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is this election a 'done deal'?


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please no partisan jabs...just fair & balanced discussion.

i visited another political board awhile ago for the first time in awhile.

that board has considerably more libs on it than we do here, but they more or less already had this election in the bag for kerry....

what do you think?


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Gotta have a platform. After a while, "hate Bush, hate Bush,etc.," gets old. And those on the fence will see it also.

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Gotta have a platform. After a while, "hate Bush, hate Bush,etc.," gets old. And those on the fence will see it also.

This is my take too. The rah rah rallies will fade as more and more folks question the gigolo. His flip flops will be joked about. Bush doesn really need money, he has the bully pulpit.

Month after month of "I hate Bush" will eventually get BORING to the voters. Kerry has no plan for anything else and he must constantly explain his flip flops in detail. BORING....

The only axiom truer than "It's the economy stupid" is "Dont bore the voters."

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I think this election will be pretty close, just like the last one, barring any big hit one or the other of them take prior to the election. If things pretty much continue on the path they're on now...steady progress toward democracy in Iraq (albeit with fits and starts and setbacks), slow but continued decrease in unemployment, continued growth in the stock market, continued progress in war on terror (catching Al Qaeda operatives), etc., etc., I think Bush wins a close one. Bigger than the win over Gore, but no more than 2-3%

If one or more of those things don't go so well, you may be looking at a close Kerry victory.

If any of those things does markedly better...job growth takes off, stock market rockets forward, things settle down in Iraq, we capture or kill Bin Ladin, etc., then I think Bush wins pretty big.

This campaign is just getting started and there have been no debates between the two of them...these polls just don't mean a whole lot this far out.

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but they more or less already had this election in the bag for kerry....

If I remember correctly, the same was said for Mondale and Du-tax-us at about this time in the election process, because that's what the liberal media wanted us to believe, then and now.

But, the American people are smarter than that, the majority absolutely do NOT want a tax and spend, weak on defense liberal in the White House. Kerry's true colors are coming out on his liberalism, along with his un-American activities when he returned from Vietnam.

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Dukakis was 17% points ahead in some polls of the first President Bush this far out from the election. That one ended as follows:

Popular vote:

Bush 53.4%

Dukakis 45.6%

Other 1%

Electoral College:

Bush 426

Dukakis 111

Other 1

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Personally, I think Bush has an uphill battle to fight. I am a big Bush supporter, too.

I think his policies are solid and he is FAR from the typical president. He is willing to take a stand for something rather than straddle the fence. That is something you RARELY see with politicians Right AND Left. The economy is picking back up now that his policies are taking effect. (Yes, HIS policies, not Clinton's.)

The problem with the Bush presidency has been the PR. It has been a PR disaster for the most part. The administration has done very little to answer the liberal slant the media has layed on the president. The average "i dont care about politics" US citizen is hearing nothing but negative from the popular outspoken Libs in Hollywood, NY, etc. These media hotbeds have picked up on this and broadcast a comedic charicature of President Bush rather than the real thing. SNL skits are NOT reality, but the average American has had no other glimpses into what President Bush is really like.

Im hoping that the Bush administration will begin their campaigns against these charicatures soon. If the Bush administration can make this campaign about substance rather than flash, Bush will win by a landslide. If they have no answer to the liberal's paintings of Bush, the "W" presidency will end this year.

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gotta say, the more i hear, the more it seems that everyone is accepting the fact that bush won't be re-elected.

dick morris said last night on o'reilly that bush is letting too much time pass (after knowing who the nominee is) before he starts his campaign in earnest.

on another note, he firmly believes hilary will be the VP nominee.

time will tell....


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on another note, he firmly believes hilary will be the VP nominee.

I saw a poll where Kerry drops significantly against Bush with Hillary as VP...

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gotta say, the more i hear, the more it seems that everyone is accepting the fact that bush won't be re-elected.

dick morris said last night on o'reilly that bush is letting too much time pass (after knowing who the nominee is) before he starts his campaign in earnest.

on another note, he firmly believes hilary will be the VP nominee. 

time will tell....


gotta say, the more i hear, the more it seems that everyone is accepting the fact that bush won't be re-elected.

dick morris said last night on o'reilly that bush is letting too much time pass (after knowing who the nominee is) before he starts his campaign in earnest.

President Bush can't risk running a nice campaign for too long, and I think we will see the gloves come off soon. Secretary Powell took a pretty decent shot at Kerry and his smear artists a couple of days ago on the Hannity and Colmes show. They (Team Bush) need to take the offensive more often and expose this piece of trash for what he really is at every opportunity.

on another note, he firmly believes hilary will be the VP nominee.

God help us all if this does happen. Also, it might be wise for Mr Kerry to keep his eye on the Veep at all times. Last I heard, the body count of people involved with the Clintons that died in mysterious circumstances was near 80. As my granddaddy used to say, "That boy is playing with a rattlesnake".

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morris went on to note that no incumbent who eventually went on to re-election had ever been behind in the polls in march...AND that bush was actually farther (further?) behind than the current 8-11% you see him at because the undecideds usually fall toward the challenger, not the incumbent.

i'm certainly not trying to be a henny-penny -- i just find politics very interesting. i would never think to be confident this far out....

on a side note, as a kid, i remember an adult saying that nothing will bring forth a fight any quicker than a discussion on religion or politics. at the time, i remembered thinking that arguing over politics seemed silly.

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I think that the GOP and Bush should not run any ads until after the Democratic convention. I think the more of this Kerry guy that the average American voter sees, the better. His record definitely speaks for itself.

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I think that the GOP and Bush should not run any ads until after the Democratic convention. I think the more of this Kerry guy that the average American voter sees, the better.  His record definitely speaks for itself.

