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ESPN Gameday Coming to....Vandy?


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If Vandy hands our ass on a silver platter this weekend with gameday being there. We will be the laughing stock of the SEC.

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This game concerns me greatly. We always show up flat at vandy and they are far better than usual. Did I mention our o was floundering around like a beached whale?

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Nothing would give the ESPN peckerheads more pleasure than making fun of Auburn on a Saturday night while Vandy stuffs our offense like the dead flounder that it is. Coming right on the heals of the dominating performance by Bama, aren't they going to have a lot of fun with that. The head man needs to step up and take control of this situation or we are in for a long night. Get all the receivers off the field but Dunn. Line up with 2 tight ends, Kodi, Tate, and a FB. Run the damn ball!

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Nothing would give the ESPN peckerheads more pleasure than making fun of Auburn on a Saturday night while Vandy stuffs our offense like the dead flounder that it is. Coming right on the heals of the dominating performance by Bama, aren't they going to have a lot of fun with that. The head man needs to step up and take control of this situation or we are in for a long night. Get all the receivers off the field but Dunn. Line up with 2 tight ends, Kodi, Tate, and a FB. Run the damn ball!

Sorry, but that would be collossaly stupid. People act like we've had some great power running game for the last 3 years before franklin got here. Simply not true. We run well against weak teams and not so well against better d's.

We need an o that can open it up at anytime. Not some two tight ended nightmare.

It took franklin 6 games for his o to take hold at troy and we are almost there. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet. The same playcalling however, will doom us.

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I think Vandy is going to get a big dose of Kodi Burns this Saturday night. Then later all the "experts" on Sports Center will be saying "Why hasn't he been in there all along?"

Or at least I hope that is the way it turns out. <_<

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I think Vandy is going to get a big dose of Kodi Burns this Saturday night. Then later all the "experts" on Sports Center will be saying "Why hasn't he been in there all along?"

Or at least I hope that is the way it turns out. <_<

Offense is more about 11 players making it work on sync than just one player. Kodi has done well, Todd has not lost us a game,... not sure where to go there. There are "inside" rumors that Tony has yet to run the full spread to his ability due to certain coaches. The post game comments may back that up.

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No todd hasnt lost us one, but he easily could have with that interception and continued ineptness at qb after that.

At least franklin had the sense to insert burns at the end and he made a helluva play to get the finaql 3rd down.

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No todd hasnt lost us one, but he easily could have with that interception and continued ineptness at qb after that.

At least franklin had the sense to insert burns at the end and he made a helluva play to get the finaql 3rd down.

Tuberville put Burns in, not Franklin

tiger88 Posted Today, 02:11 PM

This game concerns me greatly. We always show up flat at vandy and they are far better than usual. Did I mention our o was floundering around like a beached whale?

What? If you are going to write something, at least have SOME truth to it. What's next? Vanderbilt defeated Auburn the last few times they played?

2007: AU 35-7

2003: AU 45-7

2002: AU 31-6

I don't know about before then because going any further in history would be pointless.

Man, I sure hope Auburn comes out flat against Vandy again!

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Maybe we can break out the commerative uniforms from last years game. They weren't all that different from what we wear now, but we played well in them none the less!

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No todd hasnt lost us one, but he easily could have with that interception and continued ineptness at qb after that.

At least franklin had the sense to insert burns at the end and he made a helluva play to get the finaql 3rd down.

Tuberville put Burns in, not Franklin

tiger88 Posted Today, 02:11 PM

This game concerns me greatly. We always show up flat at vandy and they are far better than usual. Did I mention our o was floundering around like a beached whale?

What? If you are going to write something, at least have SOME truth to it. What's next? Vanderbilt defeated Auburn the last few times they played?

2007: AU 35-7

2003: AU 45-7

2002: AU 31-6

I don't know about before then because going any further in history would be pointless.

Man, I sure hope Auburn comes out flat against Vandy again!

You know if you're gonna jump someones case at least take reading comprehension 101 first. I said AT VANDY. Always was a bit over the top but not meant to be taken literally. We ahve a history of coming out flat against pitiful vandy teams when we are ranked. I don't care if you think history matters or not. You are usually an idiot on most topics anyways.

2 of the 3 games you mention are home games for AU which is not even what I was talking about. People who arent wet behind the freaking ears a-holes like you know what I am talking about. There is a track record there.

If you're gonna jump somebodies case at least make sure you interpret their clearly written words accurately. Or just keep being the same douchebag you always are.

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What stinks is that we gain nothing with them being there. We lose, we are a laughing stock. We win, we should have won.

I disagree. This is good exposure to be on gameday. 2nd time in 3 weeks. This will be the 3rd week in a row on national television and the 4th on regional. It's not as good as the exposure Vandy will get but good none the less.

