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Leach...Serious Discussion


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For those who wanted Tommy out for ________, Leach should never fill that blank. Considering most of the reasons mentioned on here as reasons to get rid of TT I have looked at some things to compare the two:

He said Leach "gets more out of less than probably anyone in the country" because he doesn't get first shot at top recruits; those players usually get calls from Oklahoma and Texas first.
- Grahm Harrell

In previous 8 years:

- No conference division titles, much less conference titles

- No national titles

- Records are:










Bowls: 5-3

Win % : 66.7%

Finished in top 25: 44.4%

Since 02 (all I had access to) vs. top 10: 5-10


- Tuberville is known for "developing less sought after recruits"

- 6 divisional (4 were lost to tie breakers) so 2 "real" divisional conference champs

- 1 SEC

- 0 NC's but was arguably a contender in 04 (as Leach is this year making it or not)

- Records at Auburn are:











Bowls: 5-3

Win %: 68%

Finished in top 25: 60%

Since 02 (all I had access to) vs. top 10: 9-10

I'm not saying this with "pump" CTT, but to compare the two coaches. If you think Leach will come in an be head and shoulders better, I don't see your reasoning. Worse record against top ten. Worse winning % in a weaker conference. Similar recruiting challenges ( OK & UT vs UF & UGA). For those who "refuse to accept mediocraty", if the qualifications for mediocraty is the same for all, then Leach a mediocre coach too.

I don't think Leach is what we need.

I absolutely agree.

and if he was hired here, would the eagle fly? or a Parrot? lol

Jokes aside, check this out.


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Texas Tech is the Big 12 South Co-Division Champion this season.

True: I started just including the previous 8 years since this year was open ended, but other stats included 2008 so, that has been adjusted.

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I would compare them more to a Ole Miss in type talent they attract and where they rank as a "college football program". AU is a better job with better facilities and attracts higher caliber players.

You obviously didn't say that our lack of success this year (or reason to get rid of CTT) was due to a "lack of talent", therefore you may have personal justification in hiring Leach - should you start to feel that way.

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"If you think Leach will come in an be head and shoulders better, I don't see your reasoning."

I dont see any rational Auburn people saying that. They are two different coaches, with two different philosophies. Both have been successful.

But you have to admit, our talent (as a team) is far superior to what they have in Lubbock.

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But you have to admit, our talent (as a team) is far superior to what they have in Lubbock.

But the question must be asked is that talent suited for the offense Leach would be running? I am not knocking any of the AU receivers but they don't look like the TT receivers. Neither does the AU QB's (or the ones we have seen.) But heck if Leach is hired Chris Todd already knows the system. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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"If you think Leach will come in an be head and shoulders better, I don't see your reasoning."

I'm not saying it won't happen, just saying I don't see it.........I'm all ears though.
I dont see any rational Auburn people saying that. They are two different coaches, with two different philosophies. Both have been successful.
I agree that they about polar opposites and they both have had a lot of succes. I just don't see that change, being a good thing for us. Ask Michigan. CRR was a 180 and they ain't got "it". "It" may come, but I think if you get a coach with similar philosophy that bad before the good time period will be limited.
But you have to admit, our talent (as a team) is far superior to what they have in Lubbock.

I do admit, we most probably are a more talented team from top to bottom. However, I'd venture to say that the competion we face week in and week out is more talented, from top to bottom - across the board, than the weekly competion of TTU.
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:) I guess there was some wisdom is picking Harrell as the starter instead of Todd.

chris todd is a good qb if there werent shoulder issues. harrell didnt beat todd out by much.

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But the question must be asked is that talent suited for the offense Leach would be running? I am not knocking any of the AU receivers but they don't look like the TT receivers. Neither does the AU QB's (or the ones we have seen.) But heck if Leach is hired Chris Todd already knows the system. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

I think that if Leach had access to the kinds of running backs he could get here, he would probably use more ground game than he normally does. We already have some that he could probably get results out of. As for receivers, let him work our receivers in the sand pit and then see where they are.

It does not require a QB to have a monster arm, but it does require one that can read fast.

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But you have to admit, our talent (as a team) is far superior to what they have in Lubbock.

But the question must be asked is that talent suited for the offense Leach would be running? I am not knocking any of the AU receivers but they don't look like the TT receivers. Neither does the AU QB's (or the ones we have seen.) But heck if Leach is hired Chris Todd already knows the system. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

yep, that's right.

back in 06 when Harrell was coming into his own, he struggled a bit. at one point, Leach pulled Harrell and put in Todd. I think it was either the Colorado game or Missouri game. BTW, Tech lost both of those games. They only scored 6 against Colorado.

Does anyone know if Todd's arm will ever be the same? or will strong rehab get him close to what he's capable of?

I'm for Leach.

Been following them since I guess 02-03. He did completely blow the Oklahoma game. The players admitted they lost their composure and got overwelmed.

It's tough recruting conditions for a Texas Tech type team. He gets the most out of what he gets. Go back and look at the rankings of his recruiting classes. See if you can actually find them in the rankings.

When you think Big 12 in years past, first teams to come up are Oklahoma and Texas. Texas Tech and Texas isn't even the main rivalry game in state and you know it. It's Texas- Texas A&M.

