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The fans thoughts (ours) on how to fix it


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Ok, so basically CTF said he doesn't know how to fix the offense. I wanted to get some of your opinions on what should be done to fix the offense. Please do not turn this into another CT vs. KB argument. The problem is bigger than that. Maybe we will get lucky, CTF said he was looking for advice.

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I'll play.

Go back to the first few drives where we mixed it up and rolled. Why did we stop?

I say, take the first few drives and keep the defenses guessing.

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Yeah, I totally agree. The first quarter really, we looked GREAT! Also, when we went under center, we looked good. I really think that KB should be given a chance to run this offense. Something has to be done, and done IMMEDIATELY! I'm not sure that this spread crap will cut it in the SEC. Our defense CAN NOT keep bailing us out. Someone is going to sneak up and punch us in the face, and VERY SOON. Can you say VANDY???? OLE MISS??????

Look, I don't want to say negative things about Auburn, it's players, coaches, or fans. However, I am beginning to wonder if CTF is a little out of his league here. There is obviously something WRONG with our coaches, and players chemistry.

I did like the fact that we mixed it up a little on Saturday, but the second half we looked PATHETIC! Uggghhh. Sorry for the ramble, I'm just frustrated as hell.

WAR DAMN EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BEAT THE DORES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :au:

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1. Scrap the fulltime use of the no-huddle, use it only as a suprise and call the play in a manner so that the offense will not have to look back to the sideline after lining up

2. Use both the spread and the power I on the same drive. Throw and run out of both.

3. Run spread plays from under center with the one-back sets.

3. Throw deep more

4. Run more up the middle

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My advice: Run stuff we have the personnel to run, and don't run stuff we don't have the personnel to run. Instead of starting with a "system" in mind, start with the players in mind.

Scrap the meerkat thing to the sidelines. Start calling the plays like normal. Move the OC down to the field like normal.

Stop trying to outsmart the other team, and run them over. Start playing AGGRESSIVE football and scrap the finesse, intellectual crap. Run somebody over and knock somebody's teeth out every time you get the ball.

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We have to quit running Tate on these outside toss sweeps, he doesn't have the speed to turn the corner when the entire opposing team knows exactly what play is coming. This play would work with Tristan's speed, but only after we make them respect the throwing game.

Our recievers are getting jammed up on the line, taking too long to get open, which leaves Todd waiting too long = sack because he's not a run threat. Our recievers really need to get off the line.

Increase the tempo however you can, spreads lose their advantage when the defense has time to get set on every play.

3rd and short = I formation, IT WORKS, We proved that this past Saturday. No passes behind the line of scrimmage in this situation or running a toss sweep everyone sees coming.

3rd and long: Stop running it up the middle, that's what you do on 3rd and short.

As predictable as our running plays are right now (i.e. Running Tate toward the sideline) it would be nice to see a TE come in on one and catch a screen pass.

Heck, run some screens.

Dynamic play calling and formations in a drive. The offense is predictable to the point peewee players in the stand know what we're going to run. Look at the film from saturday, mix it up: under center, direct snap to Fannin, shotgun etc. Keep the defense off balance

#1 Franklin needs to call the right plays, that's really it if we fix the penalty problems.

But what do I know, I'm not a coach, but I am smarter than Franklin seems to be.

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My advice: Run stuff we have the personnel to run, and don't run stuff we don't have the personnel to run. Instead of starting with a "system" in mind, start with the players in mind.

Scrap the meerkat thing to the sidelines. Start calling the plays like normal. Move the OC down to the field like normal.

Stop trying to outsmart the other team, and run them over. Start playing AGGRESSIVE football and scrap the finesse, intellectual crap. Run somebody over and knock somebody's teeth out every time you get the ball.

To quote Al Borges when he first came in 2004, "My first reaction was to not fix anything that wasn't broken, Auburn runs the ball pretty well, very well, except for a few minor tweaks there was little change in the running game. As for the rest of the offense I looked at what I had and used it."

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2. Use both the spread and the power I on the same drive. Throw and run out of both.

That is key to being able to mix it up. A pass play out of the I formation would keep the defense honest if we ever decided to line up in the I again.

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I'll come at this from a different direction. We're not going to stop running the spread. Tubs wanted a change because of his experience preparing for Spread offenses, and he believes it has value on the field AND in recruiting. So that's my working presumption... we're sticking to the Spread.

