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Has anyone heard anything on recruiting other than the few big players we have verbals from? I refuse to pay for a rivals account. I just hope this "investigation" aka witch hunt doesn't affect young men's decisions to play at Auburn. Especially if this turns out to be a long drawn out process like the whole Reggie Bush deal...

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Has anyone heard anything on recruiting other than the few big players we have verbals from? I refuse to pay for a rivals account. I just hope this "investigation" aka witch hunt doesn't affect young men's decisions to play at Auburn. Especially if this turns out to be a long drawn out process like the whole Reggie Bush deal...

Enrique Florence, Marcus Roberson, Gabe Wright, Kris Frost, and Greg Robinson have been considered likely to be AU locks for some time now. Maybe Meta will come by and give you some more info as far as other targets, he's usually in the know about recruiting.

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We're in really good shape for some top prospects, who will walk late. Between now and then, Robinson and Sigler are likely to be the next names you'll hear.

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What are the priorities this year? Assume a QB always and DBacks...what do we think?

Frazier should settle the QB need, and Coach Chizik has publicly stated that signing the nation's #1 group of DB's is his top priority.

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I agree with signing plenty of blue chip secondary players...hopefully the kid Rose from Leeds turns out to be the lock down cover corner that we have lacked for a while

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