They can't (and shouldn't) risk sitting back and taking these kidney blows from Kerry without countering with a rabbit punch themselves. The media have been and will continue to cram this guy down America's throat. The result of Bush remaining silent amidst these untruths Kerry is spewing out will be an even more one sided misrepresentation of the campaign than what we already have. If he chooses this route, Bush should hope that Kerry makes a complete jackass out of himself (a la Dean) on live national TV (the networks will smooth over any recorded gaffe).

But then again, according to Michael Moore and the pinheads at the DU, we already have Bin Laden in custody and Bush is waiting for the GOP convention to parade him out in front of the cameras ;) .

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Well, I also saw the Morris interview last night, I found it quite interesting. I think he made a few good points though, that right now the public isn't hearing anything (in my opinion) from the Bush camp. He hasn't really tried to attack Kerry on any front.

Also, I think that Morris was definately right on one thing, the American public thinks the war on terror is essentially over, which is why domestic issues are at the top of people's mind. Generally speaking, in times of war the public wants a Republican, in times of peace (which is what this is being perceived as) people want a Democrat to deal with domestic issues (education, health care, social security, etc.).

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Also, I think that Morris was definately right on one thing, the American public thinks the war on terror is essentially over,

When this all started I was thinking that the general public has a short memory. They also seem to have very little ability to think in long range terms. For many September 11, 2001 was an extremely long time ago, almost ancient history. The war on terrorism is not just a time in Afghanistan and Iraq, but a long range commitment to stopping terrorism. Much was done and accomplished in both countries, but much still needs to be done. Merely capturing, killing or confirming the death of Osama bin Laden will not be the end of the war on terror. There has to be a great deal of education and changing of minds around the world before terrorism will be eliminated. But there is too much hate, intolerance, and ethnocentrism for terrorism to be completely eradicated.

which is why domestic issues are at the top of people's mind.

Don't you also think the democrats strategy is to keep the focus of the election away from 9/11? Away from the high points of the Bush foreign policies? The democrats will attempt to take 9/11 and the war on terrorism off the table and make it a non issue. It only seems logical that they would do that. The republicans must not allow the democrats to define the Bush presidency.

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To anyone else who saw the Morris interview, what did you think about the part where he said that if Billary doesnt get to handpick the VP, they would backstab Kerry all the way to November. That's what I look for in a public servant.

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Don't you also think the democrats strategy is to keep the focus of the election away from 9/11? Away from the high points of the Bush foreign policies? The democrats will attempt to take 9/11 and the war on terrorism off the table and make it a non issue. It only seems logical that they would do that. The republicans must not allow the democrats to define the Bush presidency.

Mike, if I ever run for office I want you as my campaign manager!! You have these rats in the crosshairs. Just as Kerry's group are hawking his (undeserved) war hero status, the Bush team needs to lay out a hard hitting, "take no prisoners" battleplan that highlights the tremendous accomplishments the country has made under his leadership, and how they were able to accomplish these extraordinary feats despite the dissenting votes of Senator Kerry. They have to hit the airwaves hard and show the public the dangerous non-chalant attitude Kerry has towards national security and defense.

9-11 happened 3 years ago, and it has been through the blessing of God and strong homeland defense measures that have avoided additional attacks up to now. The war is no where near over, and if we halt the offensive now against these savages, we will most definitely see more bloodshed here in the US. Everyone with a smidgen of common sense can see the consequences of a Kerry victory IRT national security. These bloodthirsty murderers are rooting for him so they can pick up the pieces and regroup in order to strike us again.

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...he said that if Billary doesnt get to handpick the VP, they would backstab Kerry all the way to November. That's what I look for in a public servant.

At this point in time, there can be no question as to the lack of the Clinton's commitment to public service. These 2 people have been after #1 their entire lives. The only question in their minds is which of them is the current #1. Remember the pardoning fiasco on the last day of his Presidency. That act right there is far below anything that Bush has even come close to doing. And Kerry called this administration crooked!!!???

The day she sticks her head up into the Presidency or VP limelight, she is going to be bombarded about the political payoffs and tricks she and Bill committed on that last day...

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Well, here is a problem I see now. Many people don't understand that the media pretty much defines who the politicians are, which is unfortunate. Only those who dig and read their own sources of info get a full view of what's going on. That being said, I think that the public perseption of Bush is this, that he has put all of his effort into the "War on Terror" and no effort here at home. Now whether or not that is true can be argued forever on this board, but that is the perception.

Bush needs to prove to the American people that he cares about domestic policy and counter Kerry's ideas with better ones. Right now all I am hearing from him through major news outlets is "I think the economy is good." and "we are winning the War on Terror." Sorry, that isn't going to get him elected. He needs to focus on Domestic policy. Right now, that's what's on people's minds.

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I saw the Morris interview last night and I think he made some good points. I'm no campaign expert but I do think Bush better go on the attack as Morris suggests. Once he gets down in the polls and time goes on, it will be harder to recover. I think he is also making the same mistake Bush, Sr. did in not recognizing the importance of ther economy issue (it's the economy stupid) and trying to gloss it over. I too found Morris's comments on Hillary interesting. After all, Morris worked with the Clintons so who knows them better than he. I just fin this whole NY/Mass/kerry/Clinton/Kennedy thing nauseating and wonder what the rest of the country can possible see in this. :angry:

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yes, morris' comments on hilary having to be on the ticket were interested, and couched in such a way that kerry already had the election won.

he went on to say that if kerry lost this fall, it didn't matter if hilary were on the ticket or not.

i saw her interviewed by someone...lou dobbs maybe...and she totally left herself open to the idea of VP...

very interesting.


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