1. Use two back sets regardless of what QB is in the game. The read option would involve the QB less, but it would give you a strong runner on the initial look and a strong runner on the counter. It could also reintroduce the basic off-tackle with a lead blocker play that was our bread and butter for the last 4 years. Plus, if Kodi is the guy, you could basically give teams a triple option look, a speed option look, along with basic QB draws. That's how I'd diversify the running game: two backs.

2. Bench the next lineman with a pre-snap penalty. Seriously, it's gotten ridiculous and completely disruptive. We have other competent linemen so if the ones on the field won't focus, bench them. I'm not saying forever. I'm not saying the whole game. I'm just saying they need to understand that the mental mistakes are unacceptable.

3. Utilize more motion. If you watched the Oregon State game, they used the wide receiver in motion as a seal block for an inside draw AND as a ball carrying option. Bring guys like Dunn and Fannin in motion to force the defense to hesitate just half a step and a 2 yard run becomes a 4 yard run. Don't start with empty backfields; motion out of your standard set because it gives the defense less time to identify the blocking schemes/match up on the outside. You CAN confuse the guys on the other side of the ball. We should try.

4. Force the ball to playmakers. I don't care how you get Mario, Robert, and Kodi the ball; just do it. Let Kodi run situational stuff (go back and watch Dameyune Craig film if we don't understand what that means) if he's not the starter. Put Mario at QB. Let Robert run the reverse. Get these guys the ball because they can change the game in one play.

Those are the four changes I'd make within the confines of the spread. The first one is the most important in my eyes.

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There are a few simple things that the offense could do to get going.

1. The offensive line needs to be jacked up by Nall. They are playing really pathetic. Ziemba is much better than the way he is playing right now. He is literally getting dominated. DE's are pushing him off the line and he allows way too many sacks. We all know this leads to holding calls too. I am picking on Ziemba because he has the majority of the mistakes and penalities but this entire unit needs to be disciplined.

2. The running backs have got to stop running to the sideline. Everyone is saying run the ball up the middle. Many times our backs stretch the play to the sideline thinking they can outrun somebody. Just get the yards you can instead of going backwards.

3. Someone else said this and it is so true: Our wide receivers have to get off the line of scrimmage. They are not running great routes with the exception of a few times. They must be consistent. And could someone please catch a ball that hits you right in the hands.

4. The QB play has to get better. Todd "sails" so many of his passes. The pass to Dunn in the UT games was great but he looks like the longer he throws the worse it gets. Alot has been made of Todd holding on to the ball and other issues.. I think if you take care of 1-3 that I mentioned, he could get rid of the ball quicker. I would like to see Kodi start one game and play the entire game but not much will change if the other factors aren't corrected.

5. Sometimes we need to just line up and run the ball from the I formation with a fullback etc.

The offense will not get better if all areas aren't addressed. I really think a lot of the problems are with the O line. They are really bad this year.

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I think we need to do options, and more formations with two running backs and Kodi. He can fake the handoff do an option, or fake throw, or fake and run. Anyway something that doesn't look as obvious as the play it actually is.


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I think we need to be under center more and mix it up. Then we need to PLAY ACTION.. PLAY ACTION!!!!!!!

Everyone knows we are going to run the ball 90% of the time when we go under center so PA is the way to go. I want to see the old PA that Campbell and Cobbs pulled off so well when they held ball behind their back and just stood there.

I think PA is something we need to do more and work on.

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I agree with the folks in here. Mix it up. Play action, I, offset I, Gun with two backs, Spread here and there...

Mix it up and run it between the tackles every now and then.

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Play action works because of the threat of a run. Draws work because of the threat of a pass. Screens work because a "D" gets too aggressive and over-commits down field. Right now, I don't care if we pass, run, or dance the frickin cha-cha. Do ONE thing well. THEN the others become a threat. Currently, do we pass to set up the run, or run to set up the pass? It's game six and we don't have a clue. That's a problem.


Formations can confuse a defense. Sending players in motion can cause mix ups and expose defensive formations. Currently we have the shotgun formation, and the "not shotgun" formation. We've got to diversify. We NEVER send players in motion prior to the snap, unless a handoff is planned (or fake handoff).


IF you insist on 5 WRS, simple math says that only 5 can stay back to protect the QB. In these situations, a defense should have to PAY DEARLY for sending 6 defenders at the QB. A six yard strike should be easy to complete when the defense only has five men in coverage of your five wideouts. Pre-snap reads are abysmal.


