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With so much at stake Saturday in SEC champ game what all fan bases will pick sides and be cheering for us or against us? I know the the hogs will yell some war eagles so they get the Sugar bowl bid.

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Hmm, I think most non-SEC college football fans will be rooting for Auburn b/c they want to see Auburn and Oregon play for all the marbles.

BCS haters will pull against us AND against Oregon b/c they will want to see BCS chaos.

Our traditional rivals will pull against us b/c, well...they don't like us.

Just my off the top of the head thoughts.

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I am pulling for you guys to beat South Carolina for the simple reason that I don't want to play against TCU in a title game. Not that I don't think we match up well or think Auburn is an easier opponent... it's just it seems appropriate to play an SEC Champion in a title game. It'd also be the first ever meeting between Pac-10 and SEC teams in a BCS game, let alone the Title Game.

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I am pulling for you guys to beat South Carolina for the simple reason that I don't want to play against TCU in a title game. Not that I don't think we match up well or think Auburn is an easier opponent... it's just it seems appropriate to play an SEC Champion in a title game. It'd also be the first ever meeting between Pac-10 and SEC teams in a BCS game, let alone the Title Game.

Welcome to the board! Hopefully we'll see you around for the next few weeks if we're on a collision course after Saturday.

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I am pulling for you guys to beat South Carolina for the simple reason that I don't want to play against TCU in a title game. Not that I don't think we match up well or think Auburn is an easier opponent... it's just it seems appropriate to play an SEC Champion in a title game. It'd also be the first ever meeting between Pac-10 and SEC teams in a BCS game, let alone the Title Game.

Welcome to the board! Hopefully we'll see you around for the next few weeks if we're on a collision course after Saturday.

Thank you for the welcome.

Truthfully, I've always been a closet fan of Auburn football. I have 2 "cousins" (daughters of my mom's best friend, so not actual cousins but none the less) who attended Auburn and even got to see an Auburn game a few years back (when you guys smashed Washington State, 41-14) at Jordan Hare.

That being said, I'm a die hard Duck fan (UO Alum, just like my Dad and Granddad.) Really do hope we'll be seeing each other in January. Could end up being one of the best title games in history.

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I've been somewhat of a closet Duck fan for a little while. Never followed in any great detail, but I don't hate them and have always enjoyed watching them play. Even in their butt ugly uni's :poke:

I'd much sooner go out of my way to watch Oregon play than BSU and TCU, that's for sure.

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Welcome DixieDuck. My sister lives in Oregon (Brookings). In prior years she's sent me an Oregon T-shirt with that odd "O" on it and an OSU cap with the beaver logo.

She doesn't care about football, so she sent me one each. She's a U of Miami grad.

I hope we play Oregon in the BSU game. I think that's the matchup the whole country wants to see. Well, maybe not TCU fans.

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I've been somewhat of a closet Duck fan for a little while. Never followed in any great detail, but I don't hate them and have always enjoyed watching them play. Even in their butt ugly uni's :poke:

I'd much sooner go out of my way to watch Oregon play than BSU and TCU, that's for sure.

Yeah, our uniforms are perplexing... some I absolutely love and would argue with anyone about to my last breath (All green, green and black, white and black, all black, the chrome helmets, etc...) others are just plain ugly (yellow tops, white helmets, the rose bowl uniforms last year, etc.) That's the nice thing... there's always at least ONE combo that ANYBODY can like.

Agree wholeheartedly about TCU. A small part of me wanted to play BSU though... The Ducks had unfinished business with Boise. :shoot:

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Welcome DixieDuck. My sister lives in Oregon (Brookings). In prior years she's sent me an Oregon T-shirt with that odd "O" on it and an OSU cap with the beaver logo.

She doesn't care about football, so she sent me one each. She's a U of Miami grad.

I hope we play Oregon in the BSU game. I think that's the matchup the whole country wants to see. Well, maybe not TCU fans.

Brookings is a beautiful town. I've been there only once (kind of out of the way) but enjoyed my trip.

We still have one game to go against those (usually pesky) Beavers which isn't a give me but I feel pretty safe, the Beavers aren't the same team without James Rodgers and have a fairly pedestrian 5-6 record. We lose to them and we don't deserve a shot at the BCS Title. I'm looking forward to watching the SEC Championship Game. Figures to be entertaining... I'll be honest, before Saturday I was predicting y'all to drop one of these last two. That comeback though thoroughly convinced me that I was wrong. I think the die is cast... we'll see though.

