidentally, there is plenty of evidence to show that the McCain campaign welcomes disagreement and debate at its events.

There are a lot of other instances that we can cite, of course, but McCain didn't gain a reputation for being very, very, very good at town hall meetings by "stacking" his meetings. Quite the contrary; he's gotten his reputation by taking tough questions and answering them very well.

You know, between this and the lies that McCain wants to keep a war going on in Iraq for 100 years and the lie that McCain doesn't care at all about the welfare of the troops, this is all getting pretty disgusting. I think it is high time that more than just the Blogosphere call shenanigans on the efforts of the Obama campaign and its surrogates to regularly misstate and mislead when it comes to McCain's actions and statements. It would also be nice if someone could ask the Huffington Post, the Obama campaign and Howard Dean why it is that they seems to think that the only way to beat John McCain is to lie about him.


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Yeah, Howard Dean is one to talk. He's more partisan than most anyone.

It's like he can't help himself. He's always having to talk about the mean ole Republicans. And Dean like to take an issue like this and tries to blow it up to atomic bomb proportions.

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Not to get into the fray about this one event, but I said not long ago that if I was McCain, I would ask for as many town hall events as I could. The McCain Campaign asked for a whopping ten. Why? Because many folks in the media have noticed that "Obama is the smartest guy in the room when in front of a teleprompter, without the teleprompter he is average intelligence at best."

McCain asked for an unbelievable ten town hall forums. Obama has contered with one so far. McCain's strategy is to get Obama to make another of his getting to be famous gaffes. The "white folks are bitter people holding onto religion" type stuff.

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Wait a freakin second...we can't EVER EVER EVER reference Fox News in a post without getting crucified by the dems on this board...

But you can throw out a Huffington Post reference like they're the freakin BBC?

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BamaGrad is right. The Huffington Post get's used a lot on here.

Either way, Obama is skerd to tangle with McCain more than once or twice. He's not a very good "off the cuff" guy. He makes a lot of mistakes when he can't use a template to deliver his message.

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BamaGrad is right. The Huffington Post get's used a lot on here.

Either way, Obama is skerd to tangle with McCain more than once or twice. He's not a very good "off the cuff" guy. He makes a lot of mistakes when he can't use a template to deliver his message.

Unlike McCain who often makes mistakes off the cuff and with a teleprompter. :roflol:

McCain needs the free media. Obama doesn't see an upside in giving it to him. But Obama has offered 5 face-to-face debates/townhalls-- more than any general election in modern history, if not ever.

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The underdog always wants to debate more. As was pointed out, Obama has offered five face to face events. 10? Give me a break. We see this stunt for what it is.

Regardless whether it was the Huffington Post or Fox News, the facts are that McCain held a townhall event, broadcasted by Fox News and stacked with his supporters. Open and honest debate. RIIIIGGHT

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The underdog always wants to debate more. As was pointed out, Obama has offered five face to face events. 10? Give me a break. We see this stunt for what it is.

Regardless whether it was the Huffington Post or Fox News, the facts are that McCain held a townhall event, broadcasted by Fox News and stacked with his supporters. Open and honest debate. RIIIIGGHT

What did Obama have to lose? If Fox is so right wing, then only people who are voting for McCain anyways are going to watch it. Its not like he'd lose votes.

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The underdog always wants to debate more. As was pointed out, Obama has offered five face to face events. 10? Give me a break. We see this stunt for what it is.

Regardless whether it was the Huffington Post or Fox News, the facts are that McCain held a townhall event, broadcasted by Fox News and stacked with his supporters. Open and honest debate. RIIIIGGHT

Kinda like the Democrat debates on CNN, staffed with Obama supporters on the panel.

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Two of the worst candidates ever to run for the office. Can we start over?

I couldn't agree more. It is hilarious to me at the people on this board that are so blinded by their political affiliations they can't see how pitiful our candidates are. Come on people WAKE UP!!!

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Two of the worst candidates ever to run for the office. Can we start over?

I couldn't agree more. It is hilarious to me at the people on this board that are so blinded by their political affiliations they can't see how pitiful our candidates are. Come on people WAKE UP!!!

Blinded? Is there a third freaking choice? I would like a stronger candidate than McCain, but he can win, and I would support Marry Poppins over obama. Republicans and conservatives need to rally behind McCain in a big way, and they will.

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