With exception to the occasional Tate run, the Auburn running game usually consists of a handoff followed with a tackle for loss or no gain. If you go back and watch, typically tackles are likely occuring because of defensive line penetration. On running plays, you don't have to block everyone. Just the right ones. If AU Running Backs can just get through their gaps unmolested, there would be tremendous pressure on the defense on 2nd and 3rd down. As it stands, the defense gets ample penetration, thus no risky play from linebackers is needed, therefore long gone are the knifing long TD runs Lester, Irons, Cadillac, etc made a staple in recent years.


Clearly the script last week read:

ACT I: Run the "War Eagle" formation (Mario Fannin at QB)

ACT II: Give Chris Todd a chance.

ACT III: Um....keep on doing what works.

ACT IV: Run in the middle. A lot.

ACT V: Why the $#%$# doesn't this work?

ACT VI: Blame myself for being a dumb@#$.

Tuberville injected his lines into the script around ACT III insisting that Kodi gets a chance to play. Aside from that, it was just the TF system as usual. Play calling could not BE any more vanilla after the first few drives, EVEN WHEN THOSE PLAYS DIDN'T WORK. We must make adjustments. The DC's in the other coaching booth are making them.

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One of the biggest problems is the momentum. Wasn't that supposed to be CTF's thing. He runs a face-paced offense, and gets the defense tired. I haven't seen that at all this season. All the times where the oline pops up and looks to the sideline is taking way too long.

The biggest problem is not scoring enough pts...obviously. First off, they are challenging Byrum right now and saying the spot is open to Hull, so we will see which one wins the job. Yes, a TD is what we need, but we can't fail to 3 points from inside 40 yards. As for getting TD's, our redzone play calling looked better on Dunn's TD, in the LSU and UT games. They aren't just running the ball anymore and are opening it up. That is a step in the right direction. Now we need a deep threat that can go the distance from anywhere on the field. That is where Kodi steps in. He has a great deep ball from what we've seen. Tim Hawthorne and Robert Dunn have shown they can get separation deep, and that could open up the whole field. We should see some long TD's soon from Kodi to one of those receivers if CTF takes his head out of his ass and uses the playbook and not just runs with Kodi.

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this is a good post so I must chime in on the subject since I’m always being accused of being a arm chair QB.

Our problems on offense are not QB problems they are technique and coaching problems. now how to fix the problems. 1st problem stop trying to run the freaking ball out of the spread......... Look you can not run the ball out of the spread in a conventional fashion. In the spread the run is intended to catch the defense off guard/keep them honest. You don't establish the run out of the spread to set up the pass. you establish the pass to set up big runs. what I’m trying to say guys is this the conventional run will never an I mean never work out of the spread. you can not snap the ball back to the QB then hand it off to the running back who is standing right next to the qb. A conventional run is best run from under center where when the ball is snapped to the qb the running back is already moving at full speed toward the line of scrimmage. 2nd the run game is best set up with linemen in a 3 point stance. why? because if any of you have ever played on the line of scrimmage you know that the explosion of coming up out of your stance helps you get up under and drive back a defender i.e. seven man sled never seen anyone do blocking drills on a seven man sled from a standing stance. Need some proof? look at how much better we ran when we directed snapped to Mario the other night.

2nd problem this happy feet bull crap that TF has our qb's doing in the pocket is a bunch of crap. No one and I mean no one who has ever played/coached qb's would tell you that is a good recipe for throwing the ball. perhaps this is the problem with Todd's shoulder too much arm strength is needed to throw the ball. simple body mechanics changes are need to fix our passing game. plant your freaking feet use your body momentum and chunk the freaking ball.. Need proof? look at how much better Todd looked while coming from under center passing the ball Saturday on the second possession, three step drop planted his feet and boom. some people have problems with walking and chewing gum at the same time, much less passing the ball and doing the curley shuffle in the back field simultaneously.

3rd stop letting the center call the cadence on offense. I personally think that the defense has picked up on something here. And freaking Ziemba can't seem to get in tune in the shotgun spread. Ziemba is a beast let the man get in a three point stance for God sake.

And last but not least stop calling dumb plays at dumb moments in the game. learn to shake it up a bit. To borrow a line from our dear offense coordinator TF "I’m a dumass.

my thoughts on how to fix the problem.


Mr. arm chair QB.

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This "spread crap" has already won a MNC @ Florida in UM's second season. Does anyone remember Fla's record in the first year of the spread?.....8-5

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This "spread crap" has already won a MNC @ Florida in UM's second season. Does anyone remember Fla's record in the first year of the spread?.....8-5

Tim Tebo does not do the curley shuffle while trying to pass. And while Florida does run the spread they do it from under center sometimes also.