Yes ESPN will be rooting for Vandy to win so they can be there when they go 5-0. But if we when we would have beat a ranked team on the road which never hurts in perception.

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Nothing would give the ESPN peckerheads more pleasure than making fun of Auburn on a Saturday night while Vandy stuffs our offense like the dead flounder that it is. Coming right on the heals of the dominating performance by Bama, aren't they going to have a lot of fun with that. The head man needs to step up and take control of this situation or we are in for a long night. Get all the receivers off the field but Dunn. Line up with 2 tight ends, Kodi, Tate, and a FB. Run the damn ball!

Sorry, but that would be collossaly stupid. People act like we've had some great power running game for the last 3 years before franklin got here. Simply not true. We run well against weak teams and not so well against better d's.

We need an o that can open it up at anytime. Not some two tight ended nightmare.

It took franklin 6 games for his o to take hold at troy and we are almost there. I'm not ready to throw in the towel yet. The same playcalling however, will doom us.

It did not take Franklin 6 games. I looked back at their production. They had 400 yards and over 30 pts their FIRST game with Franklin. Then they score 17 pts against FSU and have almost 300 yards on offense. He is lying. He is stupid. Kodi needs to start.

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I'm looking around for other signs of the apocalypse...Gameday showing up at Vanderbilt has got to be one of the early ones.

Our last trip there was a rout, the ones before that were tight games (24-22 in '91, 14-10 in '93, 24-21 in '01) and absolutely none of it means jack diddly poo Saturday evening.

What does matter is our offense establishing some sort of rhythm...that goes from the self-named "dumbass" on down. Playcalling, concentration (too many false starts, for one), execution, it all has to improve...quickly.

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This is the biggest game in the country this week?

What is the DEAL with this? When we DESPERATELY WANT media attention, we can't get any to save our lives. When we DESPERATELY DON'T WANT media attention, they are all over us. I don't get it.

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What stinks is that we gain nothing with them being there. We lose, we are a laughing stock. We win, we should have won.

I disagree. This is good exposure to be on gameday. 2nd time in 3 weeks. This will be the 3rd week in a row on national television and the 4th on regional. It's not as good as the exposure Vandy will get but good none the less.

Yes ESPN will be rooting for Vandy to win so they can be there when they go 5-0. But if we when we would have beat a ranked team on the road which never hurts in perception.

I hope you are right. My fear is that ESPN is there to see us fall on our faces (not that I believe we will, but that they are hoping we will).

They say any publicity is good publicity, but not if we fall short.

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At least franklin had the sense to insert burns at the end and he made a helluva play to get the finaql 3rd down.

Tuberville put Burns in, not Franklin

Tuberville: Chris Todd to start Saturday at Vanderbilt

Posted by By Evan Woodbery, Press-Register September 28, 2008 3:30 PM

Categories: Football Quarterback Chris Todd will start this weekend at Vanderbilt, Auburn coach Tommy Tuberville said Sunday.

http://""' target="_blank"> Tuberville said backup Kodi Burns played well Saturday against Tennessee, but he also made some mistakes. "The more he plays, the better he'll get."

He said he believes Burns will continue to play an important role off the bench.

* Tuberville said he was disappointed by the booing at Saturday's game and hoped it was directed at himself, not Todd. But he noted that former quarterbacks Daniel Cobb, Jason Campbell and Brandon Cox have also faced booing in the past. "For some reason people like to boo quarterbacks." He said it didn't impact Todd's performance in the second half.

* Tuberville said he didn't direct offensive coordinator Tony Franklin to play Burns at the start of the second half, but that it was a "mutual decision." When Burns entered for a second time in the fourth quarter, Tuberville said he had "nothing to do with it" and was talking to defensive coaches at the time.

"Tony put (Burns) in there when the game was on the line. That shows Tony has confidence in him."

* True freshman QB Barrett Trotter is "not ready yet" and hasn't been considered for playing time, Tuberville said.. Barring some sort of injury emergency, Trotter will redshirt this year.

* More coming later tonight.

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How can they not be in loserville to crown uat MNC @ mid season?

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They're going to Vandy now, because how many chances will they get to show Vandy some love?

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This game concerns me greatly. We always show up flat at vandy

Yeah, mainly because the Vandy/Auburn game is usually played at 11 in the morning, on the worst channel to have anything of substance on it. And, the players usually overlook Vandy, but since they're ranked....I seriously doubt they'd be overlooking them, especially with how HORRIBLE our Offense is.

What is the DEAL with this? When we DESPERATELY WANT media attention, we can't get any to save our lives. When we DESPERATELY DON'T WANT media attention, they are all over us. I don't get it.

Well, you know what they say, "whenever a train wreck happens....everyone wants to stop and look". That's probably why they're there and to cover Vandy, because like it was stated earlier, when do they EVER get to go to Vanderbilt?

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