It's become infamous for him to have these 5-9 or shorter in height guys. Wes Welker, Danny Amendola, Eric Morris

Taurean Henderson, a 3,4 year starter at runningback was only 5-9.

Having said that, Leach has managed to get the big, physical guys in the receiver position such as Robert Johnson, Joel Filani, Jarrett Hicks, just to name a few.

Michael Crabtree is obviously by far the gem of Leach's recruiting.

In 2003 after Kingsbury graduated, a 5th year Senior started(B.J Symons). In 2004, another 5th year Senior started( Sunny Cumbie). In 2005, another 5th year Senior started(Cody Hodges). Graham Harrell has been a 3 year starter. Harrell is by far the best. But like B.J Symons, Sunnie Cumbie, and Cody Hodges... Harrell will not make it in the NFL. I personally am not concerned with the NFL aspect.

I've always like the pass happy offense. That's just me. I'm a big fan.

I always enjoyed La Tech about 10 years ago, Hal Mumme at Kentucky (Leach and Franklin both worked for Mumme), then Leach at Texas Tech, Franklin at Troy.

Leach has been the most successful.

Having said that, you're right none of these coaches listed ever won a major conference championship much less a national championship. Their defense has never been good. This year's defense was their best and it's somewhere overall between medicore and solid.

It took him 9 years to get to this point. 11 wins is the most they've ever had in regular season. First 10-0 start since the 1930s. Leach has maxed out. He had 18 returning starters this year.

Over the last several years, The Big 12 conference had been off balance due to the rise of the South and decline of the North. North is on it's way back up though.

Since 2000 has anyone other than Texas or Oklahoma represented the North? NO

Only 2 years since the championship game began can you find a team otehr than Texas or Oklahoma repesent the North.

It was Texas A&M in 97 and 98.

I seriously thought we had the players to run the spread. I thought Fanin would flourish, but it's tough to install an entire system when only one guy out of all the coaches has a clue to knows how it's ran (Franklin).

Still through Borges and Franklin, for the life of me I nerver understood the usage of Tate and Fanin. Fanin is faster of the 2. Tate is more physical. Toss is to Tate so he could have had the edge to get to the outside if need be. Fanin could be used either way.

I want Leach at Auburn. but go ahead and shoot it down as the stupidiest move ever, just my opinion.

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Leach will always need a very good DC. If he can bring that w/ him, I'd be interesting in considering him for HC. Which is different from saying he's the best candidate out there for us.

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"Leach is in his ninth season with Tech and guided the Raiders to a school-record 11-1 worksheet this year and a share of the Big 12 South title."

This is his best year while at Texas Tech, he better: (a) renegotiate immediately (and they are) (B) get all he can while he can © use whatever school he can (AU) to increase what he gets from Texas Tech (d) get out while the getting is good (e) recruit well cause like most coaches he is only a 5 - 7 season away from being fired. (Sorry no one was fired, he resigned and they gave him the money.)

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"Leach is in his ninth season with Tech and guided the Raiders to a school-record 11-1 worksheet this year and a share of the Big 12 South title."

This is his best year while at Texas Tech, he better: (a) renegotiate immediately (and they are) (B) get all he can while he can © use whatever school he can (AU) to increase what he gets from Texas Tech (d) get out while the getting is good (e) recruit well cause like most coaches he is only a 5 - 7 season away from being fired. (Sorry no one was fired, he resigned and they gave him the money.)

Leach is bascially one 5-7 season from tying for most career wins at Tech, but again, in this day and age, anything can happen. ;)

Spyke Dykes had 82 career wins

Leach currently has 76

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all coaches say that they want to stay where they are at


just depends on if he' s "really happy" where he is at or if he wants to take his offensive philosophy to prove it works somewhere else.

cause from the looks of that contract, the school has about topped out to what they are willing to pay him.

just amazing the historic season they're having. yet, in all of the success, they go on to give up 65 points to OU , which is the most given up in one game in school history.

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Leach really.....I mean, he is a good coach....but he really just weirds me out and from reading what his QB said about him today....I get the feeling that if he did go to AU and succeeded, he may leave sooner than some would want

His offense is a very effective one though and that would worry me if we played against him

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Leach has done a fine job and frankly is my top choice. He's run laps around the big 12; which is the best conference in the country this year. He has the talent currently to have a great defense; that should not be a concern...he should try to retain our current DC.

My kids go to the top football program in Texas. All but one off this program want to go play for Leach. We need someone that can recruit and coach offensive talent. Winning with defense only went out in the 80's. Get someone that can light up the scoreboard.

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Leach has done a fine job and frankly is my top choice. He's run laps around the big 12

Here are his conference records:










If he's running circles, he is only chasing his tail - not chasing the competition out the door.

which is the best conference in the country this year.
Possibly.... but the SEC has how many NC's in the past 5 years......How many since the BCS was brought about? What if UF or UA beats the snot out of OU? As someone mentioned, he couldn't beat Shula, who was a middle of the road SEC coach.
Winning with defense only went out in the 80's.

Flashy offenses are great......Oregon a year ago, WVU a year ago, they all phase out. A good, strong defense is easier to keep constant and build on. When a shout-out game comes up, I'd like to have an o with a good d on the other side.

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