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Simplest way to put it... run OU's offense. All the things mentioned here are what OU does and Tuberville even said he wanted the offense to run more like OU's than Texas Techs.

I think the first part of the UT game is a sign of things to come, more under center. Think they only reason that we got away from it was that we were having exchange problems.

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1. Play action

2. More North South runs. We have the defense spread..especially after a couple runs to the outside, they are vulnerable up the middle.

3. A little bit of motion to mix things up and cause a little confusion for the defense.

4. Get Brad Lester and TD back

5. More screens

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CTT has gone to the spread in order to attract more offensive skill players and this years recruiting class has convinced CTT that it is working. Most folks picke us to lose 2-4 games only b/c we ahd 2 new coordinators. The D has worked out great, but there weren't many changes.

It now seems that it will be 1-2 years before we get the spread worked out. We still do not have fast enough receivers, the Qb that knows the offense has physical limitations and the guy that has the physical abilites does not know where everyone is on each play. the offensive line has numerous issues that have contributed.

The playcalling will have much better results if we overcome the items above.

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I honestly think that the answer is to stick one or the other offensive theories. Let me explain.

CTF idea is a fast paced aggressive offense, pass to set up the run.

CTT likes to run a lot. He is all about ball control, conservative offense that eats up the clock. As the head coach he gets to say what happens in the overall gameplan.

So, we are trying to run a conservative style offense in a spread formation.

Some of you might think that I am crazy to think that Tubs is messing with the offense, but the just listen to CTF interview yesterday. When he says "We think we understand tempo, but we don't understand tempo" , that leads me to believe that he wants to run the offense faster, but Tubs wants to eat clock.

So, we should either go conservative and line up under center and run the ball, or truly decide to run the spread.

Anyways CTF needs to quit being a primadona. That will fix a lot of things.

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I honestly think that the answer is to stick one or the other offensive theories. Let me explain.

CTF idea is a fast paced aggressive offense, pass to set up the run.

CTT likes to run a lot. He is all about ball control, conservative offense that eats up the clock. As the head coach he gets to say what happens in the overall gameplan.

So, we are trying to run a conservative style offense in a spread formation.

Some of you might think that I am crazy to think that Tubs is messing with the offense, but the just listen to CTF interview yesterday. When he says "We think we understand tempo, but we don't understand tempo" , that leads me to believe that he wants to run the offense faster, but Tubs wants to eat clock.

So, we should either go conservative and line up under center and run the ball, or truly decide to run the spread.

Anyways CTF needs to quit being a primadona. That will fix a lot of things.

I think you are exactly right. Franklins spread doesn't mesh with what Tuberville wants to do.

As Tuberville said, he wants to be more like OU. Franklin is more like Texas Tech, same background as Leach I believe. When Leach went to Texas Tech OU still tried to shotgun it all the time and pass to set up some run, then one year Stoops said the running game isn't working with this, went out and got Peterson went back under center, and they meshed the two philosophies together.

I think that Tuberville has hired the wrong coordinator for what he wants to do with the offense. So considering Franklin's background and Tubervilles statement on how he wants to be, I totally think Tuberville is messing with the offense.

The two concepts can work together, OU proves it can. Thing is they both are going to have to give ground. Tuberville is gonna have to let it open up, and Franklin is gonna have to deal with going under center and power running. Which I bet they are butting heads on.

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Franklin said yesterday Chris Todd played absolutely perfect on 27 of 28 plays. :no: Then why did we only have 7 points? :no: Then asked why he put Kodi in, he said it was Tubs decision. If it was up to Franklin, i mean Favoritism, he would never play Kodi. :no: Basically, this is how I feel right now, :no:

Something is bad wrong: 1. Wes Bryum can't make a kick. 2. Ziemba can't block anybody. 3. Ramsey wants to leave. :no:

One day our offense will get better, but i don't think Coach Favoritism will be the one to fix it. :(

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Franklin said yesterday Chris Todd played absolutely perfect on 27 of 28 plays. :no: Then why did we only have 7 points? :no: Then asked why he put Kodi in, he said it was Tubs decision. If it was up to Franklin, i mean Favoritism, he would never play Kodi. :no: Basically, this is how I feel right now, :no:

Something is bad wrong: 1. Wes Bryum can't make a kick. 2. Ziemba can't block anybody. 3. Ramsey wants to leave. :no:

One day our offense will get better, but i don't think Coach Favoritism will be the one to fix it. :(

Jay, I couldn't even read your post because all of the shaking heads.

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