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I am pulling for you guys to beat South Carolina for the simple reason that I don't want to play against TCU in a title game. Not that I don't think we match up well or think Auburn is an easier opponent... it's just it seems appropriate to play an SEC Champion in a title game. It'd also be the first ever meeting between Pac-10 and SEC teams in a BCS game, let alone the Title Game.

Welcome aboard! Hopefully we'll have much to talk about after Saturday...

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Brookings is a beautiful town. I've been there only once (kind of out of the way) but enjoyed my trip.

We still have one game to go against those (usually pesky) Beavers which isn't a give me but I feel pretty safe, the Beavers aren't the same team without James Rodgers and have a fairly pedestrian 5-6 record. We lose to them and we don't deserve a shot at the BCS Title. I'm looking forward to watching the SEC Championship Game. Figures to be entertaining... I'll be honest, before Saturday I was predicting y'all to drop one of these last two. That comeback though thoroughly convinced me that I was wrong. I think the die is cast... we'll see though.

I'd like to extend a welcome as well, always good to hear from other fans.

Agreed on Oregon State, they're just not the same without Rogers. They're usually good for a surprise or two in Corvallis (a couple of wins over USC the past few years come to mind), I think it's pretty much a slam dunk for Oregon this year. If Oregon and :au: meet in the Championship Game, should be a good one...

For my money, Willamette Valley is easily one of the most beautiful areas of the country, and the best wine region hands down. We try to make a yearly journey that way to hit the vineyards, always a great time.

Also agreed on the... perplexing... uniforms :)

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Brookings is a beautiful town. I've been there only once (kind of out of the way) but enjoyed my trip.

We still have one game to go against those (usually pesky) Beavers which isn't a give me but I feel pretty safe, the Beavers aren't the same team without James Rodgers and have a fairly pedestrian 5-6 record. We lose to them and we don't deserve a shot at the BCS Title. I'm looking forward to watching the SEC Championship Game. Figures to be entertaining... I'll be honest, before Saturday I was predicting y'all to drop one of these last two. That comeback though thoroughly convinced me that I was wrong. I think the die is cast... we'll see though.

I'd like to extend a welcome as well, always good to hear from other fans.

Agreed on Oregon State, they're just not the same without Rogers. They're usually good for a surprise or two in Corvallis (a couple of wins over USC the past few years come to mind), I think it's pretty much a slam dunk for Oregon this year. If Oregon and :au: meet in the Championship Game, should be a good one...

For my money, Willamette Valley is easily one of the most beautiful areas of the country, and the best wine region hands down. We try to make a yearly journey that way to hit the vineyards, always a great time.

Also agreed on the... perplexing... uniforms :)

I grew up right outside Dundee in the heart of Oregon's wine country.

Corvallis can be a tough place, for sure. But Oregon's last trip there was one of the fonder games in Civil War history, a 65-38 beatdown where we killed the Beavs chances of a Rose Bowl. Did it again last year but in much more competitive fashion (37-33, my last game at Autzen as a student.) They are seriously looking to return the favor(s) but I just don't think they have the guns on offense to keep up... or even close. And on Defense, the best hope they have is to stack the box and use Pea (a stud D-Linemen they have) to shut down James and make Thomas beat them with his arm and legs... which he can do.

South Carolina looks good but if Garcia is injured... they are toast. Even with him and Lattimore at 100%... I just don't see anybody slowing down the Cam Newton show. Should be a good game though.

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An Oregon T-shirt with that odd "O" on it.

BTW, The odd O you are referring too is a Nike design which is actually an aerial view of Autzen stadium around the outer edge and the Hayward Field track (home to Steve Prefontaine, a UO runner who was a distance running legend, and many Oregon NCAA Track and Field National Titles) on the inner edge. Hence the slightly odd shape unless you know what your looking at.

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Hello all!! I am also new to join but have been following this board for several months now. On the topic, from my experience most non SEC fans are just plain tired of seeing us in the BCS NCG. That's the feeling I get anyway...

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I saw a Sports Illustrated article recently that tried to predict an Oregon-Auburn NC Game. It was kind of tongue in cheek but I can't say I didn't like their conclusions... 66-63, Oregon.

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