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If you look at todays postings on the Auburn football homepage on al.com http://www.al.com/auburnfootball/ there is one article about Alabama's rb recruit, another article about two recruits that Auburn missed out on who play for Oregon, and a third about how the dean told the students not to boo. What is that s*** about? I think that will be the last time I go there. Sorry about the rant.

War Eagle and screw LSU

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I noticed that too earlier today. I heard that there was some kind of shouting match with a writer and AU folks at the press conference yesterday. I wonder if that had anything to do with it. I'm not sure who the participants were but it was alluded to on ITAT radio and by Jay Tate with the montgomery advertiser.

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I understand the article about the letter from the dean, at least its relevant...I mean we're talking about it. People always talk about the beatwriters pumping too much sunshine. However what does the Oregon story HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING? They are playing boise. If they were playing an SEC team, it might be a little more relevant.

Write an article someone cares about.

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I've not tried to do the research, so I don't know for sure, but I've read many times where AU folks have stated that the Al.com group is owned/run by a bunch of Bammers. If someone has done the work and has something concrete, that would be a nice little tidbit to know.

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I've not tried to do the research, so I don't know for sure, but I've read many times where AU folks have stated that the Al.com group is owned/run by a bunch of Bammers. If someone has done the work and has something concrete, that would be a nice little tidbit to know.

I'm not buying into that. al.com may be run by some bammers, but the state.com template is prettty common throughout the nation and is definitely a national company. Plus, the writers are paid by the newspapers, so you should complain to them...they dictate what goes out there. Al.com simply provides the outlet, not the viewpoints.

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