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A carter not on the depth chart?


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Anyone know why A Carter is not on the depth chart? I read an article in the Mobile Press Register just a few minutes ago? Should we go ahead and speculate we wont see him all year?

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I am hearing speculation that he isn't injured but Chizik won't say that it is something else.

Would that be kind of like a rumor? :rolleyes:

I got it from Jay Tate's blog.

Hot Carter not in the picture: I thought he seemed healthy last time I saw him on a practice field, so I'm not sure what to make of this. Chizik was asked about Carter and I found his answer intriguing:

Again, I don’t go into the injury situation, but right now, we don’t anticipate him playing on Saturday.”

Notice that he doesn't say it's an injury situation. Those are two separate statements.


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Three things come to mind...

If Tate saw him on the practice field, he probably wasn't hurt yet. Obviously the missing critical information from that is when he saw Carter and what he saw Carter doing.

The second thought is that there are varying degrees of hurt. If Carter has a broken femur, he probably won't be going through motions on the field. However, if he sustained a concussion, AC might be running around just fine, but he probably wont be in pads taking hits.

Third, Tate is reaching with his last comment listed in the quote, and in doing so, acting like one of us rather than the journalist that he is. Chizik threw out compound sentence. Independent clauses tend to be separate statements.

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I am hearing speculation that he isn't injured but Chizik won't say that it is something else.

Would that be kind of like a rumor? :rolleyes:

I got it from Jay Tate's blog.

Hot Carter not in the picture: I thought he seemed healthy last time I saw him on a practice field, so I'm not sure what to make of this. Chizik was asked about Carter and I found his answer intriguing:

Again, I don’t go into the injury situation, but right now, we don’t anticipate him playing on Saturday.”

Notice that he doesn't say it's an injury situation. Those are two separate statements.


Sounds like Tate's just trying to drum up a little more business.

I can promise you that as late as 3 weeks ago, he had no lateral movement and was wearing a knee brace. He couldn't even go through the drills normally.

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I am hearing speculation that he isn't injured but Chizik won't say that it is something else.

Would that be kind of like a rumor? :rolleyes:

No. A rumor would be like:

I heard he was being held out a few games because he got caught on security tape sneaking onto one of the coach's homes and was filmed watching TV on a beanbag chair, naked, all while eating a bag of Cheetos taken from the coach's pantry. That probably will cost him 3 games.

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I am hearing speculation that he isn't injured but Chizik won't say that it is something else.

Would that be kind of like a rumor? :rolleyes:

No. A rumor would be like:

I heard he was being held out a few games because he got caught on security tape sneaking onto one of the coach's homes and was filmed watching TV on a beanbag chair, naked, all while eating a bag of Cheetos taken from the coach's pantry. That probably will cost him 3 games.

LMAO, I have done worse drunk

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What IS the situation on Carter. He is a big cog in our wheel.

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Well, Carter was never redshirted, he played as a true freshman. If he is indeed not ready to go physically or the coaches just want to hold him out, he has a redshirt